
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Insecure Writers Support Group: Blah Blah Blah

Wow, has it been a month since my last Insecure Writer's Support Group post? Many thanks to Alex Cavanaugh for hosting!

I'm trying to think of something new that I'm insecure about, but really, it's just the same old stuff: Should I self-publish and is my novel good enough? I know, blah blah blah! 

Well, I've decided to self-publish. My final critique is due in the next couple of weeks and I'll be working on final edits during August and hopefully setting up a blog tour for a mid to late September release. *Yikes!*

So, of course, any advice is welcome. AND if you're interested in hosting me, posting about a cover reveal or the new book release, please let me know. If not.....I'll be stalking you.

That's about all I have for today, EXCEPT, that I'm hosting a giveaway today in celebration of the month-long awesomeness of the Buccaneer Blogfest. One of the giveaways is mine, and the other is sponsored by Curiosity Quills - lots of good stuff will be given away.

Oh, and since this is the IWSG post, I'm pretty insecure about whether or not the rafflecopter will work. Yep, rafflecopter virgin here. Moving on...

So I will have two posts today! Look for my second post either right before or after this one.

Hmmm, I can't help thinking what would happen if I scheduled them to both post at the same time...yeah, cuz I think about strange things like that...

And what are you up to on this fine hump day?


  1. Good luck with your book.

    I'm still waiting on a submission to know whether that will be my next step - it's a scary wait...

    1. Thanks Annalisa, and good luck to you, as well!

  2. Good to hear you've made the decision to self-publish! Now you can move forward and finally get your book out into the world!! :D Awesome!! As for rafflecopter, I've never used it so I can't offer any advice. But I'm sure you've got it under control. :)

    1. Thanks Elise - kind of scary, you know, cuz of that failure thing:)

  3. I'd be happy to help in anyway you would like, I just had my first novel Insane Reno published so I know its always good to have people help you out, when it comes to getting it out there and getting people reading :) so anything you need just ask :)

    1. Thanks Joss, I'm sure I'll be calling on you. Congrats on Insane Reno:)

  4. Good for you! This is like a Secure Writer's Post today.

  5. Glad it's all coming together!
    I'm booked through September (I'm sorry! My schedule fills quickly.) but be happy to do a big shout-out for you on release day.

  6. Yay! I know I've got you scheduled for What's Your Nosh Tuesdays for October 2nd.

    Hugs to you,

    1. Shelly, I have you on my schedule and I'll get the questionnaire back to you soon. I wanted to check it out and see what the other interviews look like:)

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Heather - and thanks for the Follow. You may have noticed we have the same last name...?

  8. Today I received my HP laptop from QVC in the mail Getting that set up and ready to roll. My PC is like ten years old so I'm long overdue for an upgrade.

    1. Stephen, that is so exciting. It's sort of like getting a new car, isn't it? My laptop - which is what I work on exclusively - is getting up there, too.

  9. Gwen, of course I will help! You can count on me for sure and thanks for signing up to help me, many thanks!

  10. Great news! How exciting!!! :)

    What am I doing? Now that my follower gadget is fixed (had to build a new blog for that to happen) and my August IWSG post seems to be popular, I'm visiting as many blogs as I can, offering support and hoping for some blog love in return. LOL

    IWSG #179 (At least until Alex culls the list again. :P)

    1. Melissa, you had to create a new blog? Man I hate tech problems. Glad to see it's fixed now. I'll be by soon:)

  11. And now that the hurdle is jumped and the plan is in motion, it's time to start thinking about how to celebrate. Congratulations!

    1. Julie, I might have to put the celebration off for awhile, lol. Still lots of work to be done. I'll celebrate on release day:)

  12. I'd be happy to host you:-) I'm giving away 5 YA books on my blog for the blogfest ending so be sure to check it out!

    1. Jamie, thanks for your offer - I'm sure I'll be taking you up on it:) And, I entered your awesome giveaway.


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