
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

IWSG: Someday Minus The Snort Factor

It's the first Wednesday of the month which coincides with the Insecure Writer's Support Group day, and my monthly post. Thanks to Alex Cavanaugh and this month's co-hosts for all the work they do on our behalf. Stop by their blogs and say hello to Alex Cavanaugh,  Heather M. Gardner Christine Rains, Dolorah at Book Lover Julie Flanders  and Murees Dupé if you get a chance.

Since I have nothing new to say about my writing insecurities, I thought I'd share about my hopes and plans. I've been working on an outline for a new book/series. It's taking a loooong time. Strangely, I'm okay with that. I want it to be right. 

But I am still really excited to get started on the writing part!

I'm hoping that once I start the writing that I can share bits and pieces of it with graphics here on my blog and on Twitter and Facebook. Maybe build up some interest in the book while it's still in the writing process. And, you know, sort of act like I'm catering to those avid readers who can't wait for my next book to come out. *snort* Someday I hope to say that without snorting.

But mostly I want to enjoy the whole process without feeling the pressure to publish and just take my time to make sure the writing and story is as good as I'm capable of producing.

I might even try to blog once per week instead of once per month!

What are your hopes and plans?
Any particular insecurity this month?


  1. Awesome that you're working on a new project. I admire you for outlining it. I can't seem to do that.

    1. I wish I could write without outlining, Natalie. I'm so envious of writers who can do that.

  2. I think taking your time to write the book/books you want is great. I tend to rush things along. The most important part is for you to enjoy it and it sounds like you do. Wishing you the best with your project.

    1. Murees, I am enjoying it but at the same time feeling antsy about getting started writing. That's okay, though. I'm not planning on publishing until next year.

  3. Great that you are working on a new book/series. Take your time with the outline.

    1. So far, Rachna, I've been working on it off and on all year. I've done a lot of studying the craft, though, in between.

  4. I don't think we need to be insecure every month! We should feel free to be confident if we so find ourselves. I like to hear about people moving into new projects. Never been by here so I will take some time and look around. Good luck on outlining (I'm a pantser but always in awe of the outliners).

    1. Oh, thanks for stopping by, Jan. My blog is a bit outdated at the moment. That's another thing on my to-do list.

  5. Did you just snort?
    Enjoy the writing and don't worry.

    1. Yes, Alex, that was me snorting. LOL. I do a lot of it.

  6. I think your plans sound great! I would love to know more about your next project. :)

  7. I've read a number of posts today talking about how the pressure to publish sucks the joy out of writing. Sounds like you have the right idea.

    Susan Says

    1. I'm trying, Susan. If I only had more time to write maybe I wouldn't feel so pressured.

  8. That's really smart to build up interest during the writing process. Good luck with your new project! :)

    1. Thanks, Chrys. That's the plan, now to implement it...

  9. Having a project to look forward to is so wonderful. Here's to getting started and enjoying it.

    1. Thanks, Lee. Writing the outline is sort of the build up to the enjoyment of writing the actual novel.

  10. Don't snort. I love your books! Good luck with the outline and I hope you get to start writing soon. I'm diving into my newest project. I love that new draft feeling!

  11. Glen, good luck on the writing it'll come and then you'll be a lean mean writing machine.

  12. It's good to enjoy and take your time. That's what I've been doing.

    1. Well I know you've got a lot on your plate, Shelly, so good for you!

  13. I think that's kind of where I'm at right now too. I want to take my time with my current project and enjoy it instead of obsessing about getting it published. Although right now I'm not doing enough to say I'm enjoying it but I am at least enjoying thinking about it LOL.
    Looking forward to learning more about your new series!

  14. Good luck! Sometimes I have to rein myself in and remember to take my time and enjoy the ride. It's nice to have someone remind me of that. Thanks.

  15. I love those hopes and plans. Lately I've been thinking that writing like no one else is ever going to see it is actually a good way to go about the first draft. It gives you permission to just do what you love.

    1. I like the way you put that, Cherie. Imagine what you might do without that voice on your shoulder nagging. LOL.

  16. Ooh, a new series? Fun! Best of luck with the outline, and eventually all the writing! Taking time to enjoy the process instead of rushing it sounds like the smartest plan...

  17. Yay! Best of luck! I'm hoping to find an agent to rep my next novel :-)

  18. It's nice to be able to enjoy writing without feeling panicked about deadlines.


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