
Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday Funnies, Writing Addictions, The Law of Giving

Thanks Debbie Ohi!

Hello, my name is Gwen and I'm a recovering apostrophe addict.

It started out as an occasional social apostrophe. You know, you're out with friends and their friend's and they're all having apostrophes - you just want to fit in. So pretty soon, you're having more and more apostrophes...

But I think I have a handle on my apostrophe habit, now. Okay, I have a slip-up now and then, but who doesn't?

So what's my new addiction?


I didn't count how many "had"s appeared in my manuscript, but once it was pointed out to me, oh so nicely, I just couldn't believe how many times one person could use the word "had."
It's amazing I was even able to tell a story,
with so many freaking "had"s getting in the way!
But I'm looking to nip this little habit in the bud.

What's your worst writing addiction?


I'm giving away prayers for Random Acts of Kindness Week. Leave a name and an area of need/want in the comments (love, relationship, job, career, health, etc.) and I'll pray for you. You can also go to the Random Acts of Kindness Week page on Facebook!


I also posted over on Run Gwen, Run! for the Healthy Writer's Club. This week's post is about The Law of Giving, from Deepak Chopra's
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.


Angela Brown and I are still having paperback giveaways of our novels, Neverlove and Givin' Up The Ghost over on GoodReads.


Have an awesome weekend!


  1. I tend to use a lot of "was" egs: He was anti-social. He was short-tempered. I am getting out of that habit now.

    1. Rachna, I use too many was's too. It takes me forever to figure out how to say it differently, lol! But I never even thought to look for the has's.

  2. He he. I don't have many, if any, was or hads, but that's because I write in present tense. But I did abuse a lot of other crutch words. Yay for FIND on word.

    1. Stina, the Find and Highlight is such an awesome feature! That's one of the first things I do, now, to check for those overused words.

  3. I used to overuse the word felt. I've since replaced that with a dozen new overused words.

    1. Alex, "felt" is one of the words I look for to highlight and re-word. I have so many!

  4. Ah, weasel words!

    Mine is "just". I don't know why. I just can't help using it.

    1. Maria, my first draft always has a million "just"s! I just can't help it!

  5. The teachers seem to not be doing a good job of teaching the rules of apostrophes - kids shouldn't be released from 2nd grade without having it down cold.

    I have an addiction/obsession with em dashes - not that there's anything wrong with that.

    1. Tonja, I agree. How did I get out of school without learning it?! I adore em dashes as well, lol!

  6. I always look out for suddenly. I read somewhere that you're only allowed one per story.

    1. Deborah, "suddenly" is such a useful word, though. It's that "ly" ending - I love it!

  7. I have a gazillion things like this, like, putting, commas, in weird, places, you know. What are you talking about? I'm a perfect writer, that's why I've made billions off of my non-existent books.

    1. HaHa, Jennie! I use way too many commas, too. It's not that they're in the wrong places, but just not really necessary.

  8. I am a comma abuser. I stick them in willy-nilly anytime I think I might need to take a breath, or just because the look pretty there.

    1. Julie, you just gotta have commas, but how's that willy-nilly thing working for you, lol? HaHa. Sometimes I go back over what I've written and wonder what I was thinking with the commas - I must have been taking a breath, too!

  9. I abused "was." I used to have a sign at my desk that said "Stop the WASes."

    1. Diane, lol! I leave myself notes on my desk, too, but then I just ignore them. I think we all abuse "was"!

  10. "Was" and "that" have a tendency to creep in and try to steal the show. Also, using the "as" when adding in something, like, "She skulked along the wall as her heart thumped in her ear." "As" really isn't needed there.

    Oh these addictions. The first step is admitting to them :-)

    1. Angela, I didn't even notice I used the "as" thing until you pointed it out to me!

  11. I tend to overuse the word "just." But I just can't help it.

    Prayer request: I don't have a specific one. But since you offered, I would be delighted to have my name on your prayer list. Thanks. :)

    1. Linda, it took me a long time to get over using "just." I just like it, lol!

      You were at the top of my prayer list last night:)

  12. My addiction is LITTLE. I can use it 50 times in a chapter and never see it. Such a little thing :)

    1. Carol, "little" and "bit" are definite favorites of mine!

  13. Oh, I have the usual addictions. -Ing words, commas (they just FEEL right) and overusing words. I don't mean the usual that and though but weird words (flash is the most recent offender) that for some reason overpopulate my work. I try to catch myself but they sneak in there, I swear.

    1. Jeanne, lol! Flash! I like that word - oh no, I'm pretty sure Flash is going to sneak its way into my writing, now!

  14. I was really into 'so' for awhile. I noticed a lot of 'untils' lately and 'despites'. And I'm a recovering thataholic. So despite all that, I'll keep writing until... A wee joke. :)

    1. Mary, I'm a thataholic, too! Now I like "sort" and "rather."

  15. Love the post. Still grinning. Like Maria and Tonja, I pump out "just" and em dashes--among others--like nobody's business. It's a gift. ;-)

    1. Jeff, I write "just" without even realizing it. But the em dashes! I just love using them!

  16. Ugh, where do I begin? Unneeded commas, was, that, and I'm addicted to fragments. I can't help it. They're bad for me, but I love em' oh so much.

    1. Candilynn, we were never allowed to use framents in school, but now that I'm a fiction writer I can frag all over the place!

  17. I'm guilty of using "just" too much. I just can't help myself! I try to edit the way I talk, but it just happens. Yeah, this is just pathetic.

    1. Comments like these make me wish there was a "Like" or "+1" button I could click.

    2. "Just" is just so pesky. We can say it in real life, but we just can't use it in our fiction!

  18. I'm a 'That' sort of girl but I've manage to curve it now.

    1. Paula, I keep an eye out for "that" as I go along. It's pretty easy to get rid of these days :)

  19. There are several words I overuse like "look" and "smile." In dialogue, I tend to over use "Oh..." But then again, I use that word a lot myself. Oh well. (:

    Thanks for the lols!

    1. Elise, "look" is such a staple of writing. I am constantly looking for "look" replacements! I use "oh" way too much in dialogue, too.

  20. I noticed my 'was' addiction during NaNo. But I started to self-correct, so I think only the first half is affected.

    1. Annalisa, "was" is the biggest addiction of all. Everyone has problems with "was." I find myself self-correcting as I go along, too.

  21. I'm addicted to "that." I'm always editing it out. I also delete "feel."


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