
Monday, October 14, 2013

Science Fiction, Fantasy and Beyond the Edge

Today, I'm swapping blogs with my Untethered Realms buddy, M. Pax, the author of the poplar Backworlds series. Mary will be talking about Science Fiction and Fantasy, and I'll be talking a little bit about Cozy Paranormal Mysteries over at the Wistful Nebula. So, take it away, Mary!
Fantasy and Science Fiction Aren’t So Different
Science Fiction and Fantasy have more in common than not. In fantasy, powers are usually assigned to the magical, the mystical, the paranormal, or supernatural. In science fiction, extraordinary powers usually stem from technology and science.

Both create new worlds for the reader to explore, and many stories use a combination. One that readily comes to mind is Star Wars. There’s a lot of tech, but the force is magical and mystical.

World building is what I love, and since I was a young child I wanted to join Neil Armstrong on the Moon. I can’t afford a spaceship, but I get to explore other worlds in my books. I get to create them and populate them.

The fun part of both genres is that the writer and reader can leave this world or stay on this planet and experience a different reality. We get to explore and discover, which are elements I treasure in a story. My favorite stories emphasize my love of discovery.

However it’s sliced, fantasy and science fiction seek what it means to be human and the what if. What if vampires existed? What if I could go to magic school? What if I could travel beyond the solar system? What if I could merge with a sand worm?

Beyond the Edge

Some truths are better left unfound.

For two years Craze’s dear friend, Lepsi, has been missing. The murmurings of a haunted spaceship might be a message and may mean his old pal isn’t dead. The possibility spurs Craze and Captain Talos to travel to uncharted worlds, searching. Out there, in an unfamiliar region of the galaxy beyond the Backworlds, they stumble upon a terrible truth.

Meanwhile, Rainly remains on Pardeep Station as acting planetlord, dealing with the discovery of her lover’s dark and brutal past. Alone and questioning her judgment, her introspection unlocks more than heartache. Latent protocols in her cybernetics activate, forcing her to face a sinister secret of her own.

In the far future, humanity settles the stars, bioengineering its descendents to survive in a harsh universe. This is the fourth book in the science fiction series, The Backworlds. A space opera adventure.


M. Pax-- Inspiring the words she writes, she spends her summers as a star guide at Pine Mountain Observatory in stunning Central Oregon where she lives with the Husband Unit and two demanding cats. She writes science fiction and fantasy mostly. You can find out more by visiting her at:

What makes you love this genre of fiction?


  1. So agree that these two genres are very similar. I was just realizing this while I was reading These Broken Stars, a sci-fi book, and loving the world building. Good luck with your book, Mary.

  2. I so admire the world building you and other fantasy/sci-fi writers do! It's fun to read and I don't think I could manage it.

  3. They are my two favorite genres and I think they have a lot in common. The only real difference is the setting.

  4. Shared and tweeted for you! Good luck!

    Hugs and chocolate,

  5. They are very similar, Natalie. Thank you!

    I don't think I could do those clever mysteries, Julie. But bet you could if you tried.

    They're my favorites, too, Alex. Even in literature, I like it best when there are strange elements incorporated.

    Thank you, Shelly.

    Thanks for letting me borrow your place today, Gwen.

  6. I couldn't agree more. Plenty of Sci-Fi has strong fantasy elements and vice versa. I guess that's why the bookshops tend to mix them both on the same shelf.

  7. Mary, you make an excellent point. Sci-fi and fantasy have so many commonalities, which is probably why I find myself drawn to both.

  8. It makes a lot of sense, Tony.

    Me, too, Angela

  9. Definitely world building, characters and the technology. While both have commonalities I have to admit to the extra seduction of magic.

  10. I love the what ifs. I write a lot of my stories based on those. I also love the things beyond the every day even when they're happening in every day life.

  11. I can see why, Sheena-kay. I'm drawn to the other worlds.

    What ifs are the best, Christine.

  12. It's all about experiencing something we can't in our reality.

  13. I definitely agree that sci fi and fantasy are so similar to each other as genres and both are fun to read and write. :)

  14. I love disappearing into another, very different world for a few hours.

  15. Uber fun, Cherie :D

    Me, too, Medeia

  16. It's the world building that puts me off writing science fiction or fantasy. I do have paranormal suggestion in my writing though, but always rooted in this world.


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