
Monday, July 22, 2013

What's On Your Bookshelf?

Life has been interesting lately, to say the least. Most of you know that I moved for work a couple of months ago while my husband stayed behind to sell the house. He's still there, but more on that another time.

I couldn't bring a lot with me, just whatever fit in my van, really. Things I thought I'd need or want for a few months. (BTW, it's amazing how few things you really need to be comfortable).

I was just checking out my makeshift bookshelf and the books I brought with me. It's an interesting mix, and goes something like this:

  • The Beloved Works of C.S. Lewis
  • When God Winks: New Beginnings by Squire Rushnell
  • Create Your Writer Platform by Chuck Sambuchino
  • It's Your Time by Joel Osteen
  • The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
  • Showing and Telling by Laurie Alberts
  • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
  • Living, Loving and Learning by Leo Buscaglia
  • The Illustrated Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
  • The Emotion Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
  • The Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
  • Everyday A Friday by Joel Osteen
I have thousands of books (according to my husband) at home, but these are the ones I selected to bring with me. Some of them lend inspiration, and others are simply easy to get lost in. Even a couple of books on writing.
If you had to leave home,
what books would be on your makeshift bookshelf?


  1. Great seeing what you brought. I loved Chuck's book. Hope you enjoyed it too. I'd probably bring some spiritually inspirational books, some craft books and a few fantasy series I really love. I'm trying not to collect a lot of books because I don't have time to re-read them. And I live with a husband and daughter who are kind of pack rats.

    1. I haven't read Chuck's book yet, but I certainly plan to! And I'm always looking for inspiration. Especially for the inspirational books, I like a hard copy because I mark them up and re-read them.

  2. Have you heard of a wonderful invention called an ereader???? :D

    I would bring my favorite writing craft books, because I don't read them on an ereader. And I'd bring the regular books I have that I haven't read yet, in case my iPod battery dies and I don't have a chance to recharge it. We're going away soon, but since we're going to a beach, I'm bringing print books with me.

    1. LOL, I have a ereader and I love it! But when they're my favorites, I always want a hard copy.

  3. I use an ereader so the only physical book I bring with me is my book of computer passwords. LOL.

    Hope hubby can join you soon. Me and mine have been living apart for 13 years. Next year will be it! We'll be a couple again when he retires.

    1. It's hard being apart, Maria. 13 years is a long time! But he'll be here soon - then we'll have 2 house payments. Pray our house sells!

  4. A lot of positive books there.
    Hope your house sells soon.

  5. I love your selection. Very inspirational. I've read everything by Peale and love his books.

    1. I love them all. I think I've read all of Peale's, but I've read The Power of Positive Thinking at least 10 times!

  6. Hmm. I'd have a couple of my Anne Rice books with me, maybe a Neil Gaiman, and my Sherlock Holmes. Diana Wynne Jones' Chronicles of Chrestomanci, maybe a Jude Morgan, and some Shakespeare and nonfiction to round it out (not sure if the nonfiction would be pop culture studies or screenwriting/movie industry stuff).

    1. Oh Neil Gaiman is a great choice. I'm a huge Sherlock Holmes fan, too. Your choices are really well-rounded - I love it!

  7. A very good selection. A Harry Potter book? Of course!

  8. Great choices. I'd definitely take the Harry Potter series, and the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning. Some Jim Butcher, Neil Gaiman, and Stephen King too.

  9. I've been evacuated out of my town twice due to hurricanes so I have now resorted to bringing my electronic bookcase with me: my Kindle Fire HD. I have hundreds of books and audiobooks stored up in the cloud storage system -- psychology texts, history texts, C S Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Raymond Chandler, John D MacDonald, Mark Twain, and of course, my own eBooks.

    Thanks for posting my latest audiobook on your Facebook page -- it meant a lot to me! :-)

  10. I hope your house sells soon and your life settles down a bit. And I hope the positive books you've listed here are helping to keep your spirits up during all this transition!

  11. Great list!

    As for books, don't make me choose! LOL! I'd probably just take my Kindle with me. If I really need to read a book I have in print, then I'll see if I can buy the ebook copy too.

  12. Great post Gwen which makes me wonder what I would take. I've never read NVP .. perhaps I will get that.
    Deepak Chopra & Leonard Mlodinow: Is God an Illusion? The Great Debate Between Science & Spirituality.
    Marion Woodman: Dancing in the Flames (for a 3rd re-read).
    Plenty of psychology books especially Jungian .. and a riveting novel or 3 ...
    and of course my Kindle ...


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