
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A-Z: Telepathy in the Tunnels

A - Z Challenge 2013:
The Paranormal Case Files of Indigo Eady
Hey bloggers! I’m Indigo Eady and I play the leading role in Givin’ Up The Ghost, A Guilty Ghost Surprised and Second Death, written by Gwen Gardner.  I've had some pretty interesting paranormal experiences, to say the least. I mean, just look at those titles!
So I’ve been asked by Gwen to host and share some of my paranormal case files for the A-Z Challenge.
I’m always happy to help Gwen out. Right now I’m trying to get on her good side so she’ll ease up on the clumsy angle of my character. And maybe she’ll even give me a little more confidence, especially around boys. Oh, and I’d totally love it if she made my bubble butt just a little bit smaller. So—you know—if you enjoy my case files, maybe you could put in a good word for me…
T is for Telepathy.
Telepathy or thought transference is a sort of mental communication. I hesitate to talk about it because I read that people who are likely to believe in it are schizophrenic. You know—people who hear voices in their heads that tell them to do things like kill people. They put those people on medication or lock them away. But I swear I’ve only experienced it once. And I was the person doing the communicating, not the one hearing voices in my head telling me to do things.
 Without going into details, we were looking for a missing body to wrap up a case we were on. Well, the killer was looking for the body, too, to hide it better before the officials found it. We only knew where to look because Hannah told us the most like place: the tunnels.
 Today, most of the existing tunnels were part of the new sewer and drainage system. Certain tunnels led all the way from the river into the city, and lay beneath shops, banks and pubs, long forgotten. Except by those who still used them. Unfortunately we ran into the killer in the tunnels, and he was the one with the gun. Fortunately, Bart’s spirit appeared and helped us out:
“Listen Indigo, up ahead the path levels and widens out. It’s a chance for you to escape. Take the right fork. It leads up and intersects with the path you came down.”
I nodded imperceptibly.
“I’m going to cause a diversion. I’ve been practicing.”
I didn’t know how I could alert the others. I fervently began to say in my mind, over and over again; right fork, right fork, right fork. I directed it at the back of Simon’s head. He had never shown any signs of psychic ability, but he did come from a long line of them.
Not the best time for a lesson, but nothing to lose at this point. I mean other than our lives, but they were on the line anyway.
I concentrated harder than I ever had, willing Simon to hear me in his head.
And suddenly, he turned to me, a strange look on his face. I took the opportunity, with my hand in front of me, to point right with my thumb. He nodded his understanding, amazement mingling with fear on his face.
We were approaching the designated area, and I worried about whether Bart could actually cause a diversion. And then I remembered the snug storm, and was glad for it.
When the time came, I didn’t look back, only yelled, “RUN!” The sound of Andy slipping and shouting behind me urged me on.
Not only did the others not hesitate, but they took the right fork. I didn’t stop to think about it, just ran up as fast as I dared. Last in line and nearest to Andy, I had to put more distance between us. A shot rent the air. A responding hunk of rock leapt beside me, fragments stinging my cheeks.
Have you ever had a telepathic moment?
Thought about someone, and then the next minute they call or stop by?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Gwen, I have used a lot of Telepathy in one of my short stories. It was a fun way of communicating between the ghosts.

    1. I'd love to read it, Rachna. It sounds really good!

  3. At work we never say a patient's name, because inevitably that patient gets admitted within the next day or two. I never knew that had a name before.

  4. Very tense moment!
    I've always thought telepathy would be a great attribute. To be able to communicate with someone too far away to hear you. To share a private conversation in a crowd. That's why I used it in my books. It added depth.

    1. That's so cool, I didn't know you used telepathy in your books!

  5. I used to have a best friend with whom I swear I had this psychic connection. It was very uncanny.

    1. Yes! It generally happens with someone you're close to :)

  6. All the time with my Mom and sister - it's borderline eerie. It never fails, I always know when they're going to call. In fact, my Mom's telling me to buy your book for her via thought transference:)

    1. I think you should listen to her, Miss Sam!

  7. Not me, but my mother-in-law had that ability.

    1. How cool! I'll bet you have lots of stories to tell, huh?

  8. Telepathy would be interesting to have. Or creepy. It depends.

    1. Yeah, you wouldn't want to be too good at it, would you?

  9. I use a variation of telepathy in my wip, but instead of projecting voices, my character projects images. Exciting excerpt!

  10. I don't generally get telepathy visually, but the ghosts do tend to show me stuff that really freaks me out!

  11. I like the idea of the character being afraid to share her telepathy experience.

    In real life, I think something we have gut instinct. Is that telepathy, I wonder.


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