
Friday, October 4, 2013

Moonless, Survivor ParanormYA and A Sneaking Suspicion

First, check out this awesome cover reveal by Crystal Collier!

Very evocative, eh?
Here's the blurb:
Alexia’s nightmares become reality: a dead baron, red-eyed wraiths, and forbidden love with a man hunted by these creatures. After an attack close to home, Alexia realizes she cannot keep one foot in her old life and one in this new world. To protect her family she must either be sold into a loveless marriage, or escape with her beloved and risk becoming one of the Soulless. 
MOONLESS is Jane Eyre meets Supernatural.
Congratulations, Crystal - I'm so excited for you. The cover is absolutely awesome!

Blitz Tour, Fourth and Final Day!

And what a blast it's been. Four to five stops every day. Mingling with our favorite people and our favorite characters. What an awesome trip it's been, traveling through Blogtown. I am so fortunate and blessed for the opportunity to do what I love most in the world. Reading, writing, and knowing so many wonderful people who are on the same path as me. How lucky that we live in modern times and can know each other.
To Angela Brown, my talented critique partner, editor, partner in paranormya, but above all, friend; you have shown me how it's done with grace, dedication and determination. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
To all my blogging and writing friends. You accept me as I am. You make my life richer just from knowing you. Thank you all.
And now....are you ready for some fun? Todays posts are Survivor ParanormYA Island, KPIP radio show, Popcorn to Go, Never Mind Keanu Reeves, and Supernatural Trivia.
And today's stops are here:
cue the tension music....
The final episode (#5) of the Partners in ParanormYA mystery miniseries blogcom, The Great Destruction:
We hope you enjoyed the tour!


  1. Wahoo! Thanks for sharing my cover Gwen, and I have I mentioned I bought your book? Oh down time, where are you hiding?

  2. Crystal's cover is amazing and yes your tour was a success. Congrats you two.

  3. The cover for MOONLESS is gorgeous! And yay for you, Gwen! Awesome tour. :)

  4. You deserve a restful weekend! Hope you had a blast on tour!

  5. Crystal's book has a beautiful cover!
    Hope you're chillaxing now after your blog tour week :-)


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