
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

IWSG: Stocking Up On Story Power

It's Insecure Writer's Support Group Day! I know a lot of people are doing the A - Z Challenge this month and are really busy, so I'll keep my post short.

First, thank you to Alex Cavanaugh and his co-hosts for putting this event on every month. If you're a writer and want to join, go HERE.

Even though I'm anxious about not getting much writing done, I'm feeling really good about the decision to switch to some middle grade writing. I wrote first lines to four MG stories that came to me begging to be acknowledged, LOL. And you know how important first lines are!

I'm also outlining an MG story and having lots of fun with it.

I'm starting to wonder, though, if I'm becoming a professional outliner (since I already have two completed outlines for two other novels that I probably should be working on first!).

What do you think?

Am I a Professional Outliner
Just stocking up on story power?


  1. Interesting question, Gwen! I'm a firm believer that if a writing idea hits you, capture it! Sometimes I can't think for all the ideas running around in my head. So I dash them down as briefly as possible and then return to develop them at a later time. I envy your ability to outline a novel. The only way I seem to write anything is to flounder around until what I'm writing emerges from the chaos. I have to write to figure out what I'm writing ~ if that makes any sense. Happy writing in April!

    1. I write down story ideas as well, but there is no way I could write without outlining to keep it all straight. I wish I could!

  2. I think you'll get to the writing part when you're ready. And those that outline say it really speeds up the writing process.

    1. I know I will, Natalie, I'm just getting anxious about it. LOL.

  3. You have the skeletons and can add the flesh and sinew when the inspiration takes you. :)

    1. That's it, Shah. I feel like I need to outline it before it gets away from me.

  4. Totally stocking story power. I've got about 40 of those sitting in a folder waiting for attention. Thank goodness for the avenue of flash fiction!

    Crystal Collier

    1. 40 outlines?! Yikes, you need to get to work, girl!

  5. I can outline an essay in no time. Ask me to outline a story and I am a fail. We all work in different ways. Good luck with the stockpile.

  6. You're gathering story power and then you're going to explode! Hehehe! Then I'll have some more wonderful books from you to read. :)

    1. Explode into a powerhouse, right? LOL. Thank you, Christine. I might just come up with something that Brandon will like, too. ;)

  7. I think any amount of working on your craft (writing/outlining) is a good thing. Plus, if you're an outliner, you'll need those to start the actual writing! Good luck!

    1. I'm definitely an outliner. Must. Outline. Always.

  8. I think you're gathering up story power. Sometimes, we just don't feel like we're in for the long haul and it's perfectly okay. I think we have to be adaptable to be successful. Your co-host, Viola Fury, aka Mary

    1. I'm definitely in it for the long haul, Viola. I just stress myself out when I think I'm not getting enough done and moving forward.

  9. You seem to be switching directions, Gwen, and the time of transition is always jarring. But it usually leads to a better place. Go where you heart leads and don't worry. You will arrive when it's the right time.

  10. Maybe you're doing both! Or is that too easy of an answer? LOL

  11. I'm not an outliner, but I almost always discover that my favorite books were worked on for years, so I say outline away!

  12. Clearly you are stocking up on story power!! I don't see it any other way. :D
    Cool that you got those first lines written!

  13. I'm also an outliner! I'm going with story power!


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