
Monday, January 5, 2015

2014 Results Are In!

I'll admit, 2014 was a rough year for a lot of people. I know the world seemed to be falling apart at times. My year had ups and downs. I count myself lucky because whatever my problems may be, it's always compared to what. I have a home, a job, loving friends and family. A craft that I love. And I'm still thrilled with what the future might hold!

So with the future in mind, it's time to post my 2015 goals!

But first, let's see how I did with 2014.

Here are my 2014 goals with the result in red:
  1. Blog less. Alas, it's true. I can't keep up with the posts, comments and return visits and still write. Something's gotta give. So, I'm on blog hiatus until April, then I'll be back blogging one day per week. And, I'll be doing the A-Z through Untethered Realms. It helps to share the load :) I'll still be on Facebook and Twitter if you want or need help promoting in that way. I'd love to help. DONE! I definitely blogged less and did the A-Z through Untethered Realms.
  2. Implement a writing schedule. Since I've been working full time, I have seriously neglected my writing, and I miss it terribly. My new schedule will be 2-3 hours Monday and Thursday nights, and whatever I can fit in on weekends. DONE! Only I had to approach it from a different angle. I'm not, and never have been, a high energy person. No way can I spend 8 - 10 hours at the office and then write for another 2 - 3 hours at home. So, I set a word count of 2500 words per week instead, and did it on the weekends. I have a very understanding hubby.
  3. Publish my three-novella series by May or June. The first one is done, the second is outlined and the third is just a glimmer. DONE. Again, not exactly as planned. But all three novellas from the Afterlife series were released in October and November, with the print version in December.
  4. Publish my short story in the first anthology (of a 4-part series) with my Untethered Realms group in October. Then work on the second/third story. DONE. We published in October. I started the second short story in December.
  5. Work on my idea for a new series. They might be novellas, I haven't decided. My goal is to outline and write the first novella. NOT DONE. I worked on the idea, outlined and even wrote the first chapter, but that's as far as I got.
  6. Explore screenwriting. TECHNICALLY DONE. I did explore a screenwriting class and almost started it in September, but decided I was too busy with revisions on the novella series and getting it published to take a class.
  7. And yes, the perpetual goal of losing weight, exercising and getting healthy; physically, mentally and spiritually. BLEH! Enough said.

Now on to my 2015 goals:

  1. Blog once per week, with intermittent blog posts over at Untethered Realms. Make a point to visit at least five blogs per week that I don't visit routinely.
  2. Write and publish a short story in the anthology with my Untethered Realms group.
  3. Write and publish three novellas in my new series.
  4. OR, think about submitting the novellas for traditional publishing. I'm still pondering this one.
  5. Start on a new Indigo Eady novel because I can't stand the thought of not writing her anymore.
  6. Think about taking a screenwriting class once again.
  7. Be more proactive about posting on my Facebook author page. Perhaps give snippets of my WIPs combined with graphic designs.
  8. Update my website and blog.
How was your year?
What are your 2015 goals?


  1. Yes, 2014 was definitely a hard year for me. Hoping for a better 2015. Sounds like you accomplished a lot last year, especially with working. That's awesome!

    1. I know your year was rough Natalie (((hugs))). I hope your 2015 is better!

  2. You got three books out plus an anthology - that's great.
    Once a week blogging sounds good. I'll mostly be doing that until the Challenge begins.

    1. Once a week is all I can handle, Alex. Are you talking about the A-Z Challenge? I'm gearing up for that already with Untethered Realms.

  3. Wow you totally rocked your 2014 goals! I like you goal about visiting blogs you don't visit routinely, that's one I think I will steal. I have been thinking I need to expand my blog circle.

    1. I didn't do too badly, Julie. I happy with what I accomplished. Now I'd better start working on 2015!

  4. Great work with your 2014 goals and excellent goals for this year! I need to schedule my time better... and I say that every year to myself. =P Here's to a fantastic 2015! :)

    1. I happen to know you didn't do too badly, Christine! Wait until your son goes to grade school. You'll get more done.

  5. I think you did great. I decided in mid-2014 that I would blog on a time schedule- putting writing first. If I have two hours in a day, then I knock off my word count and then the time I have left, I blog as much as I can. It's the only thing I can do and maintain my sanity.

    1. You're right, Elizabeth. Just do what you can. With my schedule, I can only blog one day per week.

  6. I've cut back on my blogging, too. I enjoy the exchanges so much, but I just have to give more time to my family and some friends who are seriously thinking of writing my obit. Then there's that little thing called writing that's been shoved aside more than I want. Here's to a saner and very productive 2015 for all of us.

    1. I'm with you, Lee. I'm hearing some serious grumbles from family because all my spare time is spent writing. I'm going to balance it better this year, though ;) LOL

  7. Sounds like you did well last year. My year was not so great lots of pain. I'm hoping 2015 is better. Good luck with your goals too. :)

  8. Your accomplishments for 2014 were phenomonal! You did great. I haven't set specific goals...more like guidelines on Post it notes.

    Wishing you the best for 2015 :-)

    1. You and your Post-It Notes, Angela! LOL. But I happen to know you got a lot done, so whatever works!

  9. It was definitely a hard year for us but I eventually got my head together with some writing. You did great with publishing a whole series and sticking to a writing schedule. That's vital. I guess I need to do the same. Good luck this year!

    1. Oh Nick, I know you had a rough year (((hugs))). God bless you and I hope you have a better 2015.

  10. You accomplished so much! We often underestimate or do not give ourselves enough credit. I think you did a great job! Every year has their ups and downs it all depends on how we deal with them. The world will suffer casualties created by weather, earth and man. We will be shocked by some famous person who will die and we will roll our eyes at some stuff famous people do. In the end, we must strive to be happy with what we do be it something major or just getting through the week. The main thing is to feel happy with our own self. I plan to create more cards, watch more movies, organize my crap. I can say the usual things to like exercise, eating healthy blah blah blah but chocolate calls to me so how can I deny its voice?:)

    1. Ups and Downs are just part of life. Just have to deal with it all. Chocolate helps :D

  11. I can remember when I posted six days a week. What a nutter I was. Twice a week is all I can handle these days. I want to do a lot more reading this year too. A book a week is my goal.

    1. You certainly were a nutter, Steve! LOL. I can't image blogging 6 days. I used to blog MWF, but looking back, that was crazy!. I want to do more reading this year too. Good luck with your goals!

  12. Best of luck with your 2015 goals. Appears they're well-defined and doable. I'm not sure how to use my FB author page. FB shows the posts to so few people.


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