
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Show Some Book Love to Frailties of the Bond

I am so happy to help Angela Brown announce the release of her new novella, Frailties of the Bond! I've read it of course, and it is absolutely one of my favorites.
I'm sure you'll love it, too, so I'm thrilled to show some book love by giving away an e-book of Frailties of the Bond to a commenter. Yep, just leave any comment to enter and I'll pick the lucky winner randomly!
About Frailties of the Bond:
NEO – Network of Extraordinaires and Otherworldlies:
Those who answer the call from NEO play their part in maintaining balance in our ever-changing times. With power-hungry malcontents, jealous gods, and even those with misguided good intentions, the fate of our world has oft been held in the hands of unsung heroes such as those that are members of NEO.
But before NEO, these heroes and heroines had lives, loves, issues and interests that didn’t involve saving mankind.
In Frailties of the Bond, it only takes one bite to change a life
After a hiking trip gone wrong, sixteen-year-old Luca should have been dead. Since then, he’s drifted from one school day to the next, annoyed by the looks of suspicion. When a vampire attack claimed his mother and forced his first shift into animal form, Luca set out for Texas, vengeance bound, only to discover so much more when Aimee crossed his path.
Flesh-born of vampire parents sixteen years ago, Aimee shouldn’t exist. Magic, though, made dreams come true for an undead couple desperate for a child all their own. But this magic came with a price, a cost Aimee discovered after one forbidden bite.
An Excerpt:

The pulse of the bass line traveled across the field and rattled the body of Mouse’s Challenger, the rave at full swing. Glow sticks waved in the air to the fast-paced rhythm of synthesizers high on musical ecstasy. The bouncer tore our tickets, spouted his “don’t cause a riot” act then gave us a head nod, universal for “get the hell in already”.

Shelley drifted into bloodlust, fangs extended, eyes glossed over with a dull yellow sheen. By party’s end, they would be a blazing gold after she got her fill. She peeled from us and disappeared from sight.

Mouse stayed with me just long enough for a Thor look-alike to ask her to dance. She chucked me the peace sign and left.

There I stood. All alone. By the bar.

Three feet away, a vampire fed on a girl. Out in the open! It was a spectacle I hadn’t seen before. Her blood ran like red tendrils pooling onto her cleavage. Sloppy eater.

“Care for a Bloody Joey?” the bartender asked, pulling me out of the moment, and probably saving me from the embarrassment of gawking like the newbie I was.

“A bloody who-what?”

“Bloody Joey. Mary’s supply always depletes five minutes after the party starts. We still have Joey, Alexander and Alice. I’d recommend Joey. His blood has a smooth texture.”

I was stuck, too ashamed to ask if he would put the blood in a cup or pass the person over the bar.

About the Author:

Before we move on to the bio, let's share some random things about Angela that we don't know:

Five Things You May or May not Know About me

1.      I stole a box of Chiclets gum when I was five. Guilt tore me apart. I haven’t had the stomach for stealing anything since.

2.       My then fiancé couldn’t attend my senior prom due to distance, so I had his name drawn on my left ring fingernail in white to match my all white dress.

3.       I’m addicted to chocolate and Wild Cherry Pepsi (lol!! Most of you probably already know that.)

4.       I’m a middle child (who may or may not suffer from that silly middle kid syndrome lol!!)

5.       I’m an Aquarius J

Did someone happen to check my horoscope today? If it’s bad news, I’d rather remain blissfully ignorant lol!

Born and raised in Little Rock, AR, Angela now calls Central Texas home.

Reading and writing have been lifelong passions. It was around the time she gave birth to her forever-love, nicknamed Chipmunk, that she really took writing seriously. After all, how could she teach her child to follow her dreams if she hadn't tried herself?

As a YA fantasy/sci-fi reader and author, she favors the magical, mysterious, the darker side of life...even harbors a secret fright for things that go bump in the night.

NEVERLOVE is a special project spawned from a blog-challenge-turned-blog-opera, 
the Abby and Basil affair. It is the first in the Shadow Jumpers series.
FRAILTIES OF THE BOND is the first in a series of novellas and short stories introducing heroes and heroines of the secret organization, NEO – Network of Extraordinaires and Otherwordlies.

Buy Links:

Amazon US .  Kobo .  B&N
Connect with Angela:

Angela Brown in the Pursuit of Publishness blog:


  1. This sounds so good. The premise reminds me a little bit of The Passage by Justin Cronin.

    1. Thanks, Johanna. It was fun writing this novel and I will certainly check out Justin Cronin's novel so I can drool over it :-)

  2. Greetings Gwen,

    Yes,it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :) I'm delighted to see you have posted up about my dear human friend, Angela Brown. And the excerpt from her novel is something I can certainly get my teeth into. Fangs for sharing this. And now I shall share this to the various social networks, yep even 'Farcebook'!

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny :)

    1. Penny! Wonderful! YAY! You are so "fangtastic" for sharing :-)

  3. Gwen, my dearest Partner in ParanormYA! Thanks so much for having FOTB here today. I like this excerpt. Has a bit of humor to it :-)

    1. My pleasure, Partner! I enjoyed this excerpt - the invention of Bloody Joey was a stroke of genius :)

  4. Very sexy cover! I would pick that up if I was walking by it. Congrats Angela!

    1. Jenny, they do have some nice cover models these days, don't they?

  5. Congratulations, Angela! Downloading mine tonight.

  6. Truly one of the coolest covers going. Way to go AB! :)

  7. I just came across a great fantasy YA Fiction boo series by Shari Whyte. Stelladaur: Finding Tir Na Nog. It's not paranormal but there's time travel and all that. Based in the Pacific Northwest, but not Twilight.The series is a really good "get lost in it" type. Whyte also has an online scholarship program called Stelladaur Academy, that aspect is really awesome as she does more than just write, she teaches also., you should be able to find info on both the book and the academy there. My oldest loves these types of books, I'll have to show her this one, she'll love the cover!

  8. Great cover. It looks like an awesome book. Yay, Angela.

  9. yay for angela! looks like another winner!

  10. Congratulations, Angela! What an intriguing excerpt.
    And I've got candy-stealers guilt too! Only mine was a picture of a favourite singer I tore out of a magazine, cos I couldn't afford to buy the whole thing...

  11. I've spotted this around a few places--looks awesome! Best of luck to you, Angela!


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