
Thursday, October 4, 2012

EVER: Character Casting and Availability

Today I'm hosting the awesome Jessa Russo on my blog, in honor of her new release, EVER.

Welcome, Jessa!

I do love character casting. But Jessa, I'm sorry, Jennifer Lawrence cannot play Ever in the movie version, because she'll be busy playing Indigo (from my book). Sorry...


Thank you so much for hosting me for today’s blog tour stop, Gwen!

If I were living the ultimate dream, and not only was I facing the awesomeness of a movie deal, but I was ALSO allowed to cast my characters myself, I would cast Emma Roberts as Ever Van Ruysdael.

If she was busy (what?) I would cast Aimee Teegarden. I adore her in Friday Night Lights. ADORE.

Both Emma Roberts and Aimee Teegarden have the right face – innocent and pure, with a hint of mischief. They would have to have their hair dyed black, and probably gain a few pounds (Ever is curvier than most seventeen-year-olds) … throw in some brown contacts, and dress them in black leggings, black chucks, and a baggy tank top, and VOILA! The perfect Ever Van Ruysdael. In my humble opinion.

And if they weren’t available – how they could have something better to do, I have no idea – I think Jennifer Lawrence with black hair and brown contacts would be another really great option.

So I guess we’ll see where that goes, huh? One can hope!!

I will be casting the supporting roles over on Juliana Haygert’s blog next week (10/11)! Be sure to pop on over to see pictures of my choices for the perfect Frankie, Toby and Jessie!

Seventeen-year-old Ever’s love life has been on hold for the past two years. She’s secretly in love with her best friend Frankie, and he’s completely oblivious.

Of course, it doesn't help that he’s dead, and waking up to his ghost every day has made moving on nearly impossible.

Frustrated and desperate for something real, Ever finds herself falling for her hot new neighbor Toby. His relaxed confidence is irresistible, and not just Ever knows it. But falling for Toby comes with a price that throws Ever’s life into a whirlwind of chaos and drama. More than hearts are on the line, and more than Ever will suffer.

Some girls lose their hearts to love.

Some girls lose their minds.

Ever Van Ruysdael could lose her soul.


  1. I love character casting. They're so much fun. I hate to break the news to you both, but Jennifer Lawrence has already committed to my movie. :) lOl!

    Ever sounds fantastic. I hadn't heard of it before now, but it is definitely something that interests me. I'm going to add it to my ever growing TBR list.

    Thanks for sharing,
    Michelle :)

    1. Michelle, Jenny Lawrence sure is going to be busy, LOL!

  2. Now ladies, don't fight over the actresses!

    1. Alex, I'm pretty sure I wrote a post somewhere with Jennifer Lawrence cast as my MC, Indigo. That gives me first right of refusal, lol!

  3. HA! What!? Ican't believe you're stealing Jennifer from me! Oh well, I guess I'll be happy with one of the other two picks.

    Who am I kidding!? I'd be happy if ANYONE played Ever because that would mean movie deal!

    *crosses fingers and toes and eyes*

    Thank you for hosting me today, Gwen!

    1. Jessa, I'm pretty sure I cast her first - how can she refuse?!

      It was my pleasure to host you today, Jessa:)

  4. I tweeted and FB'd this one.

    Husg and chocolate,

  5. Jessa, your novel sounds very powerful and has definitely earned a spot on my TBR list.

    Now, as far as whether or not Jennifer Lawrence plays Indigo or Ever, I say let her play both. No reason she can't lol!!

    1. Angela, you're so diplomatic:) I guess she can play both as long as there isn't a timing conflict.

  6. Sounds like a great book, Jessa. Good luck!

    Hi, Gwen :)

  7. Congrats to Jessa on her release.

    Great cover and description!

  8. hahaha sounds like a great novel :)

    1. sjp, yes it does. Thanks for joining in wishing Jessa the best of luck!

  9. I love casting and those are all such pretty girls. I think my favorite is Emma Roberts. Now I'm off to your other post to see who you picked for your guy!
