
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

#IWSG: My Favorite #Haunt

Today is Insecure Writer's Support Group Day! The first Wednesday of every month is reserved for posting about our writerly concerns and accomplishments, then visit other blogs to offer support and encouragement. If you'd like to join, GO HERE. 

The awesome co-hosts for the September 4 posting of the IWSG are Gwen Gardner, (me!) Doreen McGettigan, Tyrean Martinson, Chemist Ken, and Cathrina Constantine! And many thanks to Alex Cavanaugh for forming and hosting since the beginning!

September 4 optional question - If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be and why?

My Indigo Eady paranormal cozy mystery series takes place in Sabrina Shores, England, but is based on the old English market town of Shrewsbury. I've been there several times, but living there for a year (and writing!) is at the top of my bucket list when I retire, which is only a few years away. 

I find the medieval town atmospheric with its history and timber-framed architecture. I can't wait to roam the narrow passages and alleyways with the resident ghosties. Because I just know the the dearly departed population can't wait to tell me their stories! 

And so, Shrewsbury England would be my favorite haunt!

What is the one place in the world 
you'd choose to write if you could?

The beach, the mountains...perhaps 
a haunted house?


  1. Sounds heavenly (and otherworldly!). As long as the residents keep to decent hours. Thanks for co-hosting this month, Gwen!

  2. I'm lovely this question already this month. It's so fun to see where everyone would like to write. Your location sounds really intriguing. I visited a town in Italy similar to what you describe, Certaldo. I would love to go back. Happy Hop Day. :)

  3. OMG! That locations sounds great. We need pictures!

    Actually, anywhere along the shores of England would probably be great. I'm still trying to convince my wife that we should retire there too.

    Thanks for co-hosting this month's IWSG post!

    1. I should have included pictures. It's very picturesque and atmospheric.

  4. Sounds like a great retirement plan :) So much history to inspire you, plus the ghosts would all speak with adorable English accents.

  5. Any place in England would be great. Something about all those old buildings.
    Thanks for co-hosting today!

    1. Something about all those old "haunted" buildings! LOL.

  6. Yes to England, please! Atmospheric settings are on my bucket list. It's a long list.

  7. Hi,
    Living in Shrewsbury sounds great. I would love to live in Matera or Rome Italy for a year and just write.
    Thank you so much for co_hosting.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Anywhere is Europe would be okay with me. I love it there!

  8. Thanks for co-hosting this month. Your ideal spot does sound quite ideal. I think the UK in general sounds like a nice place to write with all the cities and towns having such great connections to the past and tradition.

  9. If you're retiring soon, start making plans now. Even a couple months there would be wonderful.

    1. My hubs is already checking out the pricing on rentals ;)

  10. I do like small towns and some quaint village might make a nice hideaway. But overall, for me, I do like being in the good ol' U.S.A.

    Thanks for hosting. Hope you enjoy your retirement and get a lot of work done (writing that is).

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  11. I love your pick! Sounds like the perfect town for mystery.

    Thanks for co-hosting.

  12. That's great that you got to visit the setting for your mystery series. Hope you get back there for a long vacation where you take pictures and write. Thanks for co-hosting.

    1. I visited there years ago, and I loved it so much that I decided to make it my series location.

  13. What a fun answer! Thanks for co-hosting today. :)

  14. I just love saying Shrewsbury. Glad your mystery is set there. Thanks for co-hosting.

    1. The pronunciation is debatable, even among the locals. LOL.

  15. Shrewsbury is where Cadfael was!! They do tours there too, from the Cadfael novels/series. I'd write there too. Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. Yes, Cadfael was filmed there (love that series--it's on Britbox). And it's the birth place of Darwin.

  16. Sounds like a lovely location! Thanks for co-hosting this month.

  17. Ah, yes, I'd love to write in a place like that, too! Thanks for co-hosting!

  18. Shrewsbury is a wonderful choice! And, oh the stories your ghosties would tell. I love the name "Sabrina Shores"
    Thank you for co-hosting.

  19. I imagine there are hundreds of places in England that would inspire a mystery. There is so much history there, some tragic, some romantic. Have you sat in an old pub and listened to the local folks chat? I'd love to hear their stories. I'm looking forward to reading your Shrewsbury mystery.

  20. Your retirement plans sound lovely. Any place that is atmospheric like that calls my name. Creepy old houses and castles top the list!
    Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month!
    Mary at Play off the Page

    1. The last time we stayed at a 17th century old coach inn. Alas, no ghosties. Probably got scared away by all the noise at the pub below our room ;)

  21. What a lovely and inspiring place to export, retire and be inspired by ghostly whispers. I agree with Diane, a few months would be a good way to experience the year around weather and living conditions. I admire your adventures spirit. Wonderful, you husband is willing to help with the decision making process.
    Thanks for co-hosting September's IWSG blog hop.
    Lynn La Vita @ Writers Supporting Writers

  22. I love that you have a specific place filled with writing inspiration for your current and future work!
    Thanks for co-hosting!

  23. Living in Shrewsbury for a year sounds amazing. What an adventure that'll be. :)

  24. I like your setting. So many cozy novels have warm, enticing settings. Even paranormal, I bet I'd like yours.

    1. Very welcoming locations in cozies--until the murders start ;)

  25. Oh that sounds lovely. The rich history makes it sound extra enticing. Thanks so much for co-hosting today!

  26. Imagine the ghost writer possibilities in a haunted house...

    I would love to live a while in a quaint English town, one by the sea.

  27. If you sit too long the ghosts will tell! :)

  28. Shrewsbury sounds like my kind of place! England and Scotland are rife with ghosts and the perfect ambiance for writing.

    1. I agree. Ghosts run rampant (okay, maybe float) over there! As long as they're not standing by my bedside at night, I'm good. LOL.

  29. What a wonderful place to write! I love England and Scotland - and there would always be plenty of tea and scotch whiskey! Thanks for hosting this month's ISWG topic!

  30. "...the dearly departed population can't wait to tell me their stories!" LOL And I'm sure there are loads of fabulous stories waiting for you!
    Writer In Transit

  31. Thanks for co-hosting today!
    I’m with you on the English village. Mine will be the village of Goathland, Yorkshire where Goathland station was used as the setting as Hogsmeade station for the Hogwarts Express. If I can live at the station, and bring along the chair JK Rowling sat in to write the Harry Potter books, I’d be set. :-D

  32. I don't think I'd get much writing accomplished in a haunted house, but I like to write about haunted houses! Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. I could write there--but maybe not sleep there. LOL.

  33. Sounds like a great place to write!
    Thanks for co-hosting today!

    1. Yes, I didn't get the chance to write when I visited, so I can't wait to relax and write there for an extended period of time.

  34. That sounds wonderful. And I love the artwork on your blog header. I assume it's from your series. I love cozy mysteries, so I will have to check it out.

    1. Hi Heather, yes, the blog header is from my series. I have a wonderful illustrator if you need a referral. She illustrates my book covers as well.

  35. That sounds perfect. I want to visit you. LOL

  36. Sounds like a great place. Thanks for co-hosting. Happy IWSG Day!

  37. Not sure I'd want to encounter any ghosts--maybe friendly ones. :) Thanks for co-hosting this month.

    1. I only want to encounter friendly ones as well. LOL. Better yet, they should make an appointment. No showing up out of the ether unannounced ;)

  38. I'd stay there! There are a lot of fun new places I'm learning about on this IWSG hop.

  39. Oooh. That does sound lovely. Pack me in your suitcase? @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  40. OOooo - Shrewsbury, England - full of ghosts and medieaval vibes. Sounds like a great idea. I'm sure you'll do it and come back with a host of fabulous stories. (See what I did over there? Hahahahaa)

  41. Thanks for co-hosting today, Gwen! I hope that you have had lots of fun visiting IWSG members. Shrewsbury, England looks like a great place to explore. I hope that you realize your retirement dream of writing there for a year!

    1. We're already checking out rents there--it's gonna happen! Thanks for stopping by!

  42. I hope you make it to Shrewsbury first thing upon your retirement! How awesome that is coming up soon. Thanks for co-hosting, Gwen!

  43. I truly began writing when I retired. Three books (nearly four) later, I applaud your vision of living in Shrewsbury to write. And, I hope you travel many other places in your search for stories.

    1. My major writing will happen when I retire as well. Can't wait!

  44. Congrats, and thanks for co-hosting! My dream retreat is Shakespeare Co., Paris. I'd love to live rent free in a bookstore on the Left Bank. And they only except 'tumble weeds'. I feel you on the get-a-way dream!.

    1. I heard about that Shakespeare bookstore in Paris--I need to go there!

  45. Thanks so much for co-hosting. I love an English market town - that's where I'd like to spend my retirement years, so I think you've made a wonderful choice. I don't know Shrewsbury well, having only visited very briefly, but am loving that it already inspires you to write, so a return visit sounds a marvellous idea.

    1. I love England and the medieval towns and the Cotswolds. It's all so inspiring to me.

  46. Yes, Shrewsbury's a nice place, although I've only visited for one weekend. It's miles from the sea, though, and the character of seaside towns (like Sabrina Shores?) is very different.
    Hope you get to get there!

    1. There's a river there that runs through the village--the best of both worlds!

  47. Mmmm... Bit difficult setting Shrewsbury by the sea. Depends how near you are going to make it I suppose. I live in Shrewsbury, so if you need help 🤗

    1. How lucky are you?! I might have to hit you up on any research questions I might have.

    2. I am an historian and teacher, Gwen, living across the road from Cadfael's Abbey, writing historical fiction for children, and willing to help if needed 😊

    3. Oh wow, I feel like I just hit the jackpot! Thanks :)

  48. That sounds like a wonderful place to write. Hope you make it there!

  49. Ooooh. Sounds like a spooky selection. :)

    Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. It has to be a bit spooky--not too much, just the right amount of spooky. LOL.

  50. An old medieval town sounds perfect. I definitely want to visit.

  51. Shrewsbury, as in the haunt of one of my favorite amateur sleuths, Brother Cadfael? Definitely would be cool!

    1. Yes, home of Brother Cadfael. I first discovered him there (or rather books about him) in Shrewsbury years ago.

  52. Oh I can just imagine how amazing that town is. I would love to go all over in England. So much history!

    1. Yes, I love it there! I’m a complete Anglophile.

  53. Oooh, Shrewsbury sounds amazing! Hope you get the chance to live there for a year, as you hope. A medieval town would be such an inspiring place to write, for sure!

    1. Yes, I can’t wait to try my hand at writing there.

  54. That sounds awesome! I like to write horror, and I think living somewhere with ghosts would be cool for the creative muse. I could get inspired for writing fantasy/medieval in such an old town as this.

    1. I don’t do horror, but I’m sure that seeing a monster emerge from the mist might happen in such an old medieval town.

  55. Hi Gwen,

    Late, but better than not stopping by, I suppose:)

    Thanks for hosting and here's to making our bucket lists! I've only been to Shrewsbury once, but it was a fun day out and we had a blast!

  56. That would be so awesome! I'd love to visit the UK too. I'd be ecstatic with a quiet cabin in the mountains as well. :)

  57. Now that sounds like an inspiring place to write! And, you wouldn't have to do much yourself, as the ghosts of the past would whisper their life stories straight into your cozy mysteries. I hope you will be able to attend their meetings soon! :-)

    Since I live quite the challenging lifestyle, my favorite place would have to include running water and unlimited electricity and internet. Other than that, a beautiful view out the window and being in the middle of nature sounds about right! :-)

    Thank you for co-hosting this month.

  58. Hi Gwen, that sounds epic! I love anything medieval. Hope it comes true for you some day.

  59. Nice post.Keep sharing. Thanks for sharing.


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