
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Nightmare Collection and Jousting Tournament

Today I am priveleged to participate in revealing the cover of author Cherie Reich's new release, The Nightmare Collection, three stories in one book that you won't want to miss!


A legend is hungry tonight.

A child monster will get its first taste of blood in Nightmare at the Freak Show.

Four friends will enter the forest on December night, but only one can survive in Once Upon a December Nightmare.

Almost ten years after Cassie's December nightmare, the monster awakens to hunt again in Nightmare Ever After.

Add to your TBR list at Goodreads HERE

Cover art by Nicemonkey at Cover design by Aubrie Dionne. Bookworm logo for Surrounded by Books Publishing created by Cherie Reich.

Will be released late November 2012


About the Author:

A self-proclaimed bookworm, Cherie Reich is a writer, freelance editor, book blogger, and library assistant living in Virginia. Her short stories have appeared in magazines and anthologies. Her e-books include the horror series Nightmare, a short story collection with authors Aubrie Dionne and Lisa Rusczyk titled The Best of Raven and the Writing Desk, the futuristic space fantasy novelette trilogy Gravity, and The Foxwick Chronicles, a series of fantasy stories. She is a member of Valley Writers and the Virginia Writers Club.

Author Links:







The Renaissance of Hetty Locklear Jousting Tournament

If you didn't see yesterday's post, I am participating in Mary Pax's first ever online jousting tournament this week.

Please be sure to go by and cheer for me by posting "I am here to cheer for the Stormy Night. Wherefore art thou knights trembling in fear?" Or something to that effect - just be sure to mention "Stormy Knight" and the magic renaissance word, "wherefore" in the comments.

That Ghost Knight may be ahead, but I will challenge her to a duel for the win!

I could win TROHL ebook and freshly baked brownies!

You'll have the chance to win M. Pax's The Renaissance of Hetty Locklear, too. Huzzah!



Tomorrow I'll be an honored guest at Spacedock 19, Mary Pax's uber-awesome sci fi interviewing room. If you haven't seen it, you'll want to. If you think Dr. Who's phone box is cool, wait till you see Spacedock 19. Want to learn more about the parnormal by one-half of the Partners in ParanormYA? Please stop by!


  1. Excited for Cherie and championed you today!

  2. Replies
    1. Diane, with "Nightmare" in the title, it has to be:)

  3. Ooh, those stories sound freaky! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thank you so much for featuring my book cover on your blog, Gwen! *waves to Alex, L. Diane, and Shallee*

    Congrats on Mary's newest release!

    1. Cherie, you're sure welcome, it was my pleasure. Congrats, your book sounds awesome:)

  5. I read Cherie's Gravity trilogy and thought it was quite nicely done. I wish her well with the new book.

    A Faraway View

    1. Arlee, I have the first book and it's on my TBR list - can't wait to read it:)

  6. Go Stormy Knight!! That's right, we'll be chatting during the middle of the jousting tournament. It'll be awesome. Just watch where you point that lance.

    Yay for Cherie. I'm revealing her book on Thursday.

  7. Yon Stormy Knight, Ghost Knight here to accept your challenge. Of course we'll take a moment away from the jousting and pointing pointy things at each other while you and Mary converse lol!! But Huzzah to jousting and fun :-0

  8. Oh my, I think Dr. Who's phone box is uber cooool, so I'm intrigued!


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