
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

IWSG: When is Make Believe Too Much?

It's the first Wednesday of the month, so you know what today is! It's Insecure Writers Support Group day! Thanks to our host Alex J. Cavanaugh and his helpers this month.

This is where we tell the world about our insecurities, and then bloghop around to our fellow writers blogs to lend support. You can sign up or see the list of participants HERE.

You may have noticed I've been MIA lately. That's because I've been working on a new project and my current insecurity, Second Death. It's a new novella series (An Indigo Eady Afterlife novella) off-shoot of my first series (Givin' Up The Ghost.) My protag, Indigo, is a teenage ghost whispering psychic who can see and speak to ghosts, which is instrumental in solving the murder of her friend's dad.

My new novella series was actually inspired by the second book in the series, A Guilty Ghost Surprised (not yet published). There is a scene where Indigo has a conversation with Franny, a Victorian ghost madam. Franny reveals to Indigo that there is a whole spirit community in Sabrina Shores (mostly Victorian) that basically is parallel to the living world. They have community meetings, court each other, and socialize as if they're still alive.

Second Death is...more fanciful, to say the least. It picks up from the conversation between Indigo and Franny about the overactive spirit community in Sabrina Shores and takes it a bit over the top. Indigo is basically drafted onto the Missing Paranormals Committee by a ghostly high court judge during court proceedings of the highly active spirit world. She must serve on the committee alongside other spirits.

The series will also introduce other such afterlife characters that have been mutated (my theme for the A-Z!)by what they had become in previous lives and other paranormal creatures and paranormal happenings. But I think it still encompasses the light paranormal characteristics of my first series.

So you see - Indigo becomes much more active in the spirit world, rather on the periphery. AND there are some pretty off the wall creatures.

I worry that it may be too over the top and wonder whether it will reflect on my original series in any way because I'm using some of the same characters.

What do you think?

Any thoughts on what's too much?

Will it reflect on my original series?


  1. Replies
    1. That's what I think Diane. At least I'm having quite the adventure writing it, lol!

  2. I loved Givin up the Ghost. I am sure I am going to love the next book, sounds great.

    1. Thanks Rachna. I have the next book in the series, but a new series with the same characters. Lots going on :)

  3. Sounds great-- no, never worry about being too over-the-top.

    1. Julie, hehe, I just don't want people asking what I was on, lol!

  4. I think it sounds awesome. Write it Gwen!!

  5. Over the top? Who ever heard of such a thing. No way! Write on, Gwen. :) I think it sounds fun!

    1. Candilynn, I just don't want to be too bizarre, you know?

  6. I think it sounds fantastic! I love when there is a different side to a series and we get to see new and old characters intermingle.

    1. Cherie, it's been interesting going to places I didn't go in the original series.

  7. I think as long as the fantastical elements follow the rules of the world it's fine. If rules are starting to change to fit the magic then it's too far.

    1. Ciara, I'm not exactly breaking the rules, just stretching them a bit. Okay, lol, a lot!

  8. A wonderful concept, Gwen. Truly. I don't think you can go too far, especially when you're drafting/plotting it out. Seriously go nuts.

    The only thing I'll say is, as someone who is writing a novella series :), don't be afraid to leave things unanswered from story to story. I call it the comic book or soap opera method--give the readers only what they need to make each individual story work.

    I worry a ton about how much to give readers to ground the experience, to make the supernatural/paranormal stuff seem like it could be real. The reality is, they don't need much. I think it's more the emotions/reactions from the 'living' characters that need to be real, and if they are, you can pretty much put in any kind of craziness you can dream up. :-)

    1. EJ, I have the first novella fully plotted, with a good idea of where the next 2 are going - AND I know the ending of the last book. So yeah, the first book can be a stand-alone, but lets you know there's more to the story.

      I love your advice about the characters being real. Because if they're real, it makes what you subject them to more real. Thank you!

  9. I think as long as your characters each have an integral role to play then you need them. I'd worry when they're twiddling their thumbs and taking up space for no reason. Have fun with it.

    1. Joy, they will have a role, as far as the missing paranormals go. I haven't really started getting into the deatails of them yet. But yeah, no thumb twiddling!

  10. Sounds like you are leaving behind the ordinary in order to embrace the extraordinary (my phrase for the day). Your premise sounds great. Now delete this post before someone steals your idea. ;)

    1. Linda, LOL! I wonder if anyone would want my idea. But the idea is definitely more extraordinary than the first book.

  11. It sounds like are having a lot of fun with your writing, and that sounds wonderful to me! I don't think it's too much. And as for it reflecting on your work . . .well, if people read one and then the other, there will be some kind of intertextuality - some thoughts on one book when reading the other - that's just natural, and a good thing.

    1. Tyrean, I really am having fun. I even put my edits from book 2 aside because I'm having so much fun!

  12. If this is where your characters are leading you, I say follow. It sounds very intriguing!

    1. Yolanda, they are definitely leading me, no doubt about it. Thanks :)

  13. Sounds like an exciting story arc. If the characters are exciting to the readers, I think they would be excited to continue on the journey with them.

    1. Miranda, I don't really have a following yet, but people have expressed an interest in the next book. I should be working on book 2 instead of this new novella series, lol!

  14. I'm just going to echo what everyone else is saying, because I too think it sounds great and I don't think you can go too far, just as long as it makes sense. I personally love books that are off the wall and full of imagination. Extra-ordinary books? Love em. (:

    1. Elise, yes, this is pretty much the concensus. I'm so glad that no one so far has nixed it :)

  15. I love the idea of your offshoot. I'll read it. :D In fact, I can't wait to read it.

  16. I say go for it! I bet you'll really enjoy writing it.

    1. Alex, so far I'm having a blast writing it. Thanks for the support Ninja Captain!

  17. The main thing is write what excites you and what hasn't been done before. So I say go for it! :D

    1. Stina, I don't this this specific scenario has been done before, lol, so I must be on the right track :)

  18. Sounds like it's turning pretty epic. I think it's a good thing, especially if it's consistent with your vision

    1. Nigel, it's going to be 3 novellas to the series, and yeah, a whole new world, lol!

  19. I am reading the first book at the moment Gwen, and I am really enjoying it. Good to hear you have a second in the pipeline.

    1. Thanks Carolyn. I have a second in the pipeline, and am working on a novvella, too.

  20. It sounds like you're taking the story to the next level, but as long as your character remain grounded as they have been written, they should do well regardless of their new circumstances. :)

    1. David, that's a good point. Keep in character. Thanks!

  21. Sounds great! Hey, we're Indies . . . we LIVE to break rules, lol. I think it's best to let the characters take over and not overthink it:-)

    1. You're right, Jamie. Because my CP is sure to call me on it anyway, if it's too out there:)

  22. I say go with it. It sounds interesting and I agree what Jamie said about breaking the rules. :)

    1. Mina, another rogue writer, huh? I've received tons of support here to just go with it - so I am! Thanks :)

  23. As a fantasy author who's created some weird creatures, I also say go for it! As long as there are still characters in the story that readers can relate to, then it's cool :-) And nice idea for the A to Z Challenge!


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