
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

IWSG: Behind My Time

Well that was the fastest April in history! I took the month off from this blog, but participated in the 2015 A-Z Blogging Challenge with Untethered Realms. I think it's pretty darn cool that bloggers do this every year. It's a chance to touch base with old blogging friends and meet new ones. All in all, it's quite the success!

So, onto the business of May, and in particular the first Wednesday of the month when members of the Insecure Writer's Support Group post about writerly stuff. Thanks to Alex Cavanaugh and his minions for hosting this every month and making sure that hundreds of writers receive a supportive visit.

After publishing three books I wanted to up my game by learning more about pacing and writing a better book. I read Save the Cat by Blake Snyder and learned a lot. Even though it's for screenwriters, it's a great tool for any writer. Then I heard about Take Off Your Pants!: Outline Your Books for Faster, Better Writing by Libbie Hawker. Both are basically the same premise, but TOYP is specifically for writers. I'm learning a lot, even though most of what I've read I already knew, just never really applied it, at least not in an organized manner.

So, what's my problem? I've gotten no writing done this year. Just bits and pieces. I keep telling myself I'm investing in learning time to become a better writer. But I'm getting antsy because, well, I haven't written anything! I thought I'd get a book out this year, but now it's May and I'm thinking maybe not. Probably not! I feel like I'm behind in my time, as Scrooge accused Marley in A Christmas Carol. *big sigh*

Thanks for listening!

What's your writing insecurity this month?

Did you participate in the A-Z Challenge?


  1. I need to read some books on the craft of writing too. Except for my blog, I haven't written creatively in over a year. I understand your frustration. But when you work full-time, it can be hard at times to find consistent time to write. I've had to accept with all my life changes and wanting not to work as much, that I have to let the writing be on the back seat for now. But hopefully this summer I'll have a little more time. You'll find your balance too. Don't beat yourself up too much.

    1. Summer is coming, Natalie. I sure hope you get some time off to write (((hugs)))

  2. Mine's the same as yours. Not a lot of writing getting done. I'm treating it just like exercising. I'm going to just start and see what happens.

  3. Even though you're not writing, you're still doing things a writer does and all of this will help you to write later. I love to read books about the craft, so thanks for the recommendations! :)

    1. You're welcome, Chrys. Check them out, they're both awesome books.

  4. I've written a lot of stuff this year. But I'm stuck on a project that I wanted finished 2 years ago. So instead, I'm working on 2 other pieces.

    1. Your post was so cute today, Shelly. I do love when Hair Ball and Sir Poops make appearances <3

  5. Maybe you should write a short story, test out your newly acquired skills, no pressure. This always gets my juices flowing. :)

  6. Taking time to study your craft is very important, but I feel your pain about not writing much. Most of the writing I've done so far this year has been just bits and pieces. Now I'm getting to the point where I should start writing again, and I'm doing anything but write. *sighs*

    1. Never enough time, Cherie, but we'll get there <3

  7. Save the Cat is a great book. I just heard about the other one today.
    Researching your craft is still good. Maybe try what Shah suggested.

    1. I learned a lot, Alex. I think it will make me a better writer.

  8. I love Save the Cat - I will have to check out the other one you mention. I hope you're able to get some writing done and I'm sure your time researching was not wasted. :)

    1. I know it's not wasted time, Kimberly. It's going to help in the long run. I just wish I was getting some actual writing done.

  9. I understand your worry. That was me last year and I didn't get a book out. At least the world kept turning. You're doing important work studying the craft, so you'll write faster and put out more books. =)

    1. Haha! Yes the world is still turning. Now that's putting it into perspective :D

  10. Sometimes a break is much needed. Learning if good, and your muse will return with a vengeance and then nothing will stop you from writing.

    1. I love that prediction, Cathrina. Thank you!

  11. I didn't get as much done in January and February as I expected on the writing front but I plan to make up for it in May and June.

    1. Ebbs and flows I guess Susan. It seems like even the best laid plans go awry sometimes. But onward and forward, right?

  12. I'm considering blog posts, book reviews, and critique comments as my writing successes this year. And blog comments, lol. I have a $25 Amazon gift card, perhaps I'll purchase the Pants book.

    1. Writing is writing is writing, Donna. I did really like Pants, you should get it.

  13. I just finished reading TOYP too... made lots of notes and I'll be using them for my next book. Don't be too harsh on yourself about not writing anything. As writers we go through various ebbs and flows... You'll get back into it in no time:)

  14. I hear the insecurity about not having written. I've written,but I'm not happy with it. I don't know which is worse. However, don't let this hiatus bog you down. You've got more months in 1015 to put that pen paper.

  15. I'm with you about the not writing thing . . . only wrote 100 pages in my WIP since my third book came out at the end of January :-(

  16. My insecurity? Well, I'd love to be able to write faster and still have it be good! LOL.


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