
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Thank You! Goals! August Indies!

First things first!
Last weeks cover reveal was a huge success because of all of you!

Thank you so much to everyone who helped
with the Partners in ParanormYA Cover Reveals.

Angela Brown and I are soooo grateful!


Goals, Goals, Goals

August Goal Results:

  • Work on final final edits of Givin' Up The Ghost. Check. I did work on them, even though they weren't really complete until September. I think - come back for Friday Funnies regarding edits:)
  • Work on scheduling blog tour for GUTG self-publish release. Check. Our schedule is nearly full.
  • Work on marketing plan for GUTG. Hmmm. Yes and No. I wrote down a bunch of ideas. Does that count?
  • Work on posts for the blog tour. I've been stessing thinking about it.
  • Work on synopsis (for real this time) for BuNoWriMo idea, keeping in mind that 19th century ghostly madam's have no place in an MG novel:)There is no way I can talk myself into any kind of partial "check" on this one. I just plain did not do it.
  • Read 3 books. Check. Actually, I read 5 books. You can see them listed below.
  • Visit 20 awesome blogs per week. Maybe. Probably Not.
  • In my spare time *winks* work on 2nd draft of A Guilty Ghost Surprised. Nope, not even a little.

Looking at my list, I'm wondering what in the heck I did in August!
Oh well. Moving on.
September Goals:
  • Finish editing Givin' Up The Ghost
  • Learn how to format GUTG for publishing on Amazon
  • Finalize blog tour schedule
  • Pre-write posts for Partners in ParanormYA blog tour
  • Read 3 books
  • Post M-W-F on author blog
  • Post Fridays on Run Gwen, Run!
  • Post twice on Partner's in ParanormYA blog
  • Visit 20 blogs per week

Did you meet your August goals?

What are your goals for September?


Books read in August - 4 out of 5 were Indies!

  1. Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

What did you read? Any recommendations?


  1. I haven't thought of writing monthly goals. This is a great idea. I think I'll have to do that.

    I read a lot of books in August. I just can't remember what they were. They were good though. :D

    1. Stina, I just started writing goals a few months ago. It helps to have a list to refer to even if I don't succeed at getting them all done.

      I write what books I read on my calendar - just started that, too. With so much going on, I'd forget what I read as well:)

  2. Congrats on your cover reveal! Looks like you are keeping busy but here is another thing to add to your list. You have been tagged, playing is always an option :)

    Siv Maria's blog, Been there, done that...

    1. Oh, a tag! I'll check it out. Thanks for thinking of me, Siv:)

  3. Replies
    1. Alex, ha ha. Once I start, though, it will be fine:)

  4. So, my goals for this month include basically just not dying at my new job. If I survive that, I'm going to say I'm doing okay :)

    1. Meradeth, congrats on the new job. There's always a breaking-in and learning curve timeframe. You'll do great, I'm sure!

  5. Good luck with your goals! And I've read and really enjoyed FEARLESS and TRAITOR. I recently finished reading HAVEN 6 by Aubrie Dionne. It's action-packed with a sweet romance taking place in a science fiction environment.

    1. Cherie, I do tend to read mostly indie authors these days. Haven 6 sounds good. I'll check it out - thanks for the recommendation:)

  6. Amazing goals! So excited for the tour too. :)

    1. Mina, thanks. I'm really excited for the tour as well:)

  7. Replies
    1. Rachel, Creepy Hollow is truly one of my favorites, Indie or otherwise. I have Masquerade but haven't read it yet. I'm hoarding it, not yet ready to read it because when I'm done - I'm done. And I don't want to be done!


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