
Thursday, May 10, 2012

My New Author's Blog


Welcome to my new author's blog - I'm so glad you found me. Most of you know me as Lady Gwen, from Run Gwen Run! Write Gwen Write! 

If you followed me from Run Gwen, Run! then you know I busted out a move and I'm glad you joined me!

Let me explain:

When I started my blog in 2009, it was to find and give support to those who were trying to live a healthier lifestyle through exercise and healthy eating.

Little did I know that I'd find a whole community of writers!

It was serendipitous.

Did you ever feel that things were falling into place and that someone, a higher hand, was guiding you? A nudge here, and gentle point over there? That's what blogging has been like for me.

Without going into a big, long story, I've wanted to write for a long time. When I finally decided to get started in 2009, I had no idea you were all out there.

I came looking for something else, and found YOU!

I've been struggling for a while whether to split my blog or not. I knew I needed a new author platform separate from my running-turned-writing blog, but the thought of starting over to recruit followers over to my new blog has been holding me back. I still want you to follow Run Gwen, Run!, too. Yes, I want it all!
I've written my first novel, Givin' Up The Ghost, and I figured it was time to create an author's site, since, you know, I'm an author now! I've decided to self-publish when the final edits are done, hopefully in July, or maybe August. I will let you know when it's more definite.

But for now, I'd like to share a scene from my novel:

Illustration by Corona Zschusschen

So I decided to quit waffling and busted out a move!

I'm not as cute as this little guy,
but my moves are similar!

I am awarding major blog-buddy points if you'll help me spread the word!

Thank you, my awesome blogsome friends!


  1. Okay! Here I am with my cha-cha-slide dancing shoes on!! Glad to see you making this move. It's wonderful to read of you grabbing a hold of your publishing destiny given the wonderful encouragement I've received from you at my own blog. You are Rock Star Awesome!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. S.P., Yay - you made it :)

    Angela, A Rock Star?! Thank you!!! *blushes*

    Alex, Woo Hoo, you found me!

  4. Found you, yay! I'm your fourth old follower. Congrats on taking the plunge and not wishing you could Should I drop your old blog? If so, how do I do that on the new Blogger format, please?

  5. Very nice blog! Those little dancers are mesmerizing. Tweeted this link, hopefully some others will find it.

  6. I like your blog. And I love the dancers! Good luck.

  7. Kittie, I hope you still follow my old blog - I'm remodeling and making it into something healthy and inspirational!

    Joshua - Yay, you did find me again:)

    Sharon, thanks hon - sometimes you just gotta dance :) *hugs*

    Jenny, welcome and thank you!

    Jeanne, thanks. I'm still working on it :)

  8. Your new blog looks so pretty! I'll be sure to spread the word on the 16th :)

    Also, really looking forward to hearing more about your book--that's so exciting!!

  9. Yay! Love your new Blog and I'm so glad to stalk - I mean - follow you. :)

    Michelle ;)

  10. Hope you continue to grow as a writer, Gwen. Good luck with your future projects.

  11. Meradeth, thanks, it's still a work in progress :)

    Michelle, stalk me any time, lol!

    Jarmara, definitely working on it and learning a lot.

  12. Love your new blog and book title!
    And that 2 year old dancing was so cute:D

  13. Elise, thank you. Isn't that little boy the sweetest lil' thing?!

  14. I like both of your blogs. I'll follow both.

  15. Regarding your comment on my blog about MG reading: Try anything by Astrid Lindgren or Diana Wynne Jones. They are the Queens of MG and YA.

  16. Clarissa, thank you! I'm feeling a bit discombobulated with 2 blogs, and like neither of them is finished. I have some work to do :)

    Cat, thanks for the tips. I picked a a book by Diana Wynne Jones this morning:)

    Miranda, Thank you - I still have a bit of work to do.

  17. Thanks for following me earlier and here I am! Love that kid dancing - awesome. Congrats on the new site.

  18. Jaye, my pleasure! Isn't he the cutest boy? Thanks for following :)

  19. Yay! I found you too. Omg, that little boy is GORGEOUS! And what a good dancer too. I will tweet your new blog and put it on my sidebar too :)

  20. Woohoo! A new blog! I tweeted the link :-)

  21. Claire - so cute, isn't he? Thanks for finding me and tweeting:)

    Rachel, thank you so much - wait, come baaack, you didn't follow, LOL!

  22. Hi, Gwen. I'm a new follower and fellow YA author. It's nice to meet you. I hope you'll stop by blog and consider following me back.

    1. Hi Kelly, welcome aboard! I just visited your site - very cool:)


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