
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

#IWSG : #Writing and The Ticking Time Clock

It's the first post of the year for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Our #WritingCommunity consists of writers of every genre, and all levels of experience. Everyone is welcome. If you'd like to join, go HERE

Many thanks to our founder and host, Alex Cavanaugh, and our awesome co-hosts for this month: T. Powell Coltrin, Victoria Marie Lees, Stephen Tremp, Renee Scattergood, and J.H. Moncrieff!

If you can't think about what to write, here is this month's optional question:

What started you on your writing journey? Was it a particular book, movie, story, or series? Was it a teacher/coach/spouse/friend/parent? Did you just "know" suddenly you wanted to write?


Like most writers, my journey started with a love of reading. The discovery of the school library somewhere around third grade (late to be introduced to books, in my opinion) is when it all started for me. The whole class tromped down to the library together. This was around the time when writing book reports became part of the curriculum. Most kids grumbled about it, but I secretly loved it. 

It never occurred to me that I could be a writer until later in life. Education or book learning wasn't a high priority growing up. I knew that "IF" I graduated from high school, I was going to work. College didn't appear on my very short list of options.  

Long story short, I did go to college as an older adult (encouraged by my very supportive hubby) and earned a BA in English Literature. I got to read a lot! And write a lot!  I started questioning what I could do with my life. Up until this time, I worked and went to school and took care of my family. 

But what did I want? 

The answer was writing. Even so, it took me a long while to follow through--because life, and fear, and doubt.... 

And eventually...

There is a sell-by date on our lives that we don't tend to notice until middle age. The thought that time might run out before accomplishing something in life.

And so I decided to start writing. Better late than never. 

The ticking time clock spurred me on. 

What about you? 

Were you spurred on by a ticking clock? 

Or had you always known you wanted to be a writer?