
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A-Z: Inter-dimensional Travel

A - Z Challenge 2013:
The Paranormal Case Files of Indigo Eady
Hey bloggers! I’m Indigo Eady and I play the leading role in Givin’ Up The Ghost, A Guilty Ghost Surprised and Second Death, written by Gwen Gardner.  I've had some pretty interesting paranormal experiences, to say the least. I mean, just look at those titles!
So I’ve been asked by Gwen to host and share some of my paranormal case files for the A-Z Challenge.
I’m always happy to help Gwen out. Right now I’m trying to get on her good side so she’ll ease up on the clumsy angle of my character. And maybe she’ll even give me a little more confidence, especially around boys. Oh, and I’d totally love it if she made my bubble butt just a little bit smaller. So—you know—if you enjoy my case files, maybe you could put in a good word for me…
I is for Inter-dimensional Travel.  
I initially learned about inter-dimensional travel from Franny. I always knew there was a heaven and hell, with the living—us—in the middle. But I had never thought in terms of dimensions. I’m told there are seven dimensions, but I’m starting to think there are more.

I fell, quite literally, into inter-dimensional travel by accident. First, I absolutely DO NOT recommend it, so don’t try this at home—if you can help it.

To begin with, I didn’t realize when I entered Gertrude’s Garden that I had actually entered another dimension. Gertrude’s Garden is a hangout for paranormals of all dimensions, the one place that is considered neutral territory for all, as inter-dimensional travel is frowned upon. And so you’re going to see all kinds of creatures, erm, paranormal beings at Gertie’s. And I mean all kinds. They eat, they drink, they dance and socialize. It’s like a big nightclub.

The only way you’d know that you’d entered another dimension—besides the room full of paranormals—is that afterwards you’ll discover that time spent there is extra slow. In other words, we entered, spent at least an hour, but when we left, it was only a few minutes later. Weird, huh?

I don’t know how it works, but Gertrude’s also seems to be an entry point that leads to other dimensions as well. If you read the ‘D’ category a week or so ago, I talked about doppelgangers. In particular, mine and Badger’s. They appeared in a wall-sized mirror and taunted us. When I touched the mirror, I fell through into another dimension—the mirror image of the one we’d just left. Then Badger and I proceeded to get extremely lost chasing after those obnoxious doppelgangers.

HINT:      Do not drink the punch! I don’t know what they put in it, but it’s not normal. It’s paranormal. And extra strong. I mean wobbling-on-your-feet-if-you-can-even-stand kind of strong.
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  1. Awesome series! I know I haven't commented, but I'm catching up. :) I gave you a shout out today on my blog if you get a chance. Thanks for the comments you left, you rock!

    1. Thanks so much, Miss Bradley. I'm glad you're enjoying my little snippets. Thanks for the shout-out, too!

  2. Wow! Inter-demensional travel sounds cool, though I'm not sure I want to meet a bunch of paranormals.

    1. It is kind of cool, Miss Aguirre. But it can be really spooky, too.

  3. i would love to say, been there... done that.
    great post...

  4. I like the idea of obnoxious doppelgangers!

    1. Until you're faced with them, Mr. Wilford!

  5. This makes me even more excited for book 2!

    1. Yay! I'm so glad, Miss Graham :)

  6. Wow, Gertrude's Garden sounds fascinating! And, once again, let me say how much I enjoy Indigo's voice :-)

    1. Gertrude's Garden is completely fascinating! And thanks so much for the compliment.

  7. I really want to go to Gertrude's Garden in spite of Indigo's warning. What a great name.

    1. HaHa! If you're ever in Sabrina Shores, I'll take you there, Miss Flanders.

  8. What is it about mirrors and the intrigue of another world? Love it-- just invites the imagination!

    1. Mirrors are very magical things, Miss Julie!

  9. I love visiting and reading these stories. I can't wait to get the first book. Thanks for sharing. Gwen is a fantastic writer and you are a fantastic character.

    1. Thank you so much - from both of us!

  10. I've visited Laura Eno's site and witnessed what happens to those who drink Jezebel's punch to know not to touch the stuff!

    1. LOL, I have heard of Jezebel's punch! *shivers*

  11. So cool! One of my grandmothers was named Gertrude. I wonder if that explains the--never mind.

    Maybe it's still Jezebel's punch at work :)

    1. LOL, do you have something to share, Miss Kilgore? I'd love to hear it.

  12. Travelling between dimensions is what I would call extreme excitement. But certainly drinking and traveling must be an unpleasant experience. :)

  13. I had punch like that in college - inter-dimensional travel was a nasty side-effect:)

  14. That is weird. At least no one can accuse someone of coming home late.


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