
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Realms Trial: Tremp Tempts Fate, Opens Pandora's Box

Hear ye, hear ye, goode citizens of Blogtown. Welcome to Realms Faire 2013 and the Stockade Brigade, Word Wizards on Trial event.

To learn more about the Realms Faire, please go to Realms Faire headquarters HERE.

Events: Joust ~ Drench-a-Wench/Soak-a-Bloke ~ Stockade Brigade ~ Dueling Bards ~ Phasers ~ Masquerade Parade ~ Collective Performance ~ Castle Jumble ~ Dragon Hunt

To check out the stupendous Realms Faire Giveaways, go HERE.

Thank you so much to our sponsors for participating in this fun event - check them out HERE.  

Ye Olde Realms Trial Rules:

1.  Prithee, keep order at all times.

2.  There will be no throwing of sticks or stones or anything resembling fecal matter.

3.  Spitting upon our worthy guests or other citizens is strictly forbidden.

4.  Commenters art awarded points based on ye best olde English.

5.  An bribe ebook or $5 Amazon gift card will be bequeathed by each prisoner.

6.  A $25 Amazon gift card will be awarded at the end of the week by Sheriff Gwen.

7. HENCE, ye must comment to win!


Let the trials begin!



*Sheriff Gwen rolls out scroll to read the charge* On trial today is Sir Stephen Tremp, late of Mission Viejo, now of Blogtown in the land of Realms, and most recently a guest of ye olde Realms Stockade Brigade, courtesy of her highness, Mistress Mary Pax, and overseen by me, Gwen, the honorable Sheriff of Realms. *runs out of breath and sucks in a lungful of air before continuing*

What ye are about to hear tis mayhaps the scariest crime of all. But tis true, every word, straight from the horse’s mouth. Sir Stephen Tremp is accused of opening Pandora’s Box through the pages of his novel, Escalation, the final book of his Breakthrough trilogy! *a mysterious evil stranger, dressed in black and sporting a backpack slinks through the crowd. His form flickers, as if he’s about to disappear*

Here is my burden of proof. Read, if ye’re able:

In Escalation, the final installment to Stephen Tremp’s Breakthrough Trilogy, a seemingly innocent discovery in Einstein-Rosen Bridges, or wormholes, becomes a Pandora’s Box—opening doors to other unexpected and unpredictable realities such as parallel universes, time/space travel, and an evil hitchhiker from another dimension unleashed upon our unsuspecting world…

And then this…

These beings can, at will if they have the authority, convert themselves into mass and manifest in our world. Then, when their work is done, convert back to energy, disappear, and move with ease back into their dimensions.

And straight from the pages of Escalation:

“According to E=MC2, energy and mass are the same thing. Mass and energy can be converted back and forth into each other. Energy into mass. Then mass back into energy. These beings could exist as hyperbeings of pure energy in an additional dimension, then transform into mass right in front of our eyes in our space-time. Then, they convert back into energy and return into their extra spatial dimension.” 

*Sheriff Gwen scans the crowd* Me…methinks I sawest a most strange being anon. Mayhaps it’s too late to save our Blogdom. Archers! Anon! Search the crowd! Round up all suspicious characters. *the crowd dissipates*

Ye have read it thyself. Mayhaps ye witnessethed this evil hitchhiker. Tis most troublesome that the door to our dimension is now open to any Craze, Captain Talos or Jix who cares to enter. Arm thyselves, I say!

How plead ye, Sir Stephen?


I appeal to the good citizens of Realm. Hear me out. One doesn’t need to be a spiritual person or a learned man of science to believe in the convergence of the spiritual world, the metaphysical world, and our world. Most civilizations from the dawn of mankind have believed there is a spiritual world that is the more reality-based realm than our physical one. They were merely trying to explain the universe around them, and their place in it the best they could. And they would live their lives in preparation to spend eternity as a spiritual being, for better or worse.

Very simply, as a man of science scientist and faith, I have to conclude certain things using the scientific method. But, under other circumstances, I have to believe there are some things that cannot be explained in a laboratory, such as love, truth, and justice.

We do not have any idea what is really out there, but there is no reason to believe we are the only intelligent beings in the universe. That would be arrogant and asinine. Nor would there be reason to believe whatever else is out there would have to obey the same laws of the universe. Even the Bible says a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are as a day to God. Although we may experience almost instantaneous travel through a wormhole, time may not behave at all like we think it should within the wormhole.

So I appeal to the good citizens of Realm, understand there is at least the realistic possibility, on a spiritual and a scientific basis, for wormholes and hyperbeings that exists and supersede our current understanding of the space-time continuum of height, length, width, and time.
What say ye, citizens of Realm?

Guilty or Not Guilty?


  1. I am in at least two minds here. Sir Stephen has certainly written about a new and frightening entity. But did he introduce it or create it?
    If, as his defence would suggest, he was merely alerting us the the dangers which abound, he could be considered to be providing a public service.
    However, if the dark hitch-hiker did not exist before he alluded to it - he is assuredly guilty.
    Racking both of my brain cells, I seem to recall being warned about not only the dangers of hitch hiking, but also about the danger of hitch hikers. So... on balance he too is innocent.
    Sheriff Gwen, I am thinking that you need to speak roughly to those who are giving you the information about possible miscreants. They are either inefficient - or biased. What say ye?

    1. Thank you Elephant for not only your support, but for your careful considerations of both outcomes. This can only help my cause.

  2. Sheriff Gwen,

    I plead to thee, on my knee, with a wee bairn of three, to say Stephen is innocent!

    Please do not Tremple on the ideas of such a man - he is doing yeoman's work :)

    PS.... thanks for helping out with the 50 States of Prayer event and the as-yet undiscovered State of California :)

    1. Thank you mark! And I'm happy to help with your cause as well.

  3. Sir Stephen speaks as a learned man. I am swayed by his defense, by this strange idea of wormholes. Who are we to say that such things cannot exist? Free the man and discover for yeself.

    1. Thank you Christine! I am indeed innocent, having used a portal just this morning to go to Starbucks.

  4. Wormholes doth not appeal to my lay person's mind less used to irrigate the fields for planting season and grand harvesting. Yet I must say Sir Tremp speaks wisely understanding that where science may go, so goeth mystery and untold abilities.
    I plead thee find him innocent in the name of the law.

    1. Angela, I will forthright use this said wormhole to bring water from our enemies fields to water your fields.

  5. What heathen witchery doth thine speaketh? Sir Stephen is guilty of confusing the masses with such treachery. Cast thee upon the Realm and thine fate shall be decided.

    1. Klahanie, confusing the masses with such treachery??? Maybe I'm in the wrong business. I should hence move into politics.

  6. huzzah! the trials go forth most pleasingly!

    this knave is innocent of the charge! set him free to write more warnings of witchery to watch for!

    1. Tara, let it be so! There be far more wormholes in need of a crash test dummies such as myself.

  7. These sightings of a stranger in our midst - a hitchhiker hurtling through a wormhole - were they tales spun in awe or foreboding? The charge, as it is written, is that Stephen has opened Pandora's Box, but is that the truth? Ye say that he wrote a story of this wormhole, but he didn't create it, did he? He has simply writ an accounting. I find him innocent of opening the box.

    1. Robin, a thousand thanks! I am powerless to use a wormhole to escape as these stockades are to me as kryptonite is to Superman.

  8. The most difficult case, methinks! Shall we proclaim the messenger of such tales guilty or shall we release him from his bonds? I say release Sir Stephen.

    1. Cherie, I am indeed a messenger, a harbinger of things to come if we are but poor stewards of what we discover.

  9. That shadowy thing skulking about scareth me silly. Despite his fair use of science, me thinketh he must be guilty. If things disappearing be naught wizardry, then I naught know what tis.

    1. Mary, there be no need to be scared. We fear what we know not and ... look out for that wormhole!!!

  10. People can be converted into energy? Witchcraft, I say! *receives a memo from a starship colleague* Oh, you mean this isn't the 14th? Well, in that cause, I suppose we out to let Stephen out ... on good behavior, of course. :)

    1. David, Yea, I can be good. Good enough, that is.

    2. 14th century, I meant to say. Of course TODAY is the 14th. :)

  11. I love you guys so much for playing along! You're just too much fun. LOL.

  12. Sheriff Gwen, Sir Stephen is not guilty.

  13. Please, Sheriff, Sir Stephen has a long running reputation as a man of honor and generosity in the community. He's vital to the peace. Not guilty.

    1. Thy Sheriff shall take Sir Stephen's reputation into account - and won't judge him for it. :)

  14. Sir Stephen was not the inventor of such wormholes or of the possibility of such hitchhikers. He has merely used them to illustrate for us the possibilities of our future. I prithee free Sir Stephen.

    Was the dragon freed?

    1. Mistress Jo, thou hast a point. And yea, thy Sheriff wast urged most eloquently (having nothing to do with bribery or oreos) to release Father Dragon.

  15. I suspect if thy culprit, Sir Stephen, were to be clapped in arms, he'd simply dissolve into a cloud of sparkly dust, find hisself a wormyhole, and flit back to his own dimension...which is what befalls meself after too much rum. I say, let him go with thy hocus pocus.

    1. Mistress Sam, aye, the #grogz affect me thus. Mayhaps I mightest follow Sir Stephen back through the wormyhold and recon the area for those guilty of hocus pocus.


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