
Monday, July 23, 2012

BuccFest Wk3: Current Read & TBR's

Welcome to Monday of Week 3 of the Buccaneer Blogfest hosted by Sharon Bayliss and Court Young. You can still join by going HERE.

Today's questions are, "What are you reading?" and "What books are on your shelf?"

What are you reading?

I usually read several books at a time: something for fun, something classic, and something inspirational. Like most writer's, I love to read, and my interests are wide and varied. I generally only get the chance to read at night, so I start with something inspirational before I get too sleepy, and only read about two pages. Yes, it takes a long time to finish the book, but I always want to end my day with something positive, something to think about, something to fill my heart and something to wake up feeling good about!

Most of the classics are free on Amazon Kindle. FREE BOOKS, PEOPLE! Can you believe it?!

Then I read whatever else I'm in the mood for, until I'm too sleepy. These days, I really don't get very far!

Here are my currents:

For fun: Urchin King, a historical fantasy by Katharina Gerlach - who happens to be one of our blogging buddies!

Here's the description from Amazon.

A Classic: Our Mutual Friend, by Charles Dickens, which happens to be FREE on Amazon Kindle!

Here's the description from Amazon.

For Inspiration: Everyday a Friday by Joel Osteen.

Here's a description from Amazon.

What books are on your shelf?

I have so many books on my TBR shelf, so I'll just name a few:


  1. Thanks for having my books on your shelf! I've never read any of Osteen's books, but I have caught his program a few times. He's an amazing speaker.

  2. Thanks for sharing your bookshelf with us! Your list sounds similar to mine.
    And I am going to try a set up like you have, although I am also putting in a writing craft book in the mix. 'm sure you will notice from my list that I read A LOT of books like that!

  3. Wow, that is a big TBR - I spot a couple on there that I want to read. I love having books recomemended, I am a rather harsh reader... if it doesn't capture my attention I don't get past the first three chapters. Terrible I know. One book- Cross-stitch series by Diana Gabaldon - The beginning is rather slow and I ALMOST stopped, but then she stepped through time and swoon - it was SO good. :)

  4. Omg. Insurgent and Divergent were on my TBR list for a year. So glad I finished them! That's great that you fall asleep reading something inspirational much better than something scary! :)

  5. Your TBR list is stressing me out, it's so long! I'm a pretty slow reader too, I just can't find the time.

  6. LOL, I have 29 books on my TBR list on Goodreads, including Alex's! I've read Insurgent and Wilde's Army . . . I assume you've read those first books then. I read all of those this past month . . . love summer:-)

  7. The current book I'm reading I won't name as I'm not really enjoying it much, but I have The Selection by Kiera Cass, and Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore sitting right next to me and I can't wait to dig into them!

  8. Alex, I like his style - no fire and brimstone, just positivity.

    Ink, I have tons of writing books as well, lol!

    Jade, I used to read Diana Gabaldon and loved her - I think at one point I had to wait too long between books and sort of moved on to other things.

    Court, I can't wait to read Insurgent - I'm just being tight-fisted right now and don't want to spend money on a hardback!

    Sharon, it is a ponderous chain, isn't it?

    Jamie, I wish I had nothing to do but read all day!

    Meradeth, I'll have to check those books out - my TBR list needs to be a little longer:)


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