
Friday, March 15, 2013

A-Z, Review Giveaway and Other Stuff

Hey, how are you all doing on preparations for the A-Z Challenge? I was starting to get worried that I wouldn't finish the pre-writing and then I'd be stressed out trying to write them on a daily basis--or more likely, I might have had to drop out.

Well, now I only have about 5 posts to go so I'm feeling a lot better. I think I have F, J, K, Q and Z left to write. I'm thinking Z is going to be the problem! Anyway, feeling less stressed and sooo excited to do my first A-Z! I'm even a minion :-]

How about you? Are you participating? Pre-writing? Minioning? 

So here's a pretty cool deal. Angela Brown is doing a $25 - $50 Amazon card giveaway! Check it out...

Readers and reviewers are the lifeblood of any author, no matter what path taken to publish their work. Whether the author Tweets dozens of times a day or barely has a presence on Facebook, no readers spreading the word about their work boils down to no one buying or reading an author's book.

Readers and reviewers, YOU ARE THE BEST!! To show my appreciation, I'd like to offer a chance for one of you that read and reviewed Neverlove to win a $25 Amazon e-gift card. The giveaway is a month long, so that means if you have Neverlove in your pretty little hands and you'd like to enter, you've got plenty of time to do so.

For those yet to purchase Neverlove, it is $0.99 at, Amazon and Kobo. Grab your copy and make sure to put your review at all these places (along with Goodreads which is a great site where other readers are interested in your thoughts about books).

Make sure to enter the Rafflecopter below. Of course, because this is a Reviewer giveaway, please bear in mind the mandatory option for this giveaway is that you share the link of one of your reviews so you can enter to win.Those who've already reviewed are ahead of the game. Go and grab your permalink so you can enter to win.

*****To make this even more enjoyable, let's add a challenge. If the number of reviews at Amazon reaches 35 before the end of the giveaway, I'll add $15 to the gift card. If it reaches 50 reviews, I'll make the gift card $50. You read that right. If we reach 50 reviews for Neverlove, the $25 gift card will double to $50.*******

You can enter the rafflecopter HERE.  

And you can still win an autographed paperback of Givin' Up The Ghost on Facebook HERE  or on GoodReads HERE.


  1. Awesome that you've got most of your posts done. I'm not participating because it doesn't fit with our blog. But I'll be visiting some of the posts that people I follow post. Looking forward to reading yours.

    1. Thanks Natalie. LOL, I'm thinking the A-Z would be a nightmare for you since your posts are always to in depth!

  2. I'm not participating in A-Z-- too much going on right now that needs my writing attention but I look forward to reading them all!

    1. Julie, I shouldn't be doing it either. I have 2 wip's I should be working on. But I'm hoping with my posts pre-written that I'll still have time to write during the A-Z. Wishful thinking?

  3. This will be my second year participating in A-Z. I'm still struggling to finish my posts, but I'm determined to get them done before April 1st. Looks like you're just about finished with them, awesome!

    1. I am just about finished. The ones I have left need research, though. A little time consuming, but I'll get er done!

  4. I'll participate next year even though I pre-wrote mine for the most part. But the hubby is going through chemo and life has been unpredictable. I will try to be a spectator as much as possible.

    Hugs and chocolate,
    Tweeted and shared.

    1. Oh Shelly, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. He's going on my prayer list.

  5. I have mine over half written! Won't schedule them until the night before each day though, since the Ninja News will still appear.

  6. Wow, Gwen, you have all your posts written in advance.

  7. That's an impressive contest.

    My posts are all written. I just need to schedule them.

    1. Nice prize, huh?!

      And you are on top of things! Way to go!

  8. My posts are written and scheduled on both blogs. :)

  9. Ahh, everyone is doing this it seems! I honestly can't even think about that much blogging right now. Next year, hopefully!

  10. Great work with your A to Z posts! I just finished P last night. Ten more to write up. It'll feel good to have them all done. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. I just finished mine today! Still have some organizing to do, but it feels good to have the bulk of it done.

  11. I'm stuck on Z, too. I'm think I'm sticking with Zzzz. lol

    1. Mary, Z certainly was a tough one. I didn't want to go with Zombie, lol! But I figured it out ;)

  12. Good luck with Z. That letter does people in every time.

    I'm not participating. I don't have time to blog every day AND write. Sounds like April going to be a quiet month for me when it comes to blogging.

    Way to go, Gwen, on being so close to finishing your posts.

    1. I'm excited to be doing the A-Z! It'll be a lot of visiting, but I think I'm at a point in my writing where I can do it :)

  13. I have my A to Z posts but they're still not loaded. EEK!

    Why to go, Angela! Such a great giveaway.

    1. Mine aren't loaded, either, Laura. But at least they're written!

      It is such a great giveaway!

  14. Really cool giveaways! I'm doing A-Z this year for the first time. Wish me luck!

  15. You're one great friend of AZ, Diane must be so pleased to have you. Cool that Angela is doing that Giveaway, I,m hosting her some time in the coming weeks as well.

    1. I'm really going to do my best as one of Diane's minions, Damyanti!

      I know I'll be seeing Angela everywhere in the blogoverse in the next few weeks. I wish her much luck on her new release, too!

  16. I'm not participating either . . . wish I had the energy to do it. I look forward to reading your posts though:-)

    1. Yay, I hope you do come back to read about paranormal case files!

  17. Only five posts left? Wow, I'm only five posts in! Soo many more still to schedule...

  18. I've been writing a few. I think I'm going to have to break it up into a theme of some sort. Imagine that. I am reeling along this month. And there'Camp NaNoWriMo which I think I'll just be a rebel at this time. Well something on this order was how I started actively blogging-30 posts in 30 days.


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