
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

#IWSG: What's Hiding Under the Back Seat?

The first Wednesday of the month has rolled around again. That means it's time to post for the Insecure Writer's Support Group event. If you want to join, go HERE. Everyone is welcome!

Thanks to Alex Cavanaugh and his co-hosts this month: The awesome co-hosts for the October 3 posting of the IWSG are Dolorah @ Book Lover,Christopher D. Votey, Tanya Miranda, and Chemist Ken! 

This month's optional question is: How do major life events affect your writing? Has writing ever helped you through something?

This is a timely question! We've done some restructuring at the day job and now my duties have been increased. Stress levels have increased. I've been promised some help, but probably not until the first of the year. A raise is somewhere in the offing too. For now, 10 - 11 hour days are the new normal. 

Writing time? Not likely, except on weekends, if I can manage it. 

Still, I'm grateful for my job and will do the best I can. But writing will take a back seat--or more likely, will be hiding under the back seat until I go looking for it and drag it into the light of day. Heh. There's a story in there somewhere... 

What do major life events do to/for your writing?


Untethered Realms have put all of our accumulated short stories together in an anthology--just released! If you like speculative fiction, this anthology has everything from ghosts, witches and sprites, to otherworldly creatures and dystopian worlds. 

Elements of Untethered Realms


  1. Work, what a necessary evil. And keeps the writing time limited.

    The anthology looks interesting.

    1. You said it, Donna! I can't wait for the day when I can write more.

  2. 10 - 12 hour days aren't unusual for me either, so I know what you mean. Of course, I work weekends, too. My husband says I am a really mean boss. LOL

    1. I could sneak out earlier, but I'm too anal to leave too much to do for the next day. Because getting behind is not an option. LOL.

  3. Good luck! I'm sure there's a story hiding under the back seat ;-) Happy IWSG day!

    Ronel visiting on Insecure Writer's Support Group day: Course Correction

    1. Some day I'll drag that story out, Ronel! Heh. When I have time.

  4. Exactly. Sometimes work is life changing enough. LOL!

    I think they should've given you the raise first before the longer hours.

    1. I wish I got the raise first too! But raises in swimming pool construction in the wintertime probably isn't going to happen.

  5. Those are long days :-( It's hard to find time for writing when you're working such long hours and also have to manage the other life chores, family etc.

    1. Creativity goes right out the window. Or under the back seat :(

  6. Congratulations on the anthology release!
    Take the back seat and let someone else do the driving for a while.

    1. I wish I could let someone else do the driving. Haha!

  7. That's similar to my work situation. It's changed over the past year and even though the changes have been good overall they have still really decreased my writing time.
    Love the cover of the anthology and I hope it's a big success for the group!!

    1. The changes are good for the company. There is just going to be a settling in period to see what I can handle or how much help I'll need.

  8. One day at a time, eh? I'm hoping you keep your feet under you and find cheese along the way.

  9. Life can definitely throw wrenches into the writing world. Hang in there. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  10. I didn't write much when I was working my final management job before I "retired". I was usually too engaged with work to write or too tired after work to write. Now that I'm retired, in the past year or so I've hit a wall that has made me resist writing. I guess I'll get back to it eventually and if I don't then that's as it was meant to be.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. I'm in management and really close to "retirement" as well, Arlee. I just gotta stick with it. I hope you find your writing mojo!

  11. That's a lot of hours! The stories will still be there when you have time to breathe!

  12. Right now a full time job would be a blessing. I have to admit I wrote more when I worked full time. It made me a more productive writer. Happy IWSG.

    1. My job is a blessing, I'm so grateful. I can't wait to write full time :)

  13. You know I can relate to how your job is affecting your writing. Mine as attorney always did that and even this contract writing job is time consuming. It's better to be practical and have a good job that pays well and hopefully has benefits. There will be times later to write more.

    1. The job pays the bills, so it comes first, absolutely.

  14. I thought I would get to return to writing this week after several months of heavy organizing for a community event that was last weekend. Sadly, life has not let up. I'm thinking of screaming "Let me off!" Think it will help? Tomorrow I'm turning off my phone and the internet for my two hours of writing time. It will be so worth it.

    1. Things do tend to keep momentum for a while. Sounds like you've got a grip on it though. Go you!

  15. I am down to weekend writing only. But that doesn't stop me from brainstorming during the week. It gets me in the mood to really write on the weekends and early morning (if I'm up:)

  16. Writing being placed in the back seat seems like a theme this month and sadly I'm there too. I'm a book consultant so I'm working on other people's books for the next few months.I hope your help arrives sooner than later.

  17. 10 - 11 hour days are the new normal? That long? Sounds hectic. Hope that somewhere along the way, the pay will match the hours... or is that wishful thinking?
    Congrats on the release of Elements of Untethered Realms!

    1. Looong days. But I got this! Thank you, Michelle :)

  18. Those are long days. Hopefully it all works out in the end! Yay for UR! :)

  19. Damn work, getting in the way of the things we love to do. :-/

    Congrats on the book. Going to check it out.

  20. Oh, ack, sorry to hear work's been extra stressful lately, and that it's cutting into writing time, as a result. Can only imagine how exhausting an 11-hour work day is. Best of luck juggling it all!

    1. I’m starting to get used to it now. But I don’t want to! Wah!

  21. Ah, the job. What a pain it is. We could be writing books!

  22. Ugh! I'd die with long hours like that, but a job is better than no job. I hope things get easier soon.

  23. That is a lot of hours. I wouldn't have time to write either. Good luck!

  24. We retired, so work isn’t an issue now—but major life issues are! Selling our home, traveling, yeah, not a lot of writing happening. But I love that idea of writing hiding under the back seat. Maybe a bit of flash fiction in that for me :D

  25. That definitely doesn't sound like writing time will be possible. I hope things settle down soon.

  26. I don't work at a paying job anymore, but when I did most of my time was consumed by my work and my family time at home. I write a little more now that I'm retired, but distractions are always available.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out


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