
Monday, November 11, 2013

Realms Trial: Father Dragon Incites Riot


Hear ye, hear ye, goode citizens of Blogtown. Welcome to Realms Faire 2013 and the Stockade Brigade, Word Wizards on Trial event.

To learn more about the Realms Faire, please go to Realms Faire headquarters HERE.

Events: Joust ~ Drench-a-Wench/Soak-a-Bloke ~ Stockade Brigade ~ Dueling Bards ~ Phasers ~ Masquerade Parade ~ Collective Performance ~ Castle Jumble ~ Dragon Hunt

To check out the stupendous Realms Faire Giveaways, go HERE.

Thank you so much to our sponsors for participating in this fun event - check them out HERE.

Ye Olde Realms Trial Rules:

1.  Prithee, keep order at all times.

2.  There will be no throwing of sticks or stones or anything resembling fecal matter.

3.  Spitting upon our worthy guests or other citizens is strictly forbidden.

4.  Commenters art awarded points based on ye best olde English.

5.  An bribe ebook or $5 Amazon gift card will be bequeathed by each prisoner.

6.  A $25 Amazon gift card will be awarded at the end of the week by Sheriff Gwen.

7. HENCE, ye must comment to win!


Let the trials begin!


*Sheriff Gwen rolls out scroll to read the charge* Upon a recent tip from a certain dragon hunter, erm, I mean steadfast citizen of this most worthy realmdom, I did receive reliable information about Father Dragon, late of Mexico, now of Blogtown in the land of Realms, and most recently a guest of ye olde Realms Stockade Brigade, courtesy of her highness, Mistress Mary Pax, and overseen by me, Gwen, the honorable Sheriff of Realms. *runs out of breath and sucks in a lungful of air before continuing*

Twas upon the 2nd day of October, Father Dragon was witnessed thinking most deeply when he inscribed upon his cave wall, The Never Ending Battle For Greatness. Tis blasphemous, I say! Father Dragon admitted that two beings existed within his head (a charge for another day) when he spoke of the fight betwixt the two of them; Spirit and Mind.

I charge Father Dragon with attempting to incite a riot in Realmdom betwixt Spirit and Mind, which if successful, wouldst spread throughout the blogoverse like wildfire!

Here is my evidence, taken word for word from the crime scene, Father Dragon’s own talons and lair:

“The more I meditate about life, the more I realize there is a permanent battle between my brain and my spirit. My spirit speaks of greatness and miracles and endless possibilities. My brain speaks of past wounds, fears, flaws and limitations. My spirit compels me to aim for the sky, my brain plots to chain me to the ground.  They fight over the control of my actions and I pay close attention to this war. Today, I share my findings with you.”

“"It's all over. We're so very screwed. Just drop and die!" My brain would scream.
My spirit, however, says different. "There is a reason for this and it is NOT for you to dig your own grave. Don't hide. Face it! Fight it! Win!"”

*Sheriff Gwen looks left, then right, then leans toward the spectators confidentially*  S’truth, Spirit and Mind both argued equally good points.

*Ahem* I invite ye to visiteth the crime scene where you mighteth see for thyself, that Father Dragon did indeed encourage citizens of this fair land to engage in raucous commentary on his cave wall.

How plead ye, Father Dragon?

While my brain says I’m innocent, my spirit says I’m guilty as charged. I mean, it is true that my words encourage the confrontation between brain and spirit but before you cut my head with an Oreo cookie, hear me out. First, let’s make clear that brain and mind are not synonymous. Brain is the muscle inside our skull, mind is a creator. For example, you can hear the 9th Symphony on the radio, but the radio didn’t create the 9th Symphony. It was Beethoven. The radio is just a tool, and so is the brain. We are more than our brain.

I want people to realize that we are meant to be the masters of our brain, not its servants.  I am encouraging the readers to take responsibility for their thoughts and challenge their fears. Excuses and procrastination are the way we often disguise fear and all fears come from the brain. Past experiences programmed it to think we’re not good enough, talented enough, brave enough, or strong enough. Just not enough.

Hrithik Roshan, an Indian actor and remarkable human being, said. "All fear is 99% assumption-based. In fact, almost ALL worries in life would disappear if we just stop assuming things.” The dreadful but familiar *what if…?*

Think about it and you’ll see this is a great truth. I’ve just read that when we assume that reality is a given, what we’re really accepting isn’t the world “out there” but our own limitations “in here”. In other words, limitations exist because our brain is programmed to accept them. We must stop worrying about all the possible things that can go wrong, or who’s to blame. It’s more effective and rewarding to focus on our power to make things right. So I stand by my word. Take responsibility and challenge your brain.

Aye, methinks Father Dragon speaks with forked tongue still. Even I am beginning to feel raucous emotions. Let the commenters decide if he be innocent or guilty.

What say ye, commenters? Shall we free Father Dragon?


  1. The Oreo cookie is tempting - but in my tummy and not after cutting Father Dragon's. . . *stomach turns* Free the dragon! For the sake of oreos everywhere, and the entire blog kingdom (it wouldn't be the same without him.)

    1. Tonja, methinks there may be a touch of self preservation here. But your vote is counted!

  2. Another vote for the Dragon. And if you were to incarcerate Father Dragon for long there would be a dwarf mutiny - for which you would be responsible. Would you incarcerate yourself if that sad, bad and dangerous eventuality came to pass?

    1. Elephant's Child, I may indeed require incarceration to protect myself. My armor mayest not be nearly strong enough.

  3. Guilty! Guilty of inciting rebellion! Guilty of being a public nuisance! Guilty of pestering our consciences and meddling in affairs that don't concern him, even if they prove of some not inconsiderable benefit! There can be only one punishment for these crimes. Banishment to the land of ambition!

    1. Tony, methinks Father Dragon is thine enemy forevermore!

    2. Great. I'm not paying all the dry-cleaning bills, however.

  4. Come hither, no this... no this, throw thee thy Number 2 upon the cloth thee wears to warm thy feet. String them up show good prowess to keeping them Number 2 free. Let our Dragon go, he not know he hath done wrong in the living of Blogtown... I jest ye not grand sheriff... the law shall protect, not halt the joys and merry he would bring to our humbled hearts.

    1. Jeremy, I know not exactly what thou sayeth (LOL) but methinks ye art for setting him free. Ye vote is counted!

    2. hail good sheriff, the kindness shown bring us good fortune... let the dragon go free!

  5. Love the picture of you, Gwen. I'd free him after his impassioned speech. I'm a sucker for that.

    1. Thanks Natalie. I do look rather good in armor, LOL!

  6. How could you hear his plea and not set him free? He is a dragon of good and wisdom, challenging us all to think and do better.

    1. Aye, Sir Alex, I'm beginning to agree with all three of them: Father Dragon, Spirit and Mind :)

  7. I am moved by Father Dragon's wise words. We must set him free!

    1. Christine, I feel the crowd becoming raucous again, with chants of Free Father Dragon!

  8. Free him! Free him! Mind thee, I see his guilt plain as day, but melikes the riots he insights.

    1. Nicki, only one vote per citizen. Yours twas counted. Now where are my guards. Methinks ye need to be next in the stocks!

  9. I was all set to yell guilty, but the Dragon won me over with his speech. Free him at once!

    1. Tis the conumdrum, Julie. The Father speaks flowery words to be sure;.

  10. Anyone can see the Dragon is of pure and noble intent. He must be set free.

    1. LD, Father Dragon appreciates your vote. Tis looking like he'll be free...

  11. Classic insanity defense! Put him away!

    (NOTE: I might be trying to whip the crowd into a frenzy today so they'll take it easy on me tomorrow. And how much room could there possibly be in the local jail? ;)

    1. Vote counted! And we have plenty of room for thee in the stocks!

  12. Sounds like witchery! Yet he speaketh so eloquently. Perhaps we must purge all the citizens of their brains or their minds so they art back to one.

    1. Aye, Mistress Mary. Tis his forked tongue that speaketh so eloquently. Needs must put all three of him together agin, to be sure.

  13. Guilty! I shall throw fecal matter at him!

  14. I fear that he be most guilty!

    But that may only be the limitations of my own mind preventing me from seeing his innocence... Or the fact that someone mentioned an Oreo -- how am I supposed even think with that level of distraction??

    1. Tis most unfair, Sir Chris, that Father Dragon and his minions torment us thus.

  15. In sooth, having perused the charges made contra Sir Dragon of the Mexican Dragon Cave, and then considered his impassioned plea, my due consideration would be for release. for has it not been said we worry too much about events that never shall come to fruition. The dichotomy between brain and spirit doth exist and we merest of mortals must receive the dragon's wisdom.

    1. Mistress Jo, tis blasphemy you speaketh! Why, Brain and Spirit must be silenced, else this fine blogdom mighteth explode with so many such new thinkings!

  16. You've tortured the great dragon enough! An oreo cookie is but chocolate and methinks the dragon is sickened by this. Also, as EC tried shouting to you but you didn't listen, the dwarf mutiny would ruin blogland if the dragon were proven guilty. Dwarves and their clones would run amok and create havoc over our fair land. Release the guilty...uh...innocent dragon at once!

    1. Shhhhh, Mistress River. We mustn't shout, lest the Dragon and his minions set fire to this lovely blogdom. Unless - you got any marshmellows?

  17. I say pardon the Father Dragon! My Knights of the Cosmic Table won't stand by and watch such cruelty happen to one of our own. *holds out his hand to receive said Oreos* :)

    1. Sir David, I fearest thou hast been bribed *shakes head* with oreos.

  18. Save the dragon! (On behalf of dragon activists everywhere.) ;)

    1. Oh, Mistress Crystal. I knew thou dragon activists would show up to be counted.

  19. I prithee free Father Dragon with much post haste. He inciteth thought, wander and wonder. Ye Sheriff of Blogtown, let loose the dragon's head so that I may feed him an Oreo cookie in the stead of removing his sizeable head with one :-)


    1. Mistress Brown, I fear another hast been bribed with oreos. I just mighteth free him if I hadst milk...

    2. *quietly hands over a a large mug of cold milk to the sheriff*

  20. Save the dragon--his eloquence lifts the spirit and boggles the mind. Besides, it's the dwarves you really ought to be frightened of. Methinks if Father Dragon spends any more time in the stocks, the dwarves will get into Father Dragon's private stash of Oreos--and that kind of chocolate-sugar high will easily incite A Great Riot. :)

    1. Mistress Catherine, I'm growing more and more fearful of the dwarrves, to be sure.

  21. Replies
    1. Sir Mooderino, thankee for stopping by to vote.

  22. Would be a pity indeed to release such a heinous beast upon these our fair hills. Off with his head I say!

  23. Tis a tale of treachery to be sure, but is Father Dragon the traitorous one in this den? He invoketh a valid idea that the brain and spirit work in tandem. For they are separate, but one cannot function without the assistance of the other. What would the spirit be without a brain or the brain without a spirit? This trial reeks of word-twisting conspiracy with the intent of separating the dragon's head from his body. Let the wise one go. And deliver the Oreos directly to my humble address.

    1. Mistress Robin, I see that thou art one of the rioters and can be bought with oreos!

  24. Did you not knoweth that an Oreo Cookie is the equivalence to snorting a line of cocaineth?

    Hugs and chocolate-teth,

    1. Mistress Shelly, I did not knoweth. A cheap high, to be sure *runs off to find oreos*

  25. A cry of freedom doth come from me. I cannot condemeth a drakon of such brilliance! "masters of our brain, not its servants" -- Me thinketh it tis coffee that doth master overeth my brain *shaketh head*

  26. Yesss! Freeee the dragon!

  27. ♫♪ Let my peop - er - Father Dragon go! ♫♪
    I about blew it, wrong time table indeed! But I plead, please let the devine Dragon go. He brings such joy to Blogtown. Plus I heard something about cookies, trading of milk, and cocaineth, so I brought the music!

  28. Free the dragon or risk losing the magic in the universe for a life time!

  29. What treachery is this? The honorable dragon jailed for speaking nary but the truth? 'Tis a grave blight on the land of Nod and Blogtown when simple discourse with onesself can result in imprisonment. Let he who has not spoken to himself on occasion be the first to cast the stone of guilt. For shame. The dragon must be released!


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