
Monday, April 1, 2013

A-Z: Afterlife

A-Z Challenge 2013:
The Paranormal Case Files of Indigo Eady

Indigo Eady
Your A-Z Host
Hey bloggers! I’m Indigo Eady and I play the leading role in Givin’ Up The Ghost, A Guilty Ghost Surprised and Second Death, written by Gwen Gardner.  I've had some pretty interesting paranormal experiences, to say the least. I mean, just look at those titles!

So I’ve been asked by Gwen to host and share some of my paranormal case files for the A-Z Challenge.

I’m always happy to help Gwen out. Right now I’m trying to get on her good side so she’ll ease up on the clumsy angle of my character. And maybe she’ll even give me a little more confidence, especially around boys. Oh, and I’d totally love it if she made my bubble butt just a little bit smaller. So—you know—if you enjoy my case files, maybe you could put in a good word for me…
A is for Afterlife.

I guess I should give an introduction, because almost everything that follows is going to basically be related to this one, single category: Afterlife.
Afterlife is as simple as existence after death. Or as complicated as creatures or beings existing in some form, whether they were ever truly alive (as we know it) or not.

We’re talking ghosts and otherworldly things that go bump in the night. I’ve pretty much seen it all. You will be truly amazed if you come back here every day to read about my experiences.

First of all, some spirits will do almost anything to get your attention. I’ve been pinched, pushed and pulled in all directions. I do my best to ignore them, but some won’t be ignored. That’s how I got mixed up in murder investigations. Sometimes you just have to join the team and go with the flow.
So I’ll leave you with this, my first recollection of the afterlife:
It was my third birthday. I was playing with my new toys in my bedroom while the adults were having coffee in the kitchen. My grandfather came in and sat on the floor with me. I had gotten one of those oversized , thick balloons that we batted back and forth.

My Abby, my beloved grandmother, appeared in the doorway and watched us play. She smiled and asked, “Who are you playing with, Indigo?”

I pointed to my grandfather and he winked at me. “With Pappy.”
She only smiled and nodded and watched for awhile. Later in the day, she pulled out a photo album and showed me some photos. “That’s Pappy!” I exclaimed.

My mother, standing behind us, asked, “How do you know?”
“He played with me today.” The adults exchanged looks but said nothing. Pappy had died before I was born. And now I had inherited the family ‘gift’ of seeing and speaking with ghosts.
What about you? Have you ever experienced psychic phenomena?


  1. Happy spooky? Cool. Oh, and spirits that pinch? Sounds like something I might aspire to do in the afterlife. Could be such fun.

    1. Jeff, you are a naughty boy! I wouldn't doubt it a bit if you stuck around just to pinch a few bottoms ;)

  2. Yes. In fact, I wrote about an experience I'd had in New Orleans.

    Great to know a bit more about you, Miss Indigo.

    1. Oh I'd love to hear your experience, Miss Holmes. We could compare notes!

  3. I got attacked by a spirit once. Does that count? Awesome idea Gwen, I can't wait to read what Indigo shows us tomorrow.

    1. Sheena-Kay, it certainly does count. I've been attacked more times than I care to remember.

    2. Thanks Sheena. And I'd love to hear about your experience as well!

  4. Indigo started out young! This will be a fun Challenge for her. :)

    Laura Eno – A Shift in Dimensions

    1. I started out very early, Miss Eno, and I'm still learning a lot. I hope to get better control so I can have a semi-normal life.

  5. Can't say I've had an experience like that. Hope you're getting on Gwen's good side.

    1. Good for you, Miss Aguirre. I think I'd gladly give it up if I could. I do strive to stay on Gwen's good side, but that'd pretty easy because she's so awesome :)

  6. My mother's old house was haunted - knocks, things moving, etc. were all common occurrences. I even saw a man in the dining room once.

    1. Yes, Diane, that's how it starts. They're just letting you know they're there and trying to communicate with you. Sometimes it's harmless, but if it starts to escalate, get out of there quick!

  7. Visited an old church graveyard. Church was stone, roof caved in, trees growing out of the center. Walked to the back of the 1800's graveyard and was knocked to my knees with a wave of depression...never had anything like it before. Ladyfriend ran up and asked what was wrong. Had no clue. Finally looked down to see the stone of an infant. Figured I got hit with a grief emotion in a loop.

    1. That is scary. And that makes you an Empath - someone who is empathetic to feelings and energy around you. It happens to me quite a bit, too, but I'm learning to control it.

  8. Hi Indigo! I'm rooting for you to at least get a little leniency from Gwen. Kind of creepy story from your childhood, but still fascinating. Looking forward to more of your stories and case files.


    Find me:
    Twitter: @AllysonLindt

    1. Hi Allyson, thanks so much for stopping by. I'm hoping for good things after a month of (free) hosting. And that first experience from my childhood was a piece of cake compared to other things I've experienced since then. Come back and you'll learn a whole lot more!

  9. So that's how it all began?
    Sadly I've not experienced many unusual happenings.

    1. Yes sir, Mr. Cavanaugh, that's how it all started. I wouldn't worry about not having had similar experiences. There's still plenty of time for that!

  10. I've never had any "ghostly encounters"...
    They say that people who are "born with a veil" (thin membrane of skin over the face at birth), can "see" spirits and such entities...

    1. I guess I was born with that veil, Michelle! Thanks for stopping by :)

  11. I'm excited to read more of Indigo Eady!

    1. Thanks so much, I hope you do come back to hear my stories!

  12. wow! That is pretty powerful! Looking forward to more stories!

    1. Thanks Roshni. I'll look forward to your next visit :)

  13. Great start to the Challenge! I have never had an experience with the Afterlife, but not for lack of trying.

    1. You actually try, Miss Rains? I would gladly trade places with you!

  14. Love the excerpt. Thanks for sharing this with us, Indigo!
    I'll be back. :D

    1. Thank you and you're welcome, Miss Fallson. Please do come back!

  15. Oh My God!! That's fascinating! Have never experienced something like this... but just finished reading and reviewing a book which is all about vampires and the guardians, the spirits and the tantrics! Looking forward to more stories form you.

    1. Not many people experience what I do, thankfully. But please come back again - I have lots of stories.

  16. Those spirits sound like they can be a bit annoying! Look forward to the rest of your posts Indigo.

    1. Mr. Wilford, they can be completely annoying! But sometimes sweet, like Franny the ex Victorian madam.

  17. Yay! I can comment today... I hope... I did see a ghost once. Otherwise I'd still be a skeptic.

    1. I'd love to hear your ghost story!

  18. I have never experienced that, but I sure do like reading about it :)

    1. If you like reading about it, then please come back, Miss Bennett. I have lots of stores!

  19. Loved hearing more about Indigo and her first memory with the Afterlife! I believe I have come across a ghost or two.

    A to Z Participant
    Cherie Reich - Author and Surrounded by Books Reviews

    1. I'm finding out that so many people have experienced ghosts! Wow, this is making me feel so much better!

  20. Hey, Gwen...

    Nice to meet your mc... Live her voice....a ghost with a sense if humor .... Gotta love it!

    1. Thanks Michael. It's a pleasure to meet you, as well.

  21. Indigo Eady, so good to see you again deary. I guess no quirky weird things to report from PIP HQ. But it's cool getting to see how it all started for you :-)

    1. Hello Angela! It's so good to see you. I do miss staying at PIP Headquarters and spending time with Abby. Next time I promise, we won't get into any trouble!

  22. I haven't experienced any spirits.

    Great theme.

    1. You're lucky, Miss Sharif. I wish I didn't experience so many spirits.

      I am sort of an expert at this theme, really. And I'm finding out that a lot of people are experiencing the same things as I am!

  23. Consider me hooked! I loved your trip down memory lane, Indigo - can't wait to hear more:)

    1. Oh good, Sam! So I'll see you tomorrow :)

  24. A great idea for the A to Z Challenge!
    And I love how it's INDIGO replying to these comments and not Gwen ;-)

    1. Yep, Gwen recruited me. I wonder what she's doing while I'm working?


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