
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

IWSG: Marketing Mojo

It's Insecure Writer's Support Group day! The first Wednesday of every month is when members of the Group post about our writerly insecurities. If you want to sign up, go HERE. Thank you to Alex Cavanaugh and his co-hosts for making this event happen every month. 

Marketing. Doesn't the word strike fear in your heart? It does mine. If you're an indy author or with a small press then you know the agony of marketing. You're expected to do it yourself. But of course, you can't really do it by yourself. You need help and you have to ask for it. You have to ask bloggers to host you and share your books. It's a lot of social media. Blogging, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Wattpad.

That's why I've done virtually no marketing of my books this year. The push and the grind of trying to get sales is stressful. I just didn't want to do it. Blogging has been part of that push and grind for me too. So I took a break.

But, well, I really want to be a writer. A successful writer. So I'm starting to come back around. I'm getting those stirrings where I'm sort of caring again. About writing and even marketing. And maybe when I really get back into the writing (I've only been outlining) I'll care about blogging again and sharing what I'm working on.

So--since I write paranormal and this is October, the most paranormal month of the year, I went out on a limb and took things in hand a bit. I made Second Death free (which wasn't easy, but I'm pretty sure it was the hour I sat at my laptop pasting in the free link from B&N at Amazon so they'd price match) and put books II & III on sale. AND, I'm doing Facebook and Twitter sponsored ads. We'll see how it goes *shrugs*

OH! And I decided to be a real author and start a NEWSLETTER. It'd be awesome if you subscribed up at the top in the sidebar--and receive a free book (See? I've got marketing mojo!).

And...I'm thinking about writing a short story for the A-Z Anthology contest. Not that I'll win, not with all the other awesome authors and submissions, but I think it will be a good experience for me.

How are your marketing skills?

Have you even run ads?

How do you promote your books?


  1. The thought of marketing terrifies me too. That's great you picked yourself up and are doing some this month since your book is paranormal. I signed up for your newsletter.

    1. I just wish someone would do it for me, Natalie, LOL. Thanks for signing up for my newsletter!

  2. Glad the urge is returning! Hope those ploys work and generate more sales and writing.
    Hope you can submit something to the IWSG Anthology Contest.

    1. Thanks, Alex. I'm working on my story. Hope I can get it done in time :)

  3. I haven't run ads but I'll be interested in hearing how it works out for you. Marketing is tough for everyone unless you're a superstar with a big publisher.

    Susan Says

    1. So far, Susan, I'm getting followers on Twitter and Facebook, but the sales are still down. We'll see!

  4. Marketing is hard. I've stepped back from a lot of social media sites because they were overwhelming me so much. My sales feel the impact just as much, so I'm trying out a sale too in attempts to get back out there and market. :)

    1. I know I'm not the only one struggling, Cherie. Hope your sale goes well!

  5. Woot! Just signed up to your mailing list. Oh marketing, the never ending ladder that seems to quadruple with every step.

    1. Thank you, TBM! Now to go generate a newsletter for my 8 followers, LOL!

  6. I'm not published yet but the thought of having to market is slightly terrifying. I know there's a whole lot involved. Right now I'm just taking it one step at a time, though.
    I can't resist free so I snagged Second Death :)

  7. I hate marketing too. I do it sporadically but what I really like to do is writing. It's so much more fun. I wish I could hire a marketer of my own. Maybe we could bunch together and hire a marketer for a group of writers. One can wish...

  8. I just ran a facebook "boost" type thing with one of my posts about my Dynamic Writing 1 book, and it actually garnered me a few sales that I didn't expect. The sales really didn't pay for the boost, but I felt like at least a few more people heard about the book so I decided to count it as a partial success. Please tell us more about how it works for you!

  9. I feel the same way about marketing and have totally slacked off on it recently because I find it so draining. But I'm trying to get my head in the game again. I hope your efforts will pay off!

  10. My marketing skills are lacking too. I try though.
    Oh and if you're book will still be free on Halloween, I'm doing a hop for free books to celebrate Halloween if you'd like to join. =)

  11. Unfortunately, my marketing skills appear to be nonexistent. I can write and publish but the marketing, oh dear me lol!

    Glad your writing appetite is slowly kicking back into gear :-)

  12. My marketing is not good. I have no desire to learn it. I think if I ever have a book to promote, I'm hiring a promoter.

  13. I have no marketing skills. I can't even get myself to market myself to agents. And I keep holding out hope that one of them will hand deliver a manuscript to a major publishing house which will then put a full scale effort behind me.

    I guess I need to wake up.

    I get the writing done, but I like to pretend that isn't enough.

  14. I haven't done any marketing in months, and keep telling myself I will get back to it when I release more books. Of course, my sales have fallen sharply. It will interesting to see how you get on this month. Let us know how it goes.

  15. Marketing is always so tough, not to mention time-consuming! Not surprised you felt the need to take a break from it for a while. Good luck getting back into the swing of things!

  16. Marketing skills. Those two words don't fit together too well in my universe. I need to change that.

  17. I feel like with all the marketing I do, none of it makes a difference. Everyone wants a free book or my favorite questions, "When is your book going on sale for 99 cents?" The thing that's worked best for me sales wise is school visits, but since I'm a full-time teacher myself, I'm limited to only 5 a year (that's how many personal days we get). My publisher has done Kindle countdown and Book Bub periodically & that helps get the word out.


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