
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My Wacky Writing Life and A-Z

I'm back! It's been a wonderful few months off, but I didn't get nearly as much done as I had planned. I'm starting to figure out the best times for me to write, and that was a huge accomplishment.

I'm such a fickle creature (speaking of creatures, please see below). Once upon a time, everything had to be perfect; a whole day to write, nobody home, right mood, right background noise--or maybe that was me procrastinating.

The next obstacle I put in my own way was my fear of putting the words down on paper because they weren't good enough or perfect enough yet. Pretty much got over that, and yeah, even after editing, it's never going to be perfect.

Then, almost a year ago I went back to my day job and boy, did that throw a wrench in things. I wrote next to nothing during this time--I edited my second book, but writing? Nah, it was a no-go-lost-my-mojo.

Now I'm learning to steal minutes here and there. Mostly "there," aka Starbucks at lunchtime. There was a time when it took me an hour to even settle in, let alone write. But I've found this works better for me than evenings, because I am absolutely worthless after work--I've never been a high energy person. And I have yet to discipline myself enough to settle in at home on the weekends to get much done--way too many distractions. Still not settled in to a perfect writing routine, because that would require being a full time writer.

But I've begun to write again. Finally.

Yeah, I know I am one wacky writer!

What are your idiosyncrasies?
What works for you?

I'm doing the A-Z with Untethered Realms.
If you like spec-fic, you're going to love the creatures theme taken from the creatures in our group's books.