
Monday, September 23, 2013

Fun Monday: Punctuation Abuses

Here's a little bit of fun for all my writer peeps!
I'll admit to being a bit of a comma abuser,
but it's better than ending up with something like this:
Thank you
And of course we want to avoid this:

Thank you
And so--like it or not,
we must do this:

Thanks Debbie Ohi

Can they send you to jail for being a serial comma killer?

What's your worst punctuation abuse?


  1. That I probably don't know what is is exactly? Fun post.

  2. Fun post. I'm sure I abuse a lot grammar-wise. Not sure which one is the worst.

  3. The exclamation point! No surprise there...

  4. I have the biggest trouble with commas. I can never decide if I'm using too many or too few. I never seem to get it quite right.

    Laughing at the first picture because this weekend I was at my mother-in-law's for dinner and she came out of the kitchen and said "Let's eat kids!" And I immediately said, "Let's eat comma kids." And then everyone looked at me funny.

  5. I tend to get a little happy with the commas lol! And let's not forget that I'm so excited sometimes so that exclamation point get's a workout :-)

  6. LOL! I tend to be guilty of using commas too sparingly!

  7. I love word humor. I'm such a nerd! I should keep the comma one posted somewhere. Good grief, I litter my writing with them!

  8. Commas, definitely. That comic was made for me.

  9. Funny! My worst abuse is the hyphen. I never get them right. Even when I try to outsmart myself and do what I think must be wrong. Sigh. I HEART my great copyeditor :)

  10. I love the ellipsis, just because...

  11. I made a poster of the first one about commas for my LA classroom this week :-)

  12. Mine is using the word "quickly" far too much.

    In my first MS I used the word over 110 times. I did a word search and deleted all but three and didn't lose any meaning. In fact, the MS actually read better.

  13. I'm also a habitual comma abuser.


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