
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Insecure Writer's Support Group

Thanks Alex J. Cavanaugh for hosting this awesome group on the first Wednesday of every month.

What am I insecure about this month? *snort* Pretty much everything, I guess. But I've just published my first book and completed a fun and successful blog tour. And I have some pretty exciting plans for the future. So as insecure as I feel about my future as a writer, I'm proud of what I've accomplished, as well.

But on to Insecurities:

  • Marketing myself

This is a biggie. I'm not good at pushing myself on others. I don't want to bug people to buy my book. I don't want to write a press release for myself and send it off to newspapers. And what if they called me and wanted an interview? Yikes! What if they wanted to see me in person? Double yikes! And what if they wanted to take my picture? Triple yikes! What if I did an in-person interview and stuttered and turned red and, and, and...

...what if I got no response at all?


Do you send out press releases?

How to you handle marketing yourself?

What is your insecurity this month?


  1. Hey Gwen, and nice to meet you.

    Well, it sounds like your insecurities should be sitting in the corner right now. Congrats on your book and blog tour.

    The interviews...funny. I write much better than I speak (unless there is a script). But you know what? The more you do it, the better you'll become.

    I'm excited for you! Quadruple Yikes! It's happening!

    1. M.L., I'm much better on paper as well. I don't think I'm ready for an in-personal interview yet!

  2. I haven't had to worry about these things yet. Eventually I will. But that's not for another year. Then I'll be freaking out!

    1. Stina, I have a feeling you do just fine in person!

  3. Ah Gwen-- I love your vulnerability and humility. It's hard to tame the insecurity beast within-- I feel like I have to snap the bullwhip to succeed at this. I hope your belief and love in your new book is the motivation you need to get out there and show it off and let yourself shine. You do shine.

    1. Awww, thanks Julie:) My inclination is to just hide behind my desk, though. It's definitely something I'll have to work on:)

  4. Marketing is scarey stuff, but from what I've seen you seem to have a great handle on it.

    1. Johanna, I'm pretty good on paper - it's the in-person thing that scares me:)

  5. You're doing great. Luckily for me, short story writers don't have to do any marketing.

    At least I don't think they do.

    1. Deborah, I don't really know. But I guess if you're in an anthology or things like that, the publisher does the marketing...

  6. Just do what's comfortable! I'm not big on in person stuff either. But what if they DID want that interview...?

    1. Alex, yeah, if they did...I'd be so scared, lol!

  7. I'm not in the position to have to market myself but I can imagine it can be pretty scary. But well done on publishing your book and your book tour.

    1. Thanks Mama J. So many of us, even traditionally published, are faced with marketing ourselves. It just goes against the grain for me.

  8. I don't like pushing my books out there either, so I haven't bothered with a press release. Of course, if I had a novel instead of shorter works and collections, I might would consider it. But I still prefer what little I do online than going out there in public to try to market myself.

    And you did an awesome blog tour, so that's worth something! :)

    1. Cherie - can't quite bring myself to do one yet...

  9. I bet it will get easier the more you do it. Just take it one thing at a time. (I'll try to remind myself that when I get to that point.)

    1. Tonja, one thing at a time is good advice. Thanks:)

  10. I haven' come to that fork in the road either Gwen, but teaming up with Mary, Christine and Stephen has given me some insight and inspiration. Check out our new creation, it will hopefully be a great marketing tool for writers. (Writers for Writers)

    1. Carolyn, I didn't know you had teamed up. Definitely going to check that out. Thanks for coming by:)

  11. I have a pact with my cp. I get to go with her and talk for her when she finally gets published. Yeah, I have a weird fascination with public speaking. If we lived closer, I'd do it for you too. Just talk about your book. If they want to take your picture, think of your book & smile! If they want to meet you, go for it. Talk about your characters, your story, how you came up with the idea. Show them how much you love it, and all will fall into place. You'll see. :)

    1. Candilynn, HaHa! I really wish you could do it for me. Thanks for the tips:)

  12. I think I can handle the online marketing stuff, but when it comes to real life? Like doing a talk and a book signing in a book shop? Oh my goodness, so scary! I know I need to get over that ... I need to go into schools and give my books to the libraries and do talks for the kids ... But I'm too scared right now!

  13. Marketing seems to be one of the biggest fears/turn-offs that writers have. Try to think of it as making friends. Some people will like you and you'll get along just fine while others won't have all that much in common with you. There are a lot of potential friends to make out there and they want to be your friend. Keep at it and don't let it get you down.

    A Faraway View

  14. Marketing my writing seems to be such a distant thing... I need to finish the book first. However, I have written a few press releases for companies that I've worked for and I think if I ever were to write one for myself, I'd pretend I was just doing that. Don't think about selling "yourself"... instead, think about selling your product, or in this case, your characters. Take yourself completely out of the picture and focus on them, after all, they have no voice without you. They need you to speak up for them, stand up for them, and introduce them to the world... they deserve to be shared, right? Hopefully that helps in some way. Thanks for sharing your IWSG moment :-)


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