
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

IWSG: Book Building

The first Wednesday of the month is Insecure Writer's Support Group Day, where writers confess their writing fears and woes. If you want to sign up, go HERE. Thanks to Alex Cavanaugh and this month's co-hosts, Chemist Ken, Suzanne Sapseed, and Shannon Lawrence!

Things are going well for me so far this year. I haven't gotten a lot of actual writing done, but I read Save the Cat by Blake Snyder, and WOW! I love what he has to say and how he organizes his work. As someone who appreciates organization and writes outlines before I can begin to write a book, his book was an eye opener. And not only organization, but a system to insure that each scene has emotion and conflict.

It's a slow process and I've found myself getting anxious that I'm not getting any actual writing done. Then I reminded myself that I don't need to be in a hurry. The only deadlines are in my head. That a good story takes a lot of planning in order to work, at least for a plotter like me. Now pantzers are another story...

The truth is, I'm enjoying this process of basically "book building" immensely (even though it's for screenwriting, it's an excellent tool for a novelist). By the time I through planning, I figure the story will be in place and the only thing left to do will be the actual writing.

I'll let you know how it's goes.

How's your writing life going?


  1. Awesome how you're following Save the Cat. I need to read it again.

    1. I need to read it again, too. I highlighted and tabbed the pages I want to go back to. I'm pretty kooky that way, LOL.

  2. I'll be interested to hear how this goes for you.

    1. I'll be talking about it again, for sure. I need to get further along in the process first.

  3. Never hurry your writing. It just stresses you out more.

  4. I'm a pantser. Outlining steals my creative juices on the story. As far as rushing - it is tough to slow down and focus on the story when there are people putting out new work every two to three months. How do they do that? But, yes, it is so important to take the time YOU need in your story and not cave to peer pressure.

    Good luck!

    1. I've heard people say that before, Kai. But I have to have all my ducks in a row first!

  5. I'm glad this year has been going well for you! Take your time. Sometimes the deadlines we place on ourselves need to be thrown out the window.

    1. Yep, right now I have no deadline, but once I'm through organizing, I know I'll set one!

  6. When one is creative one must follow their own style and time. Enjoy the time writing and savour the moments

  7. That's how it works for me. Lots of planning time and then all that's left to do is write.
    Save the Cat is an awesome book. My favorite on writing.

    1. I remember you saying that before, Alex, and I really, really like that idea.

  8. I still need to read Save the Cat. And it's always good when the deadlines are only in your head. That means they can change. Plotting can definitely take a lot of time depending on the book.

  9. It sounds like you're on an excellent track - keep going! I've heard so many good things about that book. Must add it to my TBR list.

  10. I'm wrapping up minor edits and then will be ready to ask people if they want to read an Advanced Copy of Salem's Daughters. It's great to be at this point and start lining up the marketing and promotions and all.

    1. Steve, that's a huge accomplishment. Congratulations!

  11. I don't think I'll ever be able to plot a book. I mean, that may change, but currently, it's not something I can fathom. Good for you though. Slow and steady can make a great book. =)

    1. Patricia, a pantzer, huh? I can't fathom that, LOL. It's amazing how different people can be but still arrive at the same place. So cool.

  12. My writing is going pretty well. And I also love his book for the same reasons :-)

    Here's my link if you'd like to drop by :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  13. Outlining isn't actual writing? When I outline I seem to write the bare basics of the novel. Maybe that's why I prefer pantsing.

  14. Hey, as long as you're in the reading/writing atmosphere, it counts. Two projects are battling for my attention right now. So things are pretty bittersweet.

  15. Save the Cat was both eye-opening and frustrating for me. I've found it useful as a guideline, with some good pointers on plot structure. Author Jami Gold has some wonderful customized beat sheets on her website--just do a search for them. Her posts on plotting are also excellent.

    Here's my March IWSG post

    1. Oh, thank you, Steph! I'll definitely go check out Jami's sheets.

  16. Save the Cat is one of my favorite writing books, too! And I haven't gotten much writing done this year either :-(

    1. Well, I guess we can give ourselves a break. It's only a couple of months into the year. LOL.

  17. Well, the more you plan, the more solid the story, and hopefully less you have to fix later.

    1. Yes, that's the goal, Diane. Nothing left to do but write!

  18. Good luck with your book building! I'm a pantser, but I'm getting at making notes, random as they are, before I write! Have a lovely weekend.

  19. I wish I knew how to outline and plan a story. Like Christine, I'm a total pantser. It's good not to be rushed, no deadlines, no stress. Everyone's talking about Save the Cat. I'll have to look into that one!

  20. I've heard a lot about Save the Cat. Hope your planning works out for you.

  21. I've been hearing a lot abut Save the Cat, too. So happy to hear it's helping you with your organization skills.... I'm one of those crazy pantzers.... lol. But I have been working on the same novel for the past four years and it's finally ready/ YAY! I am a pantzer PERFECTIONIST.... lol.

    All the best with your story!


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