
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My Back-in-San-Diego Pictograph

I'm back in San Diego and still adjusting. It's funny how habits are formed. I hesitate at things like putting the trash out the night before (as suggested by the trash company), until I realize San Diego doesn't have bears.

We're in a rental house and still trying to sell our house in Colorado.

But there are some awesomesauce things about being back in San Diego...

My Garden, photo by me.
I have a pumpkin patch!!!
This is the pumpkin patch I inherited with the house. I am so thrilled about it! The other pumpkins are still green, but there are more. This one was still green two weeks ago. I've already weeded it and water it lovingly every other day.
Sorry, don't know who to credit for this awesome pic.
And I hope to have some of these soon. I planted a variety of Sunflower seeds (I grew black ones once, that were totally awesome!) around my pumpkin patch on Saturday. They take 7 - 21 days to come up. I can't wait to see their little heads pop up out of the ground. It is such a miracle! (Yes, I did this instead of unpacking!)

Cactus Joe, photo by me.
Cactus Joe has not bloomed in four years (the whole time we were in Colorado). But give him a little sunshine and he shows off by growing a crown. I've had him since he was an inch tall - that was 18 years ago. I always thought he was a barrel cactus, but he has these appendages starting to protrude which makes me think he might be a saguaro...

The beach, photo by me
The beaches.
I don't remember if this is Del Mar or La Jolla.
Other great things about San Diego?
Old friends
Mexican food
Happy Hour
Sea World
Balboa Park
Mexican food
Happy Hour
Mexican food
Happy Hour...
What's new with you?
Do you like to grow things?
Have you had to move and/or adjust?


  1. My biggest adjustment was when I moved from Chicago to Southeast Texas. It wasn't just the climate--it was a huge culture shock. Total strangers talked to you in the streets. LOL.

    Now I can't imagine living anywhere else.

  2. I've heard great things about San Diego. Sounds like there's a lot for you to like there. I only moved to Ann Arbor to go to college and ended up staying here.

  3. Though I like growing things, I don't have much of a green thumb :(

  4. Hooray for Cactus Joe! San Diego sounds fantastic. Best of fortune to you and your sunflowers! :-)

  5. Blogger kicked me off your Follower list so I joined right back up! :-)

  6. I visited San Diego years ago and have always wanted to go back, I loved it. This beach pic is gorgeous. And I love the pumpkin patch! :D

  7. Oh my! The beaches! That's enough for me!!

  8. We moved to California (from Massachusetts) a little over a year ago and I love it! I can grow flowers here! (My roses are gorgeous.) And I don't have to shovel snow!

  9. Glad your pumpkins and cactus are growing! I imagine Colorado stunted its growth. And you are in the right place for Mexican food and culture.

  10. Yeah, I'm adjusting... We moved almost 6 years ago to here. I didn't expect to fall in love with the high desert, but I did. Now I never want to leave. Although, the beach scene is awesome. I grew up on the Great Lakes and sometimes miss large spans of water.

  11. I love my mountains, but I am jealous of your new location! Ahhh beach and year-round lovely weather. Enjoy!

  12. You'll have your own pumpkins for Halloween.

    I've lived in four different states, all different time zones, and the biggest shock was going from Oregon to Arkansas. I felt like I'd stepped back in time.

  13. Yay for a pumpkin patch! They're difficult to grow. Or, at least, they were here. Glad to hear you're settling in. I moved a lot in my 20's, but I was very adaptable back then. I think it'd be a little different if we had to move now.

  14. I've been living where I currently am from around the third grade so I'm pretty settled. Grew pumpkin years ago but we have an ackee tree and currently growing banana and plantain trees. There was a cherry tree but it got sick and died over a year ago. Cactus Joe is looking great and best of luck selling your house.

  15. I saw those sunflowers and all I could thinks was: Wow, great zombie defense. (Name that game.)

    I miss the west. The lifestyle is so different, and I'm pretty sure we'd love living in Seattle. I visited when I was 18, and I can't get all the green out of my head. Such a gorgeous area!

  16. I'd like to grow things if I could keep it alive! My BFF lives in San Diego b/c her hubs is stationed there . . . I had the pleasure of visiting them a few years ago and wish I lived there!

  17. Sounds fantastic, especially the margaritas. ;) Can't wait to see pictures of your sunflowers with your pumpkin patch!

  18. We love San Diego! We'll be going to the zoo next weekend as we have annual passes. Good luck with settling in and everything.

  19. I was a kid in San Diego. I still remember the beach and the fact that my grandmother had the most fabulous vegetable garden ever. Love that pumpkin!

  20. San Diego is a fun city. Love the zoo there, and it's my favorite cruising port to leave from. :D


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