
Monday, June 17, 2013

Worlds and Wings and SpecFic Things

Just a short post today to give you a heads up on a couple of happenings going on in the blogoverse today.

Untethered Realms has a new blog. What or who is Untethered Realms, you ask? It's a group of speculative fiction writers who have banded together to support and share their knowledge and experience with each other and the writing community. I'm sure you know most of us, so please stop by and check out our awesome new blog and give us a follow.

It's the third Monday of the month, so it's time for Writers 4 Writers, hosted by Stephen TrempChristine RainsC. M. Brown, and M.Pax. This month we're helping Marta Szemik join the bestsellers list. Stop by her blog and pick up some pre-made tweets and Facebook posts and help out a fellow writer. Want to be featured on Writers 4 Writers? Go HERE to sign up. Also find them on Facebook HERE.


What do you have planned for this lovely Monday?


  1. Thanks for sharing about the new blog. I'm off to work, driving my daughter where she needs to go, and getting ready for a vacation tomorrow after work.

    1. Oh, have a wonderful time on vacation, Natalie! I'm so excited for you because I know how much you need/deserve it :)

  2. I've been Tweeting and already follow your awesome new blog!

    1. Thanks Alex - now I'm off to grab some tweets, too :)

  3. Thanks for the W4WS shout-out! I'm still wondering what I'm going to write for my first UR blog post. Hehehe!

  4. UR rocks! Of course, I could be slightly biased :-)

  5. What's biased, Angela Brown? UR rocks with awesomesauce. Thanks for the W4WS shouout, too, Gwen. Happy Monday!


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