
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

IWSG: Blogging Blues

Welcome to June's issue of the Insecure Writer's Support Group, hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Many thanks to Alex and his minions for taking the time to support us writers. If you'd like to join, go HERE.
I've got the Blogging Blues. I love blogging, and it makes me so sad that I can't keep up.
In fact, I haven't posted anything since last month's IWSG post. I had planned to blog once per week, but it didn't happen. To be honest, I didn't even finish visiting the people who commented on last month's post. I think I got to half of them. I apologize to all those bloggers I missed. I plan to go back this weekend and pick up the thread. I truly do want to know how you're all doing and to support you all.

Thanks for your patience. And thanks for visiting, even when I'm not pulling my own weight.

P.S. The writing is going well, though :)

How often do you blog?
Do you have trouble keeping up?


  1. Gwen, I blog twice a week, and sometimes, I have so many things I want to say or interviews promised I have them scheduled way ahead of time. Other weeks, I grope for what to say and come up empty.

    One thing you could do is schedule a hiatus and come back when you feel refreshed by taking it off your plate.

    The other thing you could do is figure out what people want to read on your blog -- and focus only on that.

    I notice more activity on my blog when I write about the craft of writing. So, if I'm hurting for a topic, that's what I need to sit down and write. (However, in a Catch-22 kind of way, if I'm having trouble writing a blog post, it's hard to talk about the craft of writing ...)

    Okay. Not sure I helped at all.

  2. Gwen, I feel your pain. I've had the same blues, but I have been writing more this year. Lol

    I do miss my blogging friends though. It's not the same seeing most on Facebook.

  3. I know it's hard to keep up with a full-time job. I've got a lot going on in my personal life right now and I'm struggling to keep up too.

  4. I'm right there with you. I took May off from blogging after the IWSG and I missed reading my buds' blogs, but I find I still don't have the energy to get back to posting regularly. I love blogging and don't want to ever give it up permanently but I've lost my spark lately.

  5. Keeping up is hard, but I have decided to cut myself a little slack. I visit when I can and don't beat myself up when I can't. I'd rather see a friend sporadically than never see them at all.

  6. It does take time, not just to post, but to visit. So keep that in mind and post when you can. I'm down to one day a week so that I can continue writing.

  7. Yes! I can blog easily enough, but keeping up with the other bloggers is my problem. I was just following too many people, last year. After the demise of Google Reader, I lost touch with a lot of bloggers. It's a shame. Heck, I haven't been here for a long time.

    But I think it's made me more focused. And I like to pop in every now and again, with my old blogger friends.

  8. I have a tough time keeping up. On Mondays and Wednesdays I'm always far behind, even when I get up before the sun. There are time I just can't get around to everyone, and I'm sure everyone who writes and blogs has the same experience.

  9. I hope you get caught up. I don't have time to blog as much as I like. I like featuring others which gives me easy content. But, I want to get back to some of my favorite type of posts at least once a week. We will see if I get around to it.

  10. Only one thing to do! Begin again. you can do it! :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  11. You know what's funny? Every time I come across an apologetic blogger, I easily forgive. I know what ache they endure when it comes to blogging. Life gets so busy along with everything we want to balance in! It's odd because when the reverse is true for me, when I fail my readers, I feel so bad! As if I had let everyone down. Even now, I worry about replying to comments and even visiting. In all reality, I believe that this could become a heavy sword hanging over a person's head. If it comes to that, then give yourself permission blog and visit whenever you can without a worry. Who needs more worry, right? (hugs)

  12. How often do I blog? It depends. Sometimes I'll for more than a week and I'll begin to feel Blogger's Guilt. The more I struggle to think of something to post, the more difficult it becomes. I've tried to set a blogging schedule in the past, but didn't do a very good job at keeping up. Just blog when you can. Don't beat yourself up over it. Blogging Blues happens to us all.

  13. I try so hard to find my blogging balance. Sometimes I do too much and don't have time for anything else. Then when I pull back, I don't feel like I'm doing enough. We need to write first, though. That's what I keep telling myself! =P

  14. I hear ya. I've been blogging for 4 years now and I've been slacking so much on my blog that I missed the past two IWSG posts. It's hard for me to maintain the enthusiasm for so long.

  15. I do once a week, but I did miss last week with the start of summer. You'd think I'd have more time in the summer, being a teacher & all, but I retreat to my writing cave & it's difficult to tear myself away. We've missed you, but don't feel guilty :-)

  16. It can be a challenge to keep up with everything. Sometimes you need a little break to feel refreshed and start again. We all feel overwhelmed with things sometimes. Just try to prioritize and you might feel better.

  17. I try to keep with all the bloggers I see but I know I miss many and I try to post my cards etc... since I am not a writer but that slips by me since regular life gets in the way. The trick for me is to not get in angst over it. I hope people are not upset and I figure they shouldn't be as there are more things to be upset about. I want to enjoy this and I do so I do it in my time not others' expectations. You are writing and doing everything else so enjoy and relax and blog when you can:)

  18. Hi Gwen,

    I get totally exhausted from the interaction within blogging. I would actually like to post more than I do. However, by the time I've commented on a large number of sites, I find I haven't posted in ages. Still, not much to see on my site :)

    The good thing is that your writing is going well. Another good thing is that you're involved with the "I Was Seeking Gary" dedication postings. Ignore me!

    Have a peaceful weekend, Gwen.

    Gary :)


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