
Thursday, July 12, 2012

June Goal Results and July Goals

So I've sort of been called out by my friend Deborah Walker about posting my June goal results and new goals for July. Which is the whole point in telling the world what my goals are. It keeps me accountable.

So here we go!

June Goals:
  • Write 50,000 words toward my next novel in the Indigo Eady Mystery series, A Guilty Ghost Surprised. Goal! Completed 50K+ doing BuNoWriMo.
  • Read four books. Fail. I only read three: End of Days, Wilde's Fire and Labyrinth.
  • Post 2-3 blog posts per week. Goal! I posted ten times!
  • Visit 25 awesome blogs per week. Not sure. I didn't keep track, but going through my email, I visited at least 75...I'll try keeping better track.
I'm very happy with June results:)

July Goals:

  • Write a synopsis of a novela idea I had during BuNo which involves some different sort of characters in a different sort of world. Intrigued? Good!
  • Complete 150 pages of final (hopefully) edits on Givin' Up The Ghost.
  • Paste together, A Guilty Ghost Surprised. This is what I wrote during BuNoWriMo, but I zipped through the outline and ended up writing a bunch of separate scenes that now need to be added. Not a small job, as I have to now figure out where the buggers go! 
  • Read three books.
  • Platform build for my new blog.
  • Contact 50 followers from my old blog and invite them to re-follow me on my new blog.  
  • Visit 25 awesome blogs per week.
Yeah, not much writing going on in July, because there's too much other stuff going on.

What are your goals for July?


  1. Hey, you did a great job with your June goals. The book reading goal may not have been 100% but you were awful close. Plus, the writing is what got a great deal of attention and that is always good.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your July goals. I know you can do it!

  2. Three books isn't fail!
    One goal for me - finish first draft of next book.

  3. Wow! Three books? I'm still reading one I started last month. But I'm also beta reading and editing for two other peeps.

  4. Angela, I was really close. I only read at night and then I get too sleepy. But you're right, the writing was the most important part and I'm very pleased with that part of my goal.

    Alex, thanks. It was a bit ambitious. BuNo helped me with the writing goal, and it looks like it helped you, too. Goooo, Alex!

    Shelly, I love to read, but like you, other things get in the way. Beta/Editing is time consuming, but how fun is that?

  5. These are great goals! I hope you achieve most if not all of it!

  6. Congratulations on achieving so many of your goals. I need to find a way to hold myself more accountable for my goals. You have done so much. Way to go, finishing A Guilty Ghost Surprised.

    I am a new follower from the Buccaneer Blogfest.

  7. Always good to have goals! I need to critique two novels for friends, blog 3x a week for the Buccaneer blogfest, finish edits on 18 Things, and reach 60,000 words on my W.I.P (at 15,000 now). ~Cheers:-)

  8. Melissa, thank you! This accountable thing is working for me:)

    Jamie, sooo, not up to much, huh? LOL!

  9. Wow. 50K words in June is just incredible, Gwen. I am in awe. Also I'll be keeping a look out for the report of July's goal!

    Keep up the great work.

  10. Deborah, I did BuNoWriMo, $50K in 30 days. Otherwise I never would have made it. But it proved to me that goal-setting works!


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