
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

#IWSG: Closet Cozy

Wow! We are halfway through the year already! And it's time for June's Insecure Writer's Support Group post. If you struggle with the writing life and you'd like to join us, go HERE.

Thank you to our host Alex Cavanaugh and this month's awesome co-hosts: Diane Burton, Kim Lajevardi,Sylvia Ney, Sarah Foster, Jennifer Hawes, and Madeline Mora-Summonte! 

This month's optional question: Of all the genres you read and write, which is your favorite to write in and why?

I read widely, from self-help to spiritual to dystopian and YA and everything in between. But I always come back to mysteries. All kinds of mysteries, of which there's a bazillion sub-genres. I love to read procedurals (Val McDermid, Ann Cleeves, Deborah Crombie) and historical (Jacquelyn Winspear). 

But I love to write cozy mysteries! Paranormal cozy mysteries (a sub-sub-genre?) if I'm being more specific. If I had to say why, it would probably be that it stretches my imagination into something that's fun and entertaining. Where justice reigns, and good people succeed. It appeals to my sense of humor and playfulness that most people would never guess lay beneath my stoic exterior. Don't tell anyone, but... I'm a closet cozy with all the bells and whistles. And people think they know you, right?!. 

What about you? 

Would people guess what lay beneath your exterior through your writing?

What is your favorite read vs write genre?


  1. I write in fantasy, which I used to only read. But now I've gone back to mysteries and contemporary adult. I haven't tried a cozy mystery and have been thinking that I should soon. I have a YA mystery in mind to write and it could help me with plot ideas.

    1. If you want a light read, try cozy mysteries. Everything "bad" happens off screen, and they tend to have quirky characters. Really fun!

  2. You write cozies well - stick with it.

  3. Like Natalie, I used to read mostly fantasy, but I have always loved mysteries and am waiting for my two favorite mystery series to come out later this year: Longmire and Spenser. As for cozy mysteries, I have discovered the mystery series set in Australia in the 1920's: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Check it out. I think you might like it -- it was the focus of my prior post. :-)

    1. I love Miss Fisher! I wish they'd bring her series back. I hear now that there will be a new series with her niece as the sleuth. Can't wait to check it out.

  4. I do love cozies too :) I find them really relaxing and fun. A nice diversion when life is hard or I'm exhausted. Loved your latest release!

    Cheers - Ellen

    1. They are an excellent escape! I'm in the middle of your Murder at the Marina and enjoying it very much!

  5. I'm so with you on this. I love mysteries. My absolute fave genre to read and write!

    1. And with so many sub-genres, you can go in a lot of different directions with it too.

  6. One of the reasons I don't tell anyone I know what my WIP is about. I don't think they would believe me! Heck, I was surprised I came up with it in the first place.

    1. Oh, the imagination is a wondrous thing! After my first release, my mother said she couldn't believe that came out of me. LOL.

  7. I like to read wide, too.

    I wish I could write a cozy mystery. I have a feeling that if I tried, it wouldn't be very cozy. lol

    1. LOL. I've tried to write not-so-cozy, but it doesn't work out. I think it's because I'm a "fixer". I want to fix everyone and everything and making it harder for my characters is a challenge.

  8. I write fantasy but love to read cozy's!

  9. I read everything and I love cozy mysteries. My attempts to write cozy, however, have been disasterous. I always end up taking a detour down the alley to Hell. Which is why now I write horror. I'm all for justice reigning, but my characters can be a bit ambiguous on the good/bad aspect.

    And yes, people have been surprised when they've read my work. I get this sideways glance and "so... how exactly is it that you're so knowledgable about dismembering and disposing of bodies?" I apparently have more knowledge than folks are comfortable with on exotic poisons, too. :-)

  10. I like mixing mystery and supernatural elements. You have to follow where your heart, or cozy interior lead you. :)

    Great post!

  11. I read a variety of books, but I find myself in the speculative, SF, and fantasy aisle most of the time with a strong leaning towards YA reads. I like cozy mysteries, too, but I'm not a fan of most other mysteries, except maybe old Sherlock Holmes mysteries. I seem to meet a lot of people who think I like "classics" or "literary" authors because I'm a teacher. I do read some books that fit in those categories, but it's not where I camp out. :)

    1. I have an English degree and have enjoyed many literary works. Sometimes I get in the mood to read classics. They are very different to modern fiction. It just depends on what mood I’m in.

  12. I read wide too but a lot falls under speculative fiction. Happy IWSG.

  13. I love your cozies! I read all genres and I have stories written in many, but I love writing ones with the paranormal involved. It's that something extraordinary that fascinates me.

    1. I agree, paranormal adds an additional element of intrigue.

  14. I love paranormal cozy mysteries! Or any cozy mystery. I've tried several times now to write one myself and it is so hard to write what is so easy to read. I'll have to look into your stuff now.
    Anne from

  15. Cozy mysteries are a lot of fun! Can easily see why you'd love to write for that genre, especially with a paranormal bent. And I know what you mean about humor and playfulness--I gravitate towards that as a writer, too. Everything I work on turns into a comedy, as a result. XD


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