
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

IWSG: I. Can't. Keep. Up.

It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for another Insecure Writer's Support Group post.
As always, our host is Alex Cavanaugh, and his co-hosts this month are M. Pax, Karen Walker, and Melissa Maygrove. Many thanks for making the time to come support your fellow writers! If you want to join the IWSG, go HERE to sign up.
You must have noticed the title of this post. That pretty much sums it up for me. Now that I have a full time job, I can only write /edit / blog / tweet at night or on weekends. Sure, I can schedule the blog and tweet posts, but to interact, it mostly has to be at night. Sometimes I can sneak in during the day, but it's sporadic. I belong to a couple of writer groups that I struggle to keep up with. I know I'm lagging and not interacting enough. So many times I get to the party late and struggle to catch up with what's going on.
I've thought about quitting everything. When you get right down to it, all the pressure comes from myself. Nobody but me. I don't have to write / edit / blog / tweet or belong to writer groups. But I love it and want to stay involved with other writers as much as I can.

And so I'm going to keep hobbling along until someone takes away my Writer's Card and kicks me out of The Club.

Thanks for listening!
What are you struggling with?


  1. I wrote about my struggles to day for the group. Oh boy. Know how you feel. We'll keep our chins up. Right?

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. We sure will, Shelly. We've got to. Thanks for coming by!

  2. I didn't know you are working full time now. That would be tough when it comes to balancing everything. *hugs*

    1. Thanks for the much need hug, Stina. *hugs back*

  3. The balance of finding time to write, blog and visit other blogs and somehow, manage a family of five, work, continue to have friends and a life is a constant struggle for me. I almost always have to give up on something. (Usually it's the laundry, LOL) Just do the best you can and know that you are not alone; I think we all struggle in finding that balance. Especially those of us who work and have families.

    1. You still manage to have a life, LOL? Now that's success!

  4. Gwen, I am struggling with a lot at this time. Writing is going okay, not as fast as I want it to go. Catching up with my reading.

    1. I'm not writing right now, Rachna. But I'm going to start soon...and reading? Waaaay behind. I have tons of reviews to catch up on.

  5. I know how you feel. They say it's smart to diversify, but right now I am doing so many things that I can't keep up either. Ironically, today I announced something new I'm going to do. Not sure what I was thinking.

    1. LOL, Diane. Did you really need another project? I'll stop by and check it out.

  6. Yes. You. Can. That's all I'm gonna say. Big hugs. Do what you can, when you can. :D

  7. Sounds as if you're managing to keep up one way or another! Lots of posts this month about struggling (including mine!) - maybe it's the time of year!

    1. Sort of keeping up Linda, but I'm definitely at the back of the pack!

  8. I find that so many of us have a difficult time trying to find time for all the demands. The social media is so important for platform building, but sometimes I think we've made it a master we serve, rather than a form that serves us. I find I am constantly readjusting my time investment in this aspect, trying to keep it in a realistic balance.

    1. Keeping up with social media is always a struggle. But I can't stop myself from doing it! It's a fine balance that I haven't learned yet.

  9. Since it's IWSG post day, I'm certainly drowning and unable to keep up today.
    You just do what you can and don't worry about what doesn't get done.

    1. Alex, I soooo don't know how you keep up. So maybe you don't clone - but do you time travel? You know, go back in time to get everything done?

  10. Neil Gaiman reminds us that if we but write one page a day, we will have written 365 pages in a year: which is usually the length of our novels! Stay the course. You can do this: one night at a time. :-)

    1. I love Neil Gaiman, Roland. Thanks for breaking it down for me. Seems so much easier that way.

  11. Hey, there are seasons. Sometimes we're better at keeping up with others, cleaning our house, spending time with family, writing... And sometimes our focus must necessarily be elsewhere. Don't lament what you can't do, eh? Focus on what you can and do accomplish. You're amazing, Gwen!

    1. I agree, some days I feel more able than others. I should just hop on for the ride on those days. Thanks so much, Crystal.

  12. I hope you stay in the Club! It seems like lots of people are struggling with lack of time and feeling overwhelmed this month. Hang in there!

    1. I'm hanging, Julie, I'm hanging, LOL! Just don't tickle me cuz I'll fall.

  13. Gwen, I can so relate to your post. I feel like I need to wear a sign with your title. For me, I've had to accept that right now I have very little writing time because of blog commitments, work, my busy daughter and needing to take an online course to prepare to look for a new job next year. I have something ready to query but can't handle the thought of another deadline. But I'm hanging in there because I do see more time in the future, even if it's close to a year away. So hang in there and write when you can because you love it and know that someday you will have more time again. And don't expect too much of yourself.

    1. You're willing to wait a year? You sure are patient, Natalie. I don't want to wait! I want it now! Now I tell you! LOL!

  14. *hugs* We're not kicking you out of the club! I can take time to get used to a new schedule. Give yourself that time. :)

  15. I can relate to this. I'm currently trying to balance writing with internships and job-hunting, which is tricky enough without trying to keep up with social media and blogging and promoting, too! I find it impossible to try and stick to a schedule because every day some new thing turns up to throw me off! Hoping we can find a balance! :)

  16. It's so funny because everyone assumes I can meet them for lunch/coffee/gym since I work for myself. They have no idea what a slave driver boss I am!! Lots of self-pressure here too!

  17. Hey Gwen,

    Look at all those co-hosts with the ninja dude for this month's edition of "IWSG" aka, "I Was Seeking Gary". I'm getting all emotional. One moment. Sorry, ignore my delusions. Most people do! :)

    I very much understand your posting. In fact, I can barely keep up with my own multitasking. Yes, your read right, I multitask. Well sort of. Where am I?

    I know it's a tough balance and all the best.

    Gary :)

  18. I can totally relate to this. Sometimes finding time to write is next to impossible but everyone is right - don't be so hard on yourself. You have to take things at your own pace not what you think others expect of you.

  19. No one's kicking you out Gwen. Sorry you feel so stressed but try to keep going.

  20. Hugs. I was in your position a couple of months ago and had to step back from everything, reorganize my crazy life, and allow myself to be okay with taking on a little less when it comes to blogging and interacting. And it has helped me tremendously.

  21. I'm going back to the day job soon and already feel the panic wondering how I'll do everything, but I somehow manage.

    I know what Johanna is talking about. Some people who know I sit home and write think I have time on my hands when I really don't.

  22. The beautiful thing about writers is that none of us will ever be kicked out of the club! We all do what we can with the time we have. Don't pressure yourself at all :)


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