
Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday Funnies: Folder or Not? And A News Leakage

Thank you Debbie Ohi!

I'll admit it. I am an ex-folder.

Nobody ever told me I wasn't supposed to. I always folded pages, and then as I got older, I only folded paperbacks. And as I got even older (yikes!) I stopped being a folder altogether.

Now I only use bookmarks.

Yep, I'm a bookmark addict.

How about you? Are you a folder, non-folder, ex-folder?

I have a bit of a news leak!

Maria Zannini and I are having a FB Event
and we'd like you to join us. Just click here:

January 21 - Jan 27, 2013

Lovely Indies 4 Hire Badge by Maria Zannini

The event will be pretty low key. We're letting our friends know that we're open for business and will be on our Facebook Event Page for discussions on book cover art, editing and formatting. Have any questions? Please join us and invite your friends. We will also have a rafflecopter giveaway. I'll go into more detail next week.


Happy Friday, everyone!

Have a good one and be safe!


  1. Oh yes. That is definitely me. I used to dog mark my pages in paperbacks. I don't do that anymore. I'm physically incapable of doing it without getting sick. :)

    1. Stina, haha, it just doesn't feel right, does it?

  2. I'm a bookmarker - I never have a bookmark to hand though, so I use receipts, envelopes, pens, lipsticks, necklaces... When I was younger I just put the book page down, breaking the spines as I did so... I'm so sorry, books!

  3. Always used a bookmark and kept my books in perfect shape. I was a little rough with the comic books though.

    1. Alex, you were taught right! I was a comic book reader, too. I still have them all and they're in surprisingly good shape.

  4. At the beginning of every school year, teachers went to a great deal of trouble to show us how to prepare new books. We used paper sheets for markers, usually our homework.

    Now, I have twinges of guilt when I don't use a bookmark or I set a book face down. "It's only a sec, I'll be right back." I grimace when I've forgotten a book face down.

    1. Mil, our teachers showed us how to cover our books with paper bags, but I don't recall ever being taught not to fold the pages. Hmm, maybe it's selective memory.

      LOL, I feel guilty, too, especially if I've placed a book precariously and it falls and the pages are flapping and screaming :(

  5. Folding pages is a mortal sin for me. LOL. I'll use almost anything for a bookmark so I don't mar the pages.

    Can't wait for the FB event!!

    1. Maria, I absolutely never fold pages anymore. If I can't find something to hold my place, I try to memorize the page number, lol!

      I'm getting very excited for our event!

  6. Definitely a non-folder. I cherish all the bookmarks I won. Especially those I won. I love my books too much.

    1. Sheena, I love bookmarks, too. I have tons of them - some are 25 years old, lol!

  7. I have mountains of bookmarks, but usually end up using a business card, scrap of paper, receipt, concert ticket, movie ticket, takeout menu, or in a pinch, a drinking straw. I have folded in the distant past, but last time I lost my bookmark while riding the train, I used a $20 bill rather than dog-ear the page. :)

  8. I used to fold pages, too. Now I'll use a post-it or bookmark, but will fold if I have to. Nook keeps my place for me, which I love.

  9. I've heaps of bookmarks. My favourite is a little strip of red-dyed leather with instruments on it. I've no idea where it came from, but I sometimes find them in the books I buy. Along with train/plane tickets and, once, a photo of some woman.

  10. In that comic, I'd be Michael. I'm totally anti-folder.

  11. No dog ears me. But I've never got a book mark and have to spend 5 minutes finding my place.

  12. Ex-folder. If it's non-fiction or something for school, I write in the margins. I still bend the pages all the way back - I know it messes up the binding, but it's more comfortable reading that way.

  13. Me, I use a paper clip. I can never seem to find all those bookmakrs that I have.

  14. A folder??? oh, the horror! Yet another advantage of eBooks. ;-)

    Good luck and best wishes on your Indies for Hire event. I will, unfortunately, be at work where Facebook is blocked.

  15. I have never folded a page, always a book mark person.

  16. I fold and mark my pages with pen *gasp* I love bookmarks too though!

    Good luck with Indies for Hire--sounds great!


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