
Friday, December 14, 2012

Giveaways and Hobbit Blogfest!

Before we go on to the Hobbitfest, I wanted to point out some awesome giveaways I'm involved in:




You can't go wrong with FREE, right?





Thanks so much for hosting Tyrean and M. Pax!

This is a great blogfest, especially since The Hobbit is coming to theaters today! All you have to do is answer the questions below. Of course, this is easier if you've read (or reread) the book recently, which I have. For more information, go HERE.

What is your favorite hobbit characteristic/or the one that you think closely resembles you . . .?

Bilbo Baggins. He is such a homebody and yet he wants adventure. I'm always up for an adventure, but then I'm always ready for the comfort of home, my chair, my fireplace and maybe a little hot toddy and some cake. Plus, I'd give away the jewels, too. I just want everyone to get along - and you can't take it with you, as you'll see below from one of my favorite parts of the book.
If you could choose between a scrumptious second breakfast and a perilous unexpected journey – which would you prefer?

Can't I have both? No? Okay then, it will have to be a perilous journey. I can barely eat my first breakfast, let alone a second. Wait - how perilous is the journey? But no, never mind. Stormy Knight can face anything, even Smaug. Especially if Ghost Knight is there, because she can do so much more than Precious with that whole disappearing thing she does.

Have you ever left behind something on a journey (expected or unexpected) and wished you could have it over and over again? (a pocket handkerchief?)

I can't say that I have. I always travel light, and really all I need is a couple of outfits, comfortable shoes ---but wait! I would never ever ever go anywhere without a few books - 5 or 6 - or my Kindle.

What is your Favorite part or quote from the book that you hope will be in the movie?

This is hard because there are so many great parts.

The movie should have the touching scene between Thorin and Bilbo, when Thorin is dying and forgiving Bilbo:
"Farewell, good thief," he said. "I go now to the halls of waiting to sit beside my fathers, until the world is renewed. Since I leave now all gold and silver, and go where it is of little worth, I wish to part in friendship from you, and I would take back my words and deeds at the Gate."
Bilbo knelt on one knee filled with sorrow. "Farewell, King under the Mountain!" he said. "This is a bitter adventure, if it must end so; and not a mountain of gold can amend it. Yet I am glad that I have shared in your perils - that has been more than any Baggins deserves."

"No!" said Thorin. "There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. But sad or merry, I must leave it now. Farewell!!
~J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

Check out the other entries here:


  1. Thorin is my favorite dwarf for sure.

    1. Tonja, Thorin certainly came through in the end.

  2. Fun to read, and I'm not even a big Hobbit fan (am I going to get stoned for admitting this?)

    1. It's funny, Julie, but I'm not a big Lord of the Rings fan, but I really love the Hobbit. No stones, here, lol!

  3. Stormy could definitely take down Smaug.

    1. Haha, thanks Alex. Stormy still has some tricks up her sleeves.

  4. Oh, that was a wonderful part of the story. Certainly Stormy Knight could defeat all peril on a journey.

    1. Mary, she certainly could, especially with some help from her fellow knights!

  5. Love the bolded quote - I hope it makes it in there. :)

    1. I love it too, Nicki. It's the most touching scene, I think.

  6. excellent quote choice! and love how you threw your knights in there!

    1. Tara, I love that part of the book. Closure is important. And yeah, gotta give props to my fellow knights.

  7. Love this entry! I totally agree that Stormy Knight and Ghost Knight would do well on a perilous journey! I also love your thoughts on adventure!

    Thanks for joining Hobbit Fest!

    1. Tyrean, this has been a blast. I do love adventure, and Mary's renaissance was quite the virtual adventure.

  8. LOVED your reasoning for picking Bilbo! I'm exactly the same way ... love an adventure, but love being at home more, I think. My life would never be complete without both, though.

    1. EJ, I'm with you. I gotta have both. Wouldn't want to grow stale, hiding at home all the time:)

  9. Here from the Blogfest. I just love Bilbo and his heart.

    1. Donna, Bilbo definitely has a big squishy heart. I love hime.

  10. That scene is going to make me cry in the movie.

    1. Diane, I know - me too. Such a poignant scene and I'm so glad Thorin came around.

  11. Stormy Knight, Ghost Knight would fellowship with thee and taketh this journey. We would smite Smaug with a smile upon our faces, though mine would be a bit wisp-like.

    So let's do it!

    Wait, can I take some Wild Cherry Pepsi with me lol!!

    1. Ghost Knight, tis so, tis so, smite Smaug we twould, and smile whilst drinking Wild Cherry Pepsi!

  12. Great entry, and thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you now! (In the GFC follower sense, not physically following you, that would be creepy!)

    Have a great weekend!

    1. L.G., thanks for the follow - not the creepy kind - and for stopping by. Lovely blogfest, isn't it?

  13. Thorin's death scene in the book is so moving . . . and yet I'm still always amused by the long, eloquent speeches Tolkien always wrote for his dying characters.

    And of course, we have to wait two more years to see how they do it in the movie *headdesk*.

  14. Hi Gwen - I should have put in too that the first breakfast would send me down to sleep again ... so the perilous journey it would be.

    I'm sure you'll enjoy the film .. there's lots to commend it .. and you obviously know the book so well ...

    Thanks for following and commenting ...see you soon - Hilary

  15. If they do use that scene in one of the movies (seems likely) it's going to be so sad to watch. Great choice!

  16. I do love it when Bilbo goes barreling down the river - literally.


  17. I'm not familiar with the Hobbit, but I seriously need to watch the LOTR movies and read the books.

  18. Great answers Gwen. I've heard from a few people who have already seen the movie and so far all positive reviews. I can't wait to see it.

  19. Yes, I value the food, wine and song. That is a great quote. Guess we'll have to wait a while to see that part in the movie.

  20. As I've said a few places, I love adventures, but perilous ones are not high on my list :D

  21. This is a fun blogfest. But I'm strangely disturbed about the posters. Martin Freeman doesn't look himself.

  22. Aww, you chose the same scene I did! I don't see why everyone can't get along either :-)


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