
Monday, March 4, 2013

Frailties of the Bond

Before we move on to the important stuff, I need to tell those who turned in on Friday where the pretzel picture was taken. That'd be Vienna, Austria. I was there in 2007 at the Kriskindlmarkt. And if you haven't been to one, you're missing out!

And now, the important stuff!

My Partner in ParanormYA and Untethered Realms bud, Angela Brown, has a new book coming out!
So today she is revealing her cover and calling out to her
to help with her book blitz.

Take it away, Angela!

Revealing a new project is such a milestone in an author's pathway to publication. Many thanks to Heather McCorkle for the book cover design. Introducing the cover for...


NEO – Network of Extraordinaires and Otherworldlies:

Those who answer the call from NEO play their part in maintaining balance in our ever-changing times. With power-hungry malcontents, jealous gods, and even those with misguided good intentions, the fate of our world has oft been held in the hands of unsung heroes such as those that are members of NEO.

But before NEO, these heroes and heroines had lives, loves, issues and interests that didn’t involve saving mankind.

In Frailties of the Bond, it only takes one bite to change a life…

After a hiking trip gone wrong, sixteen-year-old Luca should have been dead. Since then, he’s drifted from one school day to the next, annoyed by the looks of suspicion. When a vampire attack claimed his mother and forced his first shift into animal form, Luca set out for Texas, vengeance bound, only to discover so much more when Aimee crossed his path.

Flesh-born of vampire parents sixteen years ago, Aimee shouldn’t exist. Magic, though, made dreams come true for an undead couple desperate for a child all their own. But this magic came with a price, a cost Aimee discovered after one forbidden bite.

And the cover:

Xpresso Book Tours is handling the release blitz set for March 20h through March 31st. If you are interested in participating (YAY! and THANK YOU! if you are), click HERE to sign up.


About Angela Brown:

Born and raised in Little Rock, AR, Angela now calls Central Texas home.

Reading and writing have been lifelong passions. It was around the time she gave birth to her forever-love, nicknamed Chipmunk, that she really took writing seriously. After all, how could she teach her child to follow her dreams if she hadn't tried herself?

As a YA fantasy/sci-fi reader and author, she favors the magical, mysterious, the darker side of life...even harbors a secret fright for things that go bump in the night.

NEVERLOVE is a special project spawned from a blog-challenge-turned-blog-opera, the Abby and Basil affair. It is the first in the Shadow Jumpers series.

FRAILTIES OF THE BOND is the first in a series of novellas and short stories introducing heroes and heroines of the secret organization, NEO – Network of Extraordinaires and Otherwordlies.


Now, as tempting as it is to ask for a sound off of total love for this book cover, I'm curious about a few other things? How much does the book cover matter in choosing a book? Do you prefer symbolic covers, i.e., everything on the cover means something or directly relates to something in the book? Or just something that grabs your attention, no matter how it relates to the content within?


  1. Congrats, Angela! Love the cover and it sounds like an awesome story. So impressed with all you accomplish!

  2. Thanks, Natalie. It's a daily journey but a worth-all-the-work kind.

    Thanks so much for having me here today Partner. YAY!! and Huzzah!!!

  3. Congrats, Angela. I like the cover character's spiky silver hair.

  4. Congratulations ,Angela-- sounds like such an intriguing story! And, Gwen, I do look at covers. I can usually eliminate books in genres I don't care for fairly quickly by the cover. But I also give the back cover blurb or inside jacket descriptions a lot of consideration too.

  5. Congrats, Angela! Here's to another successful journey!

    Gwen: When's your next trip to Vienna? I'd like to place my order now for one of those pretzels. LOL.

  6. Congratulations, Angela! Great cover!! I love the colors. Good luck on your next publishing adventure.

  7. Wait, where I was I during this pretzel maker caper? I'm good at those!

    Awesome for Angela! Keep pumping those books out! :)

  8. Congratulations, Angela! Cover art makes a big difference to me.

  9. Congrats Angela. Love the cover and can't wait to read your new book.

  10. Congrats to the lovely, Angela. Can't wait for the new one!

  11. Woo-hoo! Congratulations to Angela. It's an awesome cover!

  12. Congrats, Angela! Keep moving forward. :)

  13. Hmm, good questions! I do like the more symbolic covers . . . I guess they seem more timeless to me. But it still has to pop out at me! Honestly though, most of the books I buy now are just people I've found through the blogosphere that are so nice that I want to support them . . . like you:-)


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