
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

IWSG: Journey From YA to Adult Cozy

So--I missed my monthly Insecure Writer's Support Group post last month. I remembered, but then I got busy and forgot. Please forgive me if you stopped by and I wasn't here!

If you're a writer and want to join us on the first Wednesday of every month, go HERE.

Thank you to Alex Cavanaugh and his co-hosts:

This month's question: When do you know your story is ready?

Do you ever know? I've let stories out into the world knowing I've done the best I could. But as time goes by and my writing improves, my opinion on whether it was ready to be released changes. If it's been self-edited numerous times, and critiqued, and an editor declares it ready--and if you've done the best you can--then it must be ready!

What is my current insecurity?

I'm taking characters from my YA series and making them grow up. This series will be more main stream paranormal cozy mystery for adults. So--it will still have ghosties, but no demons or soul suckers or baddies like that. It will just be your regular run of the mill cozy murder (which means no blatant violence, gore or sex). I'm gearing a new website towards this series and even having a blog header made which will feature the town where the series takes place. 

The Problem? The YA series never took off due to a myriad of reasons, but mostly my inexperience. So I know writing this adult series with the same characters is a risk.

Also, "cozy" is a special genre of mystery. It's not for everyone because it's very tame when compared to other novels out there on tap. Most indie authors don't write cozy mysteries. I'd love to touch base with some so if you know any, please leave their blog or website in the comments.

Do you know any cozy mystery authors?

Am I wasting my time?

Also, there's this:

The Ghosts of Fire anthology by the authors at Untethered Realms is out now! If you'd like a free review copy, let me know!

Have you ever taken a series from Young Adult to Adult?

How is your writing going?