
Friday, November 16, 2012

Support Your Champion: Stormy Knight

The final push is on to help your Champion, Stormy Knight, win The Renaissance of Hetty Locklear's jousting tournament.

If you haven't voted today, please stop by the Mary Pax's jousting field and copy and paste this message into the comments section:

"I am here to support my Champion, Stormy Knight. Wherefore art those who would seek to go against her?"

Thanks for supporting Stormy Knight.

But mostly, thanks for supporting M. Pax in the launch of

The Renaissance of Hetty Locklear!

Find Mary Pax at:

Today is Healthy Writer's Club, so if you want to see if I've had a healthy week, I posted over at Run Gwen, Run! And really, with all the jousting I did this, I must have gotten my share of exercise...right?
Thank you to all my jousting buddies - this week of knightly competition was so much fun!
~May the best knight win~
Thank you to Mary Pax for hosting!
So - I have been jousting and nursing a sickly computer.
What have you been doing this week?


  1. Gwen:

    This week I've been taking care of my grandson and helping my daughter with her issues. I also finished formatting Secondhand Shoes and will receive a proof copy by November 27th.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Shelly, what are mom's and grandma's for? Hope all goes well.

      Formatting? Hmm, I might have to pick your brain on what method you're using...

  2. Hoping the computer is getting better. Jousting has been FUN! I think Ghost Knight is about to be overtaken, but no worries, it's been hilarious jousting to and fro :-)

    1. Angela, Sir Com-Puter is in the hospital ward - pray for him!

      Ghost Knight, I do believe you're the favorite to win. Good luck my jousting friend!

  3. Wherefore do our computers get sickly when we most need them? It is so frustrating when that happens.
    I'm writing, and running around with life, and actually doing a little running at the YMCA's indoor track this week.
    Hope you have a great weekend, Stormy Knight!

    1. Tyrean, forsooth, I wish I knew. And good for you with the running. It's really cool you have an indoor track to go to. When I lived in Tucson we had an indoor track and it was so cool. I could run while my daughter went swimming.

  4. I've got two more champions to do today!

    1. Alex, you've been as busy as the knights, running around championing everyone. You deserve a special award. Thank you and huzzah!

  5. Tell Sir Com-Puter to stay out of the grog. I am so unhappy whenever mine takes ill. Thanks for jousting this week, Gwen. It's been a blast.

    1. Mistress Mary, I fear his age and the tourny may have done him in. Hopefully he's not quite ready to give up the ghost:)

      I've had a blast, too, Mary. Huzzah!

  6. valiant effort and well fought joust!


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