
Friday, October 19, 2012

Scary Grin and Mwahahahahaha!

Banner donated by Tara Tyler!

Happy Friday!
It's the end of week 2 of the
Partners in ParanormYA Blog Tour.

A million thanks to yesterday's hosts,
Candilynn Fite and Susan Kaye Quinn.
Ya'll are rock stars!


What's happening on this lovely Friday?

1. Should our teenage blogsitters over at PIP Headquarters be wary of a suspicious grin? Why yes. Yes, I think they should.

2. Speaking of suspicious grins, above said blogsitters are on their way to Medeia Sharif's blog for a little Q&A. Should they be scared? Why yes. Yes, I think they should. Mwahahahaha!

3. I believe I mentioned the cloning bit in one of my posts. So
that enables Angela and I to be in two places at once. We'll be at Elizabeth Seckman's talking about angels, demons and other related stuff. And we'll be making a surprise (and we're not saying who will be the most surprised) visit HERE. Mwahahahahah!


Purchase Angela Brown’s Neverlove at
Amazon US, Amazon UK, Barnes and Noble, Amazon FR, and Amazon DE.

Purchase Gwen Gardner’s Givin’ Up The Ghost
at Amazon US and Amazon UK.

And there are two giveaways! Visit Partners in ParanormYA
for the Big Swag Giveaway

The Week Two Giveaway is HERE!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. You've got me wanting to say Mwahahahaha now for no special reason LOL.

    Heading to Medeia's now!

    1. Julie, October is totally the month for mwahahahaha!

  2. I'm all aflutter with what we'll get to sneak-n-creep to do today. Mwhahahahahahaha!

  3. I know Medeia. I'll stop by to say hello.

    1. Thanks Stephen, the comment you made at Medeia's made me laugh out loud:)

  4. Two places at once? Sounds like a great story idea! Lol


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