
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

IWSG: Giving It Another Try

The first Wednesday of every month is Insecure Writer's Support Group day. Hosted by Alex Cavanaugh and his awesome minions, it's a monthly event where we post about our insecurities and problems as writers, receive positive feedback, then visit other participants to lend encouragement. Thanks so much to our host Alex Cavanaugh and co-hosts this month, Sarah Foster, Joylene Nowell Butler, Lily Eva, and Rhonda Albom!

I keep hearing about blogging being dead, that it's gone out of style, ran its course. Extinct like dinosaurs. That sort of makes me sad, really. It's been such a rich source of information, support and camaraderie to me in my writing endeavors. Even so, I've thought about giving it up, mostly because it's time-consuming and cuts into my writing time. My posts have been sporadic, about once per month. I find myself wondering if I really have anything of interest to say.

But, you know, I don't want to give it up. I love the people I've met. I like getting glimpses into your lives. It humanizes me, if that makes sense. I'm not the only one who makes mistakes, who's a bit kooky and quirky. I'm not the only one who thinks up/of weird things. And I mean that in a good way!

So I'm going to give it another shot. Once per week, every Monday. Surely I'll have something to say once per week, even if it's about my doggies and how big their vocabularies are. Which, they totally understand a lot and have a lot to say. They're way smarter than...okay, I'll save it.

But I figure, some cute or fun stuff (like my doggies) mixed in with some writing stuff and hosting other writers and cover reveals and releases--I'll try my best to find something interesting to say!

Anyone else struggling with blogging?
Is blogging becoming extinct?
Will you come back and visit if I have a regular blogging schedule?
(Okay, I was fishing with that last one! But will you?)


  1. I've been sporadic, too, but I'm trying to get back into the groove. The people and information have been invaluable.

    1. Agreed, Miranda. I would really hate to lose touch with my writing buds.

  2. I think summer is a good time to take a break so you can be inspired the rest of the year. Many of us still love blogging so don't give up. But we're also posting less like you're thinking of doing.

    1. Natalie, it's a good idea to have a hiatus during the summer. I'm going to think about blogging for 9 months then off for 3. Makes sense. Thank you!

  3. Yes, the good thing about blogging is that it does humanize. And it keeps up communication. But it does cut into precious writing time. I'm keeping my posts to once a week.

    1. Catherine, I'm hearing more and more people say that they've gone down to once per week. That's do-able. I used to blog M-W-F and that was just crazy!

  4. I'm not giving up! I'm only posting once a week but I'm still active during the other days. Like you, I've made so many friends. And there's this IWSG thing I started... Can't quit that!

    1. Alex, I'm still active on FaceBook, too. I interact with a lot of authors there. And yeah, the IWSG is so important to us writers! We just can't quit.

  5. I haven't given up either! I post 2x a week, except when doing First Impressions -- which get the first Monday, Wednesday, Friday slots of the month.

    I get a lot of inspiration out of blogging. It's not just the personal connections. Sometimes blogging is what keeps me writing.

    That said, I do tend to avoid the blogs that have nothing on them but promotions -- for their books and others. Once in awhile, sure, but if that's all a person's got on their blog, then maybe that's the reason it's dying?

    1. Dianne, I get so inspired by other writers, as well. They always have something to share. Words of wisdom, practical advice. And yes, I will avoid a blog that posts nothing but promos.

  6. I think it's more that blogging is shifting away from personal blogs to infotainment blogs and other social media. Blogging today certainly is not the same as it was 12 years ago when I started (back in the Live Journal days!). Also, the BlogHer annual conference would beg to differ that blogging is dead. Kerry Washington (from Scandal) was a keynote this year. Kerry is not going to spend her time on a dead medium. :)

    1. Steph, "infotainment"?! I'm going to look that one up. It sounds rather intriguing.

  7. I hear some naysayers about blogging too but I just keep going because I love the people here too. Glad to see you come back.

  8. Thanks, Susan. I think giving myself permission not to try and do too much is going to be a big factor.

  9. Summer is hard for me to blog once a week. I going to start back up and try now that school is soon to start:) I feel that I can connect with so many other writers through blogging. I hope it doesn't go extinct:)

    1. Jennifer, so many people are taking the summer off from blogging. I'm going to keep that in mind for next summer. I work in the swimming pool industry and summer is always so busy for me.

  10. I really enjoy blogging but I've taken somewhat of a break this summer. I only posted once a week in July, and I'm still not sure if I'll do more than that in August. I found I just needed to step back a bit and find my creative mojo again. Good luck with your new schedule!

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

    1. Madeline, so many people are saying they're taking the summer off. Such a great idea. And of course stepping back to take stock is always a good idea.

  11. I've been guilty of lengthy blog absences, sometimes 6-8 weeks long. The last time it happened I had the good fortune to have my dear blogger friend Marilyn cover my blog for me while I was away (health related). It's because of friendships like this I won't give up blogging. If once a week is what you can schedule, go for it! It's not how often you blog, it's what you have to say. I'm sure the friends you've made will follow you. I would. :) Have a great day and I hope to see you blogging! Lily-Eva IWSG Co-host

    1. Lili, it's good to know I'm not the only one with lengthy blog breaks. Some people make blogging look so easy, but I guess we all struggle with time.

  12. I don't think it's dead. It is vibrant and growing as far as I can see. Maybe not so much with Millennials (though I know some) but with most folks. It is the perfect pastime for authors. Everyone gets burned out. Sometimes blog hops can wear you out. Lots of bloggers are taking breaks over the summer, including this one. It's only natural to get tired. We put so much into blogging. There's your blog writing and then getting readers for the blog from reading the blogs of others and so the ball goes rolling. I'd suggest doing what you can--no more no less. Good luck. Visiting from IWSG.

    1. Stephanie, so far nearly everyone is saying blogging is still alive, just trending in different directions. I'm going to have to figure it out.

    2. Heads up Gwen. I was so deeply moved and driven to think because of this post that I've included a link back to it from my blog today.

  13. Oh, people are always saying blogging is dead. It's usually the ones who just want to quit and they need an excuse to let go.

    I enjoy blogging and I enjoy reading blogs. If it's dead, I sure haven't seen any evidence of it.

  14. I'm so slack with blogging myself, but I enjoy reading the blogs of others. A blog post helps give a little insight into a person's world that you wouldn't otherwise get - not even in conversation. Because through blogging, a person can express their thoughts without the immediate judgment of another person sitting in front of them. And that can be a very good thing.

  15. I don't think blogging is dead at all. The steady bloggers will always be around. And I'm so glad you're back! :)

  16. I don't believe blogging is dead. I think that is said by people who are ADD or ADHD (I can say that my husband has severe ADHD). Some people want to keep going to the ever newer, happening places but millions are still here (can I say millions??). People like to say books are dead and that would be horrific! I love blogging and reading others and I will read yours:)


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