
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

IWSG and 2013 Goals

I hope everyone had a great holiday and have come back refreshed! My bloggy break sure did me good. Now I feel like I can come back, get organized, set some goals and get to work.

But first - today is the first day of 2013's Insecure Writer's Support Group posting. We "meet" on the first Wednesday of every month. If you're a writer and need advice, encouragement or friendship, you can sign up HERE. Thank you to Alex Cavanaugh for hosting, and extra thanks for his helpers this month, Tyrean Martinson and Jamie Gibbs. The membership list has become quite lengthy, so they're helping Alex so that everyone on the list receives a visit and support. 

Current Insecurities
(yeah, they change from month to month, hence the need for an ongoing support group!)

I'm going to make this a short list, as my goals are intended to help me with my insecurities:
  • Marketing myself (I cringe at this, feeling like I'm begging for attention and screaming, "It's all about me! Everybody look at me!" How can I be a wallflower, when I'm screaming me, me, me!?)
  • Writing ability (Even though I've written a book, I still feel insecure about my writing ability. I could be better).
  • Indie Services (My new business. Who do I think I am and what makes me think I can do this?)
2013 Goals
I think that with more experience, I can soothe some of my insecurities/fears. I know I am the only person that can do this for me. I have to do it myself. Good thing I'm in the habit of taking the bull by the horns, even if I'm not a very good bullfighter. So - here's the plan:
  1. Schedule. Come up with a work schedule that includes everything I need/want to do, to include: writing, editing, new business and networking (blogging, Facebook, Twitter, GoodReads, Pinterest, etc.). I spend too much time online and need to curb mywandering and loitering habit. This will be done by next week.
  2. Editing. Finish editing my second novel, A Guilty Ghost Surprised. Complete by March 1st.
  3. Writing. Write/edit a novella as part of my Indigo Eady paranormal mystery series. Before June.
  4. Write a first draft of the third book in the Indigo Eady paranormal mystery series. By December.
  5. Reviews. Ask for them. *cringing*
  6. Market my formatting/editing business as well as myself. *really cringing now*
This will do for a start.

Any advice?

How do you fit everything in to your schedule?
What are your plans/goals?


  1. Those are great goals for the new year. I cringe when I think about marketing as well, but it's necessary for us to get our books in front of the readers. I know you'll do well this year.

  2. Self-marketing sounds terribly difficult. Starting a business is too. As for writing, keep at it. I bet you'll feel more confident this time next year. It's a very long marathon we're running.

    1. Tonja, it is a marathon and a craft that I'm continually learning. I don't think I'll ever be done with learning the ins and outs of writing.

  3. Oh my goodness, I'm right there with you in the loitering department. Ugh. Must. Not.

    I too prefer to shed light on others than have it stream on me. I would find self-marketing very outside my comfort zone, but a necessary part of writing anymore. Best to you as you begin this part of your journey.

    1. Julie, the marketing is way harder than the writing, I think. But with the changing in publishing, a necessity. I guess I'd better get used to it!

  4. Hi, I am also planning to come up with a strict writing schedule and get more proactive with publishing my new books.

    1. Rachna, I'll bet we're all planning a stricter schedule!

  5. Good plan! And with deadlines.
    And I have clones to help me get everything done.

    1. Alex, I have to have deadlines, otherwise I'd just keep procrastinating and keep loitering around the social media. I know you have clones - just wondering where you keep them all :-)

  6. I will add you to my list. I'm sure I'll be in need of services this year. Marketing is tough. I struggle with it, too. I was hoping to create some sort of discussion with writers, especially those with small presses and indies about marketing. The fact we all try to help each other is powerful. Maybe we can be more organized about it... Shrug.

    1. Thanks Mary. We do need an Indie Support Group!

  7. I'm really impressed by your list of goals. Marketing seems to be one of those things that make us all cringe. I love Mary's idea about working together. Maybe that would take some of the sting out of it!

    1. Thanks Johanna. It's a lot, but not too much. It definitely helps to team up. I teamed up with Angela Brown for our indie book releases and it helps so much to have someone else there with you.

  8. Looks like a nice set of goals for the new year. Before the day is through, I'll be making my own list of goals (a day behind already—that can't be good!) for 2013. Goals are so important, in my opinion.

    Good luck in 2013!

    J.W. Alden

    1. J.W., goals are so important, otherwise you're just flounding. I'm certain they're going to help me this year:)

  9. Well, I've decided to blog less. Read more blogs. I really don't know what to tell you. Stress wears and tears on me. So I'm slowing down so I can finish projects.

    As for marketing, word of mouth. My book has been out in paperback since Dec. 27th and I've sold 5 on my own.

    Happy New Year!

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Shelly, I know I should blog less because it's really time consuming by the time you post, reply and visit other blogs. I just don't want to lose the connection. So I've decided to use my time more wisely and just do what I can in the blogging department. Did I know you have a book out? I'm gonna have to look it up:)

  10. Wow, I love how specific you were with your goals! I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, but I'm trying to figure all this out with my debut novel release later this month. I'm right there with you cringing all the way!

  11. You'll be fine!! You've got so much to be proud of, Gwen. :) You've set some fabulous goals for yourself. May 2013 bring you lots of goodies!

    1. Candilynn, I know I'll be fine. Insecure but fine, lol! Thank you :-)

  12. Organization and scheduling - that's the one I forgot to put on my list and it should be at the top!
    Great goals Gwen!!! You're doing great, and I'm sure that your next book is going to be awesome!!! I'm looking forward to reading it.
    Best wishes for 2013!

    1. LOL Tyrean! I'm pretty sure organization and scheduling is the key!

  13. Marketing and sales are something I've been doing since my sons were babies. Word of mouth is what worked for me and getting out there-craft shows and pow-wows. Never used ads.

    Course one has to have an excellent product, which you have. As for the rest, limit yourself to social media, don't cut it cause that's where word of mouth will happen.

    And never let them see you cringe. Be confident and expect more no's than yeses and you'll do okay.

    1. Millie, I haven't used ads, either - I tend to ignore ads, myself. I def will not drop social media, I just need to get it under control, lol!

      Hmm, can they see me cringe through the internet? I'd better work on that.

      Thank you so much for your thoughtful response:)

  14. I don't do a good job of fitting everything in. I hope to do a better job of it this year. It's a constant concern.

  15. Marketing is tough. It is like the PMS of writing.
    Happy 2013!

    1. Ciara, LOL! I love that. It sure is the PMS of writing :-)

  16. i think thats why it takes so long for a writer to get a deal, after working so hard for so long we should be like, "my book is so awesome! you have to read it!"

    i'm with you, lady! we can do it!

    1. Tara, yeah we really should be full of confidence. Writing a book is a huge accomplishment!


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