
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

IWSG: Why I Write Cozy

It's Insecure Writer's Support Group day! The first Wednesday of every month is when writers share their writing angst with fellow writers and lend a sympathetic ear or offer advice. Because writing ain't easy! (Is ain't a real word now?). If you want to join, you can sign up HERE

Today's optional question is: What do you love about the genre you write in most often?

As a reader, I'll read just about anything, from classic literature to young adult dystopian to historical fiction, to self-help or inspirational. But my go-to book is always a mystery. Sometimes it's a procedural, sometimes it's a cozy, and sometimes even paranormal cozies because they are less stressful. I get stressed when reading or watching something over the top. Like the news these days...

But what I like to write are lighthearted paranormal cozy mysteries. There's something clean and wholesome about it. An affirmation that although there's darkness in the world, there is also an abundance of light. Justice always prevails, which satisfies something deep in my core being. 

While writing, I have control, and I make the best of it by making things sweet and cozy. Of course, all of this happens with a splash of mayhem, a dash of humor, and a bit of pot stirring to make things more interesting, because life is exciting and much too short not to have fun, even inside a fictitious world. 

Sometimes I wear rose-colored glasses. They're a bit out of fashion, but I like them...

What is your writing genre of choice?

Do you ever read cozies?

Do some genres stress you out?

What color are your glasses?


  1. I read mysteries but not really cozy ones. I like the control in writing too. I'm a fantasy writer because I love new worlds and magic. I don't think I have rosie glasses on anymore given all that's gone on in my life and what I've seen in publishing.

    1. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, but that's really the only fantasy I've read.

      I hear what you're saying about the glasses. But I think all the things I've seen and experienced in life has had the opposite effect on me, and so I choose to wear rose colored glasses. But trust me, I have no illusions about the world we live in.

  2. I read and write cozy mysteries as well. I find them to be a nice easy read, which is great when your brain is working overtime thinking or stressing about other stuff. When it comes to writing them, I love being able to kill off characters. It can be cathartic :-)

    Cheers - Ellen |

    1. That's what I like about cozies, the non-stressful part. And there is no gore!

  3. re: Do some genres stress you out?

    I won't read horror novels that's for sure. I'm a chicken with an active imagination. I'd have nightmares all the time.

    1. I don't read horror either. I have huge respect for Stephen King, and I loved his On Writing. But I don't read his works of fiction.

  4. And since yours was the winning story in the IWSG anthology, I'd have to say you rock at mystery!

    1. ***blushing*** Cozies aren't for everyone, but they have their place in the genre for people who don't like to get stressed.

  5. I do enjoy cozy mysteries and mysteries in general. I grew up reading things like Nancy Drew and The Cat Who books, which were more cozy mysteries. My mom loves cozy mysteries too. It's about the only thing she reads. She particularly likes the ones that have recipes in them.

    1. Cozies tend to have themes, like baking, or cats, or any number of things. Food is a great theme for cozies, because food is comfort. (I love food! LOL).

  6. I also love to read any genre.

    Lighthearted paranormal cozy mysteries are the best of all worlds. :)

  7. I read a lot of different genres. I've read some cozy mysteries though usually only those written by friends. It's not my go-to but I have enjoyed them.

    1. Depends on your current mood. Sometimes I want something a little more in depth. Sometimes not.

  8. I enjoy cozies more than the bigger mysteries. I totally avoid the news these days because it's just too much. I find it very satisfying when justice prevails in stories too.

    1. Everything we watch is recorded so we can avoid a lot of the angst. I just don't want to hear the same thing every day, repeated and repeated. Bleh!

  9. Reading widely is always a good idea no matter what genre you choose to create in. I love a good cozy story right along with a touch of literary. What a fantastic mix to keep my mind charged.

    1. I like a wide variety for reading, but so far only write in cozy. Who knows, I might branch out :)

  10. I've never been a big mystery person, but I love your cozies. They aren't too heavy and the ghosts are a big bonus.

  11. The news always stresses me out! Its good to kick back with a little light-hearted fun occasionally. Otherwise, we'd all just be gloomy.

    My glasses were a purplish-blue, but I recently replaced them with grayish-brown. Maybe I thought I should look a little more grown up, lol.

    1. My glasses change color too. But I like rosy best ;)

  12. I love that all genres blend into each other in some way these days. I haven't analyzed if that's always been so, but to have paranormal in romance and mystery, science fiction in other genres, etc. is such a cool thing.

    1. The possibilities are endless, Shannon! It's part of what makes writing and reading so awesome.

  13. I love what you said here, "But what I like to write are lighthearted paranormal cozy mysteries. There's something clean and wholesome about it. An affirmation that although there's darkness in the world, there is also an abundance of light. Justice always prevails, which satisfies something deep in my core being. "

    Beautiful. Agreed.

  14. I think you are the Queen of lighthearted paranormal cozy mysteries!
    You summed up your writing so perfectly: "splash of mayhem, a dash of humor, and a bit of pot stirring!"
    Happy Writing!

  15. I'm not so big a mystery fan. I've tried it, but often it's too close to reality. When I read, I want to escape, and in order to do that, I don't want to be reading about every day places and struggles. I have two types of books that I avoid: true crime (you can see how mystery kind of falls close to there), and YA or Adult crying books. Ugh. Now I appreciate the elements of mystery in ANY plot, but I'm not so into solving riddles.

    1. Hardcore mystery is too real for me! And I definitely don't read true crime. Heck, if I wanted that sort of thing I'd watch the news everyday--but I don't. I catch the headlines so I know what's going on in the world, but I don't need the gory details.

      Cozies are another matter. Not so in your face. And when you add ghostie sleuths, well, it just makes everything fun.

  16. Gwen,
    I love cozy mysteries and I agree completely about why. We need more warm mug of hot chocolate style love in the world. Thanks for sharing this.

    Anne from

    1. Ha! A true fellow cozian! You know what I'm talking about ;)

  17. Love your cover page for your blog. It's in the same style as our anthology. And, I see a cat who looks like my Leo peaking out that upstairs window. (I read your post on our anthology blog. Nice job.)
    Mary at Play off the Page


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