
Friday, February 15, 2013

My Anniversary and Ransom

Happy Anniversary!

My husband and I just celebrated our



Twenty-Five years ago I wasn't thinking much beyond the present, so when I reach a milestone like this, it just blows me away!

~On The Menu~
Grilled steak with sauteed mushrooms
Baked potato (butter, sour cream and chives)
Mouton Cadet (red wine)

Dancing by Candlelight and
Pandora, featuring:

Unforgettable - Nat King Cole
Moonlight in Vermont - Billie Holliday
At Last - Etta James

(I was so born in the wrong era!)

~Card exchange~

For My Wife
We're perfect for each other
because we both love
the simple things -
taking a long walk together,
spending a night in with a good movie,
or eating at one
of our favorite restaurants.
No one else "gets" me
like you do,
and no other woman
could ever take your place
in my life.
"Happy Birthday"
With All My Love
*needle scratches across record*

Me: Um...birthday?
Hubs: Oh... It was in the anniversary slot.

Well, we had a good laugh (coz that's what you do after twenty-five years) and agreed that I would get my 25th anniversary card for my birthday in April.

And now that the anniversary is over....

I'm being held for ransom.
That's right, R-A-N-S-O-M.
Over at Writers 4 Writers.
Okay, they're calling it "bail."
Please tune in Monday to hear their demands...


Any anniversary, birthday or valentine's day stories you'd like to share?

Can you meet #W4WS demands on Monday?


  1. I'll bail you out, Gwen. :o)

    Happy Anniversary. Here's to another fifty.

    1. Thanks Maria!

      If we make it another 50 years, that would truly be a miracle:)

  2. Congrats on 25 years! We're coming up on 22.

    I'll try to meet their demands.

  3. Happy Anniversary! That's a milestone to be proud of. I'm laughing about that card, too. Very funny!

    We'll have to meet those demands!

    1. Miranda, the card was beautiful, but somehow his eyes just skimmed over the Happy Birthday part, lol!

  4. Happy anniversary! The Happy Birthday was hilarious though.
    Ready for Monday.

  5. huzzah! and ha ha!
    so male of him! =)
    and have a fun time as a hostage!

    1. Tara, it was totally a man thing, lol!

      I'm already having fun as a hostage :)

  6. Happy anniversary, Gwen. 25 years! What a testament to your love for each other. Love the birthday card. That's totally something my hubs would do! BUt it's the thought behind it and it great. :)

    I celebrate my 25th in September.


    1. Congrats to you and your hubs Michelle!

      Yeah, it's the thought - the card was really sweet :)

  7. Wow, 25 years! So super-tabulos to hear!! Congrats to the both of you. :))

    1. Thanks Candilynn - are you making up words again? LOL!

  8. Happy Anniversary, Gwen! My 25th will be this year too, but I don't know if I can plan something as romantic as you have. ;)

    1. Congrats on your 25 years, Linda! My husband is quite the romantic and really enjoys this stuff as much as I do. It was easy to plan: music, food, cards, wine and candle - boom!

  9. Congratulations, Gwen. 25 is no small feat in this day and age. All the best to you and your husband on your next 25.

  10. Congratulations, Gwen! 25 years is a great milestone. And the card made me laugh! Cheers and I wish you both the best for next 25+ years to come! (:

    1. HaHa, Elise, when you're married long enough, this kind of stuff happens! Thank you:<)

  11. Congratulations on 25 years. I'm hitting 15 later this year, and we've decided that we may actually celebrate... it'll be one of the first times, usually we just nod acknowledgement over breakfast :-D

    1. Annalisa, I hope you do celebrate! 15 years is quite the milestone.

  12. Happy anniversary! Congratulations on 25 years. :) And that was hilarious about the card. That's something my husband would do. Hehehe!

  13. Congrats! And I have to say, that is a spectacular candle.

  14. Oh, that is TOO funny!!! We used to have a candle like that--it spiraled in the middle--so cool:-) LOL about the bday/anniversary card. We went out for Valentine's yesterday . . . thought about just staying in and going to bed early and asking the kids to leave us alone so we could sleep (yes, literally sleep!) but we knew that'd NEVER happen. So we ate some steak at The Outback and saw Identity Thief (it was good, but could've been so much better). Enjoy your weekend:-)

  15. Happy Anniversary! 25 is a huge milestone. We're about to hit 19. Will definitely be in w4ws Monday.

  16. Happy everything!

    Hugs and chocolate,

  17. Happy Anniversary Gwen, see you Monday for W4W's!

  18. Congratulations on 25! Here's to 25 more. :) See you at W4WS.

  19. Hello, Gwen! I wanted to visit and say, "Nice to meet you!" to a fellow Spunky Soldier. :)

    Happy 25th Anniversary to you and your husband! It's wonderful to see long happy marriages! My hubby and I will be celebrating five years in June. His birthday is on Valentine's Day, and I like to only celebrate him and his birthday on the 14th. So we went out for a nice Valentine's dinner on Saturday, which was really fun. I love a night of not having to cook or do dishes, lol!

    See you around the blogosphere, especially during A to Z!

  20. Congratulations! That's hilarious you ended up with a birthday card ;-)
    And I've just tweeted for Writers 4 Writers :-)


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