
Friday, October 26, 2012

Getting Even With Evil

Haunted banner by Tara Tyler!



Thanks to the lovely ladies who hosted us yesterday,
Linda Jackson and Michelle Pickett.

Today, Angela and I are at Tyrean Martinsons blog talking about the love scenes we cut from our young adult novels. Why? Because they were, well, too hot for YA. At least our YA's.  


You are not going to want to miss the shenanigans our PIP Blogsitting teens are up to today. You know how the Devourer busted them last week by sending me and Angela the USB showing the unauthorized party they had? Well, they decided to get even with both the Devourer (Neverlove) and the Dark Shadow (Givin' Up The Ghost). If you want to see how, go through this portal. And please don't try this at home.

So how about you? Ever have to cut a hot scene? Or get even with evil entities? Want to share?

Week 3 is nearly over, but you still have time to enter the giveaway

And you can still win the Big Swag Giveaway!


  1. Once again, our teens are up to their crazy schemes...mixed up with the Devourer and Dark Shadow, no less.

  2. Angela, it's just crazy. *shakes head* Maybe it will be better when they're back to the books:)

  3. You guys totally crack me up with this tour. Going over now to see what those crazy teens are up to now.:)

  4. I'd be afraid....very afraid. Lol

    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Miranda, no kidding! But they have a secret weapon ;)


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