
Monday, October 20, 2014

Some Secrets of Secret Keepers

First, I'm over at the awesome Shah Wharton's place today talking about the Problems with Paranormalcy. Please stop by!
And now...
It's release day for Secret Keepers, the final novella in the Afterlife series.
Not only is it release day, but it's the official "cover reveal."
And by "cover reveal" I mean the little secret within the cover revealed...
First, check out the cover. It contains some of the items that appear in the book. There's the bowl with the special sachets used in a spell to cast out demons. Hazel's collection of wands that she doesn't know how to use yet. A painting of Penny, Hazel's "special" cat.
Then there's the jar. The jar contains smooth, black stones with names on them. These stones are charmed with a spell that allows the user to see ghosts and basically exist in their world. All you have to do is choose the stone etched with your name, kiss it and tuck it into your pocket. 
And voilà!
You're a ghost whisperer, just like Indigo Eady.
You can see that names are written on the stones, but the names are too small to read...
Cover designed and illustrated by Corona Zschusschen
But, when the jar section is blown up like this... can see that not only do the stones have character names engraved (Simon, Badger and Hazel), but some of them contain the names of my own family members (Allan, Amber, John, Donna and Alyssa), along with my illustrator Corona, and me, of course!
I love knowing about the secret hidden within my Secret Keepers cover!
Are there any secrets in your covers?
Bonus Excerpt
Here's a little excerpt. To set up the scene, Indigo and Badger are making their way through the dilapidated ghost hospital. Using the stones allows Badger to go through the hospital without seeing all the cracks in the floors and the possibilities of falling five floors to his death. But did I mention that the stones only last for a couple of hours? This is what happens when the spell wears off the stones...

I shrugged my pack on and helped him with his. Once again we climbed upward. We were slowed to one step at a time, me using my shoulder to leverage under Badger’s armpit to push him up to the next step. What seemed like an hour later, we made it to the top. The fifth floor. Our last stand. The final frontier and all that.

When we stepped out into the corridor, Badger yelled, “No!” He pulled me back, but clung to the doorjamb, as if we might fall into a pit of vipers.

My brief glimpse of the corridor hadn’t revealed anything untoward. “What is it? What did you see?”

“Th-the floor,” he stuttered. “There are gaping holes. It isn’t safe.” He ran the fingers of his free hand through his hair. “I don’t know what we’re going to do. We can’t go out there.”

The corridor on the fifth floor was dark and dilapidated, true. But it was no worse than the other floors.

And then it dawned on me as I looked closer. “Badger, where are your stones?”

He eyed me strangely. “Seriously? You’re going to question my masculinity right now?”

I rolled my eyes. “The charmed stones, you dork. The ones Hazel gave you.” Seriously.

“Oh. Yeah. In my pocket.” He reached in and pulled one out, our eyes meeting as he did so. The fire-engine red blush was adorable. Kissing the stone, he rechecked the situation in the corridor, then released a held breath. “Bloody hell,” he muttered.

“Better?” I asked.

He nodded. “Although it’d be even better if I didn’t know what lie underneath. What the bloody hell is holding us up?”

“Don’t think about it.” I wrapped his arm around my neck again. “When you kiss the stone, you are no longer in our dimension. You’re in theirs. Just go with it.”

“Go with it, she says,” he muttered under his breath. “Don’t think about falling through the gaping holes to your death, she says.”

I smirked.

He cracked a smile. “Oh shut up.”

About Secret Keepers:

In Second Death, Indigo and her team of sleuths escape the clutches of underground evil.

In Ghostly Gallows, Indigo and the gang managed to dodge the falling ruins and free those spirits trapped by the evil spell that bound them to Gallowsgate Prison.

Now in Secret Keepers, even though Indigo speaks to ghosties, there is so much about the afterlife she doesn’t understand. Such as…how can spirits be sick? They’re dead, for goodness sake! But once again Indigo is forced to go where she made it a point to never go: the hospital. There, the mystery of the sick and missing spirits explodes into a frenzied battle for souls where dawn may bring life or final death.


About Indigo Eady:

Much to her chagrin, Indigo Eady is a celebrity among spirits. She’s the girl who can see and speak with them. She has a proven track record in helping spirits find their murderers, so it’s no surprise when she’s drafted onto the Missing Paranormal Committee. Who better to help them than the experienced teenage ghost whisperer- investigator and her friends?

Tweets if you feel like tweeting:

“When you kiss the stone, you are no longer in our dimension. You’re in theirs. Just go with it.” @UnRealms

"... correct me if I’m wrong, but… spirits are dead people." Secret Keepers. #Afterlife #Supernatural @UnRealms

"I have to admit, having friends who could float through walls came in handy." Secret Keepers. #afterlife @UnRealms

 Secret Keepers available now!


  1. Happy release day! That cover is absolutely gorgeous. Love that tidbit about the names on the stones, too--very cool! :)

    1. Thanks, Heather. Coming from you and your illustrating abilities, Corona would be thrilled that you like it.

    2. Thank you Heather! Do you mind if I follow you on twitter? ...Too late I already did ;)

  2. A huge congrats! Hope you have a fantastic release day.

  3. Happy release day! I love the stones have names with real people you know:) I also love the excerpt and that would be frightening. I have to say I love the cover especially that the main gal on the cover is not a lithesome size 2 but a normal gal.

    1. Glad you noticed that Hazel is a regular gal. Corona and I planned it that way!

  4. Congratulations, Gwen! Will shout it out on Wednesday.

  5. YAY for release day! I got my copy :-) And I adore the little secrets secreted on the cover :-)

    1. I know! A 1000 years from now when archaeologists are studying it, they'll find a very cool surprise ;)

  6. Wooh! Finally, my favourite cover to draw :D

    1. It's my favorite, too, Corona! I still remember that the white wand is Hazel's and that I need to write a story with her using it! Right after she learns how, of course.

  7. That is super cool about the stones. Amazing cover as usual!

    I just finished book one of Afterlife and now I'm so excited to have two more waiting for me. Great series!

  8. Congratulations, Gwen! I love the illustrations. They are amazing! P.S. Happy (early) Blitz Day!!!

    1. Chrys, I have an amazing illustrator! Um,,, Blitz Day? Am I getting blitzed? *looks around* Soooo, excited. Do I look okay? Eeep.

  9. Love the little easter egg in your cover! That's awesome! Best of luck with your release!

  10. Happy Release Day Gwen! I've always loved your illustrated covers.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  11. That is so cool! I love these books. Happy Blitz Day! :)

  12. I LOVE hidden secrets on covers. It's like finding an easter egg on a DVD. :) case you haven't've been BLITZED! Enjoy.

  13. Agree with DL - the hidden secrets on the cover is great. Congrats on the release and best of luck. Happy #Blitz

  14. Great idea with the hidden secrets on the cover! Happy Blitzday!

  15. Love that there's hidden secrets on the cover! Congrats and Happy Blitz Day! :)

  16. Congrats on your release--the cover is amazing! Happy Blitz Day!

  17. Very cool about the names on the stones. I hope you had a great release day, and happy blitz day, too!

  18. Best wishes on the success of your book and a Happy Blitz Day as well!

    Tossing It Out

  19. Awesome cover!!! Love the little details! Congrats on your new release and happy blitz day too!

  20. Love the cover! Happy Blog Blitz Day!!

  21. I love the hidden names in the cover.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  22. happy blitz!! :) sounds awesome, and that cover is fantastic--the kitty is too cute!

  23. Love the idea of having secrets in the cover! Happy Blitz Day!

  24. Cool cover and Happy Blitz Day!!! :)

  25. Hi, Gwen. Cool cover. I like what you shared about the names on the stones. HAPPY BLITZ DAY!

  26. I like the idea of a secret on the cover. The book sounds like a good read. Happy Blitz Day.

  27. Oh, you're getting blitzed all right. AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! BLITZ!!!

  28. Congratulations on the release and cover reveal! I love the names on the stones, and that kitty is darn cute, too! Also, HAPPY BLITZ DAY!!! Cheers, marci :)

  29. Very cool about having a hidden secret on your cover. My novel cover features a lightning bolt in a glass of lemonade, but it's so subtle, not everyone sees it right away.

    How ya feeling? A little woozy, maybe? You should, because you are getting BLITZED today. Enjoy!

  30. Congratulations on your release! I love that you have a secret hidden in your cover. Cool.

    Happy Blog Blitz Day!!

  31. :-) Awesome. Happy Blitz Day!

  32. Happy Blitz Day!
    I love the little secret names on the stones! That's awesome

  33. Happy Blitz Day!

    I absolutely LOVE that you have hidden gems in your cover that only true fans will be able to pick out, and that's only if they look closely enough. It's a cool idea.

    Congrats on your release day!

  34. That's really unique that you have those little personal details in the cover.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  35. Happy Blitz Day and Congratulations on your book! Nice info about the cover.

  36. Sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing. Perfect day to be blitzed!

  37. I love your cover secret! My latest cover, which I haven't released yet, has several secrets hidden within mirror shards.
    Happy Blitz Day!

  38. Fun Stuff! Happy Blitz from a fellow tween/teen author :-D

  39. What a fun intriguing cover, love it. So glad to find out about you and your books on Blitz Day!

  40. How cool to have the names on there like that! I love the cover. Hope you had a great release day!

  41. Your covers are always so gorgeous! I love the attention to detail and the personal touch! Really cool!
    Happy Blog Blitz Day!

  42. I LOVE the detail. Wow. You know, when I first saw the cover on someone else's blog, I said, "That's Gwen's books."

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

  43. Happy release day and yeah, I do love that cover!

  44. This sounds wonderful! The cover is lovely and I'm definitely interested in your book. Congrats on release day!

  45. I love it when a cover pulls me to look at it often while I read the book. Happy Blitz Day!

  46. Hi Gwen, you've just been BLITZED!!! What timing for the book cover relase too. Good luck with everything.

  47. Congratulations on the release and Happy Blog Blitz Day :)

  48. Happy blitz day! Way to incorporate your peeps into your cover art! Looks great!

  49. Congrats on the release and Happy Blitz Day!!

  50. I love little secrets in books. My crit group and I use each other's names for minor characters in some of our stories. Hope you have a great Blitz Day.

  51. Like how all those elements were incorporated into your cover. Congrats and happy Blitz!

  52. Happy Blitz Day! I love the names on the stones.

  53. Congratulations on your book release, Gwen! And I love the kitty picture on the wall :D

    Happy Blitz day!!

  54. Great Release Day post. You had me at Ghost Whisperer.

    Enjoy being blitzed.

  55. Congrats, Gwen! We'll get that print book release to happen soon. Happy Blitz day.

  56. Congrats on your release and happy blitz day!

  57. What a cool idea to hide little easter eggs in your cover. Congrats on the release!

  58. I love the hidden secrets on your cover! We have an Alyssa too! Congratulations and Happy Blitz Day! :)

  59. I do enjoy seeing how covers are designed and how they evolve. I really like how you've had personal touches embedded within. I'm curious as to what the actual size/resolution of the cover image is. (Congrats by the way!!)

    1. The original illustration is 5,25 by 8 inch at 300 dpi. (1575 by 2400 pixels) It's high for an ebook cover, but it makes it possible to do all sorts of print things with it later :)

  60. Hi, congrats on the release covers and Happy Blitz Day.

  61. I love the cover and the little hidden secrets! Details like that are awesome! Happy Blitz Day!

  62. Happy Blitz Day. My comment from earlier got eaten by blogger. Congrats on your latest book and the excerpt was both funny and a little eerie. You picked an interesting way to get readers talking about the cover.

  63. Happy Blitz Day, Gwen! I loved your excerpt! Congratulations on the cover! And thanks for the readymade tweets!

    So nice to meet you today!

  64. Happy release day and Happy blitz Day.

  65. Such a gorgeous cover. Happy Blitz Day!

  66. I love the cover and enjoy cozy mysteries. I'll check out your titles. I'm a little late, as usual lately, but Happy Blog Blitz Day to you!! Lily Eva

  67. Congrats on the new book! Happy Belated Blog Blitz Day! I hope you enjoyed it! Eva

  68. Fantastic cover. Congrats and happy blitz day (sorry, a bit late)

  69. The cover is beautiful, and even though I do not read much ghost stories but I am intrigued.
    Sorry for being late but Happy Blitz Day.

  70. Happy blitz day! Wow, that's a great book cover. I love the secret you showed us. Very cool.

  71. Love your cover 'reveal'! Happy Blitz Day!

  72. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! It's been amazing reading your kind comments. You guys are the best of the best of the best! MUUAH!!!

  73. Happy belated blitz day! Love that book cover :-) Congratulations on your latest release!


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