
Monday, September 24, 2012

The Daisy Award: Weird Things About Me

Yay! I received the Daisy Award from Tara Tyler.

Here's what I'm supposed to do. Thank the giver (thanks Tara!) and list 7 weird things about myself.   Umm, why would Tara think there are 7 weird things about me? It's not that whole Italian Night thing, is it? Just so you know, I had to think really hard to come up with 7 whole weird things about me! Just sayin'.
1. I don't talk to myself, I just want to make that clear. But - years ago I got into the habit of saying positive affirmations while driving in the car. Out loud. To myself. Alone. But I'm not talking to myself. And if anyone sees me, they just think I'm singing. Right? 

2. I don't grocery shop or put gas in my car, but they both magically appear when needed. I suspect a Sprite. Or maybe my husband.

3. When I go for walks, sometimes I skip. Because I still can. Because nobody can see me in our neck of the woods, erm, forest.

4. Speaking of forest, I have worn my pajamas, on a few occasions, to walk the dogs. Again, nobody can see me, except the deer and squirrels, and they're not talking.

5. I once did a run wearing two different tennis shoes and didn't notice. Sort of goes along with the time I wore two different earrings.

6. I don't like pork or beer. Yes, I'm a freak.

7. I once gave CPR to a squirrel after it fell from a tree into my dog's lap. Not mouth-to-mouth, just the chest compressions. It didn't work.

I've just realized I need to get out more because all my weirdness comes from the forest. I'm turning into a Forest Freak. Thanks Tara! Thanks a lot!

Okay, here's the fun part.


I get to pass the Daisy Award on to 5 other bloggers:

How about you?

Care to share any weird or unusual things about yourself?


  1. At my age, I get to use the word eccentric. Finally!

    1. Maria, I think I like eccentric better than weird, lol! I'll have to try that one.

  2. I've gone to a anniversary party in two different shoes. When I packed them, they looked the same. Black. Basic pump. Except one heel was slightly shorter than the other. I walked with a limp all night, but at least they weren't for the same foot. lol

    1. Stina, I laughed out loud reading your comment. A limp... *snort* That's hilarious.

  3. Forrest Freak...Forrest Freak. Love that! I say positive affirmations to myself, too, walking my neighborhood. From time to time, I wonder what the Neighborhood-Nazi's think. I mean, I'm always approached by one as to whose poo is that laying on the ground. Are they referring it to be mine? ***shrugs***

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Shelly, hahaha, the poo on the ground is too funny. Glad I don't have to deal with that. Our dogs poo in the forest and we don't have to pick it up:)

  4. Your husband does the grocery shopping and puts gas in your car? Ha! When my husband sees me heading out for groceries, he'll say, "Hey, take my car and fill it up for me while you're out."

    You lucky lady.

    Thanks for the tag. :)

    1. Linda, I had to get gas once a few years ago and had to stop to read the instructions. My daughter laughed at me.

      Yes, I am so lucky:)

  5. Gwen you are awesome! CPR on squirrels? How am I supposed to top that?! :D

    1. Elise, I hope you try really hard - it will take the focus off me, lol!

  6. Once I was walking out of a meeting at work and noticed one of my shoes was blue and one was black. Different styles too. I was stuck with mismatched shoes all day. I did my best to keep my feet under my desk the rest of the day. I am not a morning person apparently.

    1. Tonja, lol! I haven't done that, but a co-worker of mine did. I think she went home for lunch to change.

  7. I admit it. I was giggling as I read the first 6. But when I got to #7, well, I had to just shake my head in a good way though. You tried to save the darling animal. You really did. There are plenty who probably wouldn't have. And yeah, that would definitely fall under eccentric :-)

    1. Angela, yes I'm a kook. But the poor thing met it's death right in front of my eyes!

  8. I talk to myself in the grocery store. It didn't seem weird when there was a small child buckled in the front seat of the cart-- I just looked like an attentive mother. At 48, with my children fully grown, I just look like I'm responding to the voices in my head. Congratulations on your award!

    1. Julie, lol. Did I mention I don't grocery shop? HaHaHa.

  9. ha ha ha ha!
    just making you face your weirdness =)
    1) thats hilarious!
    2) lucky! do they sell those on ebay?
    3, 4 & 7) what you do in privacy doesnt make you a freak until you tell others, hee hee
    5 & 6) i'm surprised it wasnt beer causing you to mismatch! and after finding out what pigs eat, my son doesnt want pork anymore either!

    yay for gwen!

    1. Tara, you certainly did. I'm never going to live the squirell CPR thing down.

  10. Well, if you want weird things from me you'll have to wait until I give my own post :) Thanks for the award.

    I don't like pork or beer either! You are not alone.

    1. Jeanne, I know, right? I read your post but I wanted more, lol!

  11. I LOVE that you skip in the forest. I still twirl just to watch my skirt flare out. :)

    1. Shallee, lol, doesn't everybody?

      P.S. I try to twirl my walking stick like a baton, but it's a little too long:)

  12. There should be more skipping in the world. Bravo, Gwen,


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