
Monday, September 8, 2014

Life is Good: Tiny Downey Tribute

Today's post is in honor of Tina Downey who went to be with the Lord before I had a chance to know her very well. To read what others are saying, go to the A - Z Blog HERE.
Tina was active in the blogging community and supportive of her fellow writers.
We were friends on facebook. What I remember is her witty sense of humor and that everything had a positive side, even getting soaked in the rain!
One thing everyone knew about Tina is that she loved sunflowers!
This is for you, Tina...
My daughter Amber with Sunflowers at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

My 2014 sunflowers

My garden 2014

Tina believed that...
logo on my backpack
In fact, Tina's blog was called Life is Good!
Such a lovely lady with a lovely way of looking at the world.
You are loved and missed, Tina.
A tweet to share:
Remembering Tina Downey over at the A - Z today. Bring a sunflower! #lifeisgood
Did you know Tina?
What do you remember most about her?


  1. So many lovely sunflowers! I never knew Tina, but based on all the posts I've seen today, it certainly seems like something she would've loved...

  2. Love your pictures and so cool to see that logo. Wish I could have grown sunflowers like yours too.

    1. I luurve sunflowers, Elise! Something I had in common with Tina <3

  3. What a beautiful post for Tina. I didn't know her but she sounds like an awesome person.

    1. Thanks, Natalie! I didn't know her well, either. Wish I did.

  4. Amen! She would really enjoy your photos and giant sunflowers.

    1. HaHa! Glad I managed to find the giant sunflowers photo. I have other photos I was going to post but couldn't find them.

  5. I did not know Tina, but what a lovely tribute. The photo of your daughter in that huge chair is really cute.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sherry. I just saw your sunflowers - they're gorgeous!

  7. Tina was a great friend, our last conversation was talking about flying monkeys and an umbrella not big enough to protect you from those... well you get it. THANK YOU!

  8. Love the giant chair your daughter is on and i think Tina would love what everyone is doing. I never met her through blog land but I feel her presence through all of you

  9. I enjoyed reading about her Swedish heritage during this years A-Z Blogging Challenge. Such a nice tribute Gwen.

  10. She had such a bright outlook on life!

  11. Wonderful tribute and I love your sunflowers.

  12. Awesome. Just awesome.
    Tina would love how we all came together.
    Thank you,

  13. That first pic - ha! That's so great with the play on size.

    Tina was great. She seemed to comment everywhere. It's amazing how many lives she touched.

  14. I remember her amazing sense of humour and boundless energy...
    Life is good!

  15. Tina once sent me an email warning me she could be a smart ass. It was then I knew we would get along well.

  16. wow, that is a Alice in Wonderland type sunflower :)

  17. Hi Gwen - love all of this .. and Tina would have been so chuffed .. amazing you've a back pack with the same logo - brilliant minds think alike! I just loved her efficiency .. and she loved her family dearly, while nurturing us lot along - then never forgot her Swedish roots ... cheers Hilary

  18. Yay! I know those sunflowers! Fun way to pay tribute.


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